CFCOC Training Video Manuscripts
Adding a New Client
In this training segment, we’ll go over how to add clients into GEMS. To add a client, start by clicking Families in the main GEMS portal. Once we’re in the family screen, we can add, edit and delete client information. To add a child to a family that already exists in GEMS, we can locate the family by entering their last name in the Find box and then click Find. This will provide us with a drop down list of all the families that match our search criteria. To add a child to this family, just click Add under the Children 0-5 tab. To add a child into GEMS that does not already exist in the system, or if you’re not sure if the child exists in the system, click Add. In this screen, the only required piece of information is the family last name. However, it is a good idea to include as much information as you have available. The intake date will always be the first date the family receives services. Another important field in this screen is the Alternate Program Defined Family ID. Completing this ID will help you identify the family when you’re searching in GEMS. Once you have completed entering your information, click Save. To add a child to this family, just click Add under the Children 0-5 tab. In this screen, we’re going to complete the required information in the upper portion of the screen. To see if this child already exists in GEMS, we’re going to click right here (clicked on blue “Click here to edit information & check if client already exists,” bar). We can see that this child does not already exist in the system, so we’re ok to proceed with our work. Again, we’ll enter the program entry date as the first day the child receives services, and all yellow fields are required. Again, we have a Program Defined Alternate ID which will make it easier to identify this child among all the children in the system. When you have completed entering your information, click Save.
Editing and Deleting Clients
In this training segment, we will cover editing and deleting client information. To access client information, click on the Families link in the main GEMS portal. Once we are in the family screen, we are able to add, edit and delete information. The upper portion of the screen, or header panel, contains general information associated with this family. To edit this information, simply click Edit. Once you have completed editing the information, click Save to save your changes. To edit or delete child information, simply click on the GEMS ID associated with that child. From here, we are able to add, edit and delete information. To edit this child’s record, simply click Edit. From here, we are able to update any information associated with this child. A valuable field to use in this screen is the Program Defined Alternate ID. This will assist you in identifying the child by using a program number or an alternate ID number associated with that child. To save your changes, click Save. To edit a Core Data Elements or Initial Outcomes form, simply click on the button. In this screen, you can either edit individual questions by clicking Edit, or you can edit the entire form by clicking Edit on the top of the screen. Once you have updated your information, click Save. If you need to delete this child, if they have been added in error, simply click Delete. In this screen, we will see a pop-up box indicating that we have selected to delete a record. If you want to proceed with deleting the record, click Next. In this screen, we can see the number of records that will be deleted. On the top line, we can see that we are deleting one member. Below that, we can see that we are deleting one profile transaction, so there has been one transaction associated with this child that will also be deleted when we delete the child. On this line, we can see that 50 records will be deleted by deleting this child. This number refers to the Core Data Elements form that we just completed. By deleting this child, we will also be deleting the records associated with them. To complete deleting, press Finish.
Exiting a Child/SoQ Entry
In this training session, we’ll cover exiting children from the system. To start, click on Children 0-5 from the main GEMS portal. Once we are in the Children 0-5 module, we need to locate the child which we will be exiting from the system. To locate the child, start by entering their last name in the Find box, and then click Find. A drop down box containing all the names that match your search criteria will appear. To select the child, simply click on their name. Once we are in the appropriate child screen, we can complete the SoQ by clicking on the Input SoQ button. To add an SoQ, click Add a Record. In this screen, you can complete all applicable SoQ questions. When you have finished, click Save. When you have completed your SoQ, you can close the SoQ box. To finish exiting the child from the system, we must now enter their Program Exit Date. To do this, click Edit. Now simply scroll down to the Program Exit Date and enter the applicable date. When you’re finished, click Save. Now you have finished exiting this child from the system.
Aggregate Services
In this training segment, we are going to go over how to update your group and aggregate services. To access the Group and Aggregate Services module, simply click on the menu item in the main GEMS portal. In this screen, you can see that the type of service is divided by tabs at the top of the screen based on the clients being served. If you are updating services for children, simply click on the Child Services tab. Once you have arrived in this screen, you can click Add to add a new update. Now we are going to select the Service ID and name. In most cases, there will only be one option to choose from, including all services provided in the month. Now we are going to update our begin and end date. The begin date will always be the first day of the month and the end date will be the last day of the month. Now we are going to update the total number of services provided. We arrive at this number by multiplying the total number of clients by the total number of services provided. For example, if we held 3 classes in the month with 10 children at each class, our total number of services will be 30. Now we are going to update our total number of repeat clients and our total number of new clients. Repeat clients are clients who have attended the service before and new clients are clients who have not attended the services before. Once we have updated our total number of repeat clients and our total number of new clients, GEMS will automatically populate the total number of clients for you. Now, you can simply add any applicable notes and then click Save.
Updating Milestones
In this training segment, we are going to go over how to update your Agency-Wide Milestones. To access the Agency-Wide Milestones module, simply click on the menu item in the main GEMS portal. Once we have arrived in this screen, you can update your milestone simply by clicking Add under the milestone you would like to update. Now we are going to update our Reporting Period End Date, which will always be the last day of the month. We can see in the Milestone Definition ID that we are required to provide a numeric response. Therefore, we are going to indicate our numeric response in the Numeric Response box. If the Milestone Definition ID had indicated Met/Not Met, then we would simply select Multichoice Response and select Met or Not Met. Now we are able to update any notes that are applicable to updating this milestone. Notes are very important and can provide insight to the milestone progress. Once you have completed updating your milestone, simply click Save. To review your milestone progress, we can go back into the main GEMS portal and select Comprehensive Target Report. This will bring us to a Report Wizard that will take us through the steps required to run the report. Once the report is ready, simply click here to view the report. In this report, we can see the Target, the Data Source, the Projected Value or goal, your actual progress, the percentage and progress you have made.
Editing Milestones
In this training segment, we will cover how to edit and delete milestone transactions. To access your milestone transactions, simply click on Agency-Wide Milestones in the main GEMS portal. Now we are on a page that shows all your milestones and all of the updated milestone transactions. To edit a milestone, simply click on the Milestone ID and click Edit. From here, we are able to update any information that we need to. After you’ve completed your edit, click Save. If you need to delete a milestone that was entered in error, click on the Milestone ID and then click Delete. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete the current record. This is a safety net that is put in place in case you didn’t mean to press Delete. Providing you want to proceed with deleting the record, click Yes. Now your milestone has been deleted.
Running the Comprehensive Target Report
In this training segment, we’re going to go over how to run a Comprehensive Target Report. To start the Comprehensive Target Report, just click on the link in the main GEMS portal. Now we see that we have a Report Wizard in a pop-up box. This first screen gives us instructions as to how to complete the report. To proceed with the report, click Next. This next screen shows us the type of data that is included in the report. By checking or unchecking the boxes, we are able to include or eliminate data from showing up in our report. To include all data, leave all boxes checked and click Next. In this screen, we are able to limit the results of our report by date range. For example, if you wanted to see your milestone progress from the beginning of the year, simply indicate those dates and then click Next. Finally, we are able to choose where we would like to view the report. We have the option of exporting the report into a Word document, an Excel workbook, a web page or an HTML page or, if you’d like to review the report quickly, you can open it in a new browser window by clicking here. Now we are looking at our Comprehensive Target Report. In the first box, we see the target or milestone title followed by the text included in your Scope of Work. The next column indicates the data source and the next column indicates the type of data entered. The next column indicates the Projected Value or goal for your milestone, and the next column indicates the actual progress made. This progress is then represented in a percentage as well as Met/Not Met and then in a pie graph.
Creating an Invoice
In this training segment, we’ll go over creating and submitting invoices. To start, click on Budgets and Invoices in the main GEMS portal. In this screen, we can create, edit and submit invoices. The general budget information is located on the top of the screen, or header panel and the details are in the lower portion of the screen, or details panel. To create a new invoice, click on the invoices tab in the details panel. To create a new invoice, click Add. After clicking Add, we are able to enter and save general invoice information such as invoice number, payment period and invoice date. After you have completed entering the general information, click Save to proceed. After saving, a pop-up box will appear, reminding you to submit your invoice when you are ready. To continue creating your invoice, click Ok. To add specific details to the invoice, click Edit. This will allow you to apply invoice amounts to different budgeted items. There are a number of blue buttons lined up on the lower right portion of the screen. These buttons represent different items that were accounted for when the budget was created. If a blue button item has a number next to it, this means the budget will allow for invoices to be submitted against these items. If there is a zero next to the budget item, this means that the budget did not include these items and therefore no invoice can be submitted against it. In this case, we’re going to create an invoice for staffing. To create this invoice, click on the blue staffing button. Once you have clicked selected the item for which you would like to invoice, a new window will appear, allowing you to enter dollar figures and other pertinent invoice details. To enter information, click Edit. Now we can enter the invoice amounts. Yellow fields are required, which means they need to be completed before you can save your changes. The yellow fields in this screen are pre-populated with zeros, so you don’t have to enter an additional dollar figure to save your invoice. Simply enter the appropriate dollar figures and any notes you would like to include, then click Save. This will bring you back to the previous screen. Click Save again to save all changes. Again, you will seea pop-up box reminding you to submit your invoice when you are ready. To edit an invoice, simply locate the invoice you would like to edit, then click Edit. You can then click on the blue button which contains your invoice. Click Edit to make changes, then click Save to save your changes.