Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regardedas the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting
In the chair: Councillor Burbidge
Present: CouncillorsBirchall, Lamb, Lechler, J Martin,Roark, Stott,Williams and Wilkinson
In attendance:
- A Bushell - Town Clerk
- 1 member of the public
- ELDC Councillors, Campbell-Wardman and Avison
- J Fieldhouse - Horncastle News
Public participation:
A member of the public commented that the turn out at the recent APM showed how interested the community were with the Town Council. He also asked the ELDC Councillors if the work to the Market Place was complete because he felt that it had not been done properly. He asked about the legal position regarding plastic windows in the Conservation Area, and questioned whether Rob Walker was an employee of ELDC or a Consultant. Councillor Burbidge explained what work the Town Council was currently doing in relation to the Conservation Area and Article 4 Directive.
The resident questioned whether any progress had been made closing St Lawrence Street to Dog Kennel Lane. The Town Council was also asked why it no longer recorded Town Council meetings or had an action column in its minutes.
It was suggested that a meeting be arranged for Town Councillors to meet with Scott Ashdown from ELDC to look at the work done to the Market Place.
The Chairman welcomed new councillor David Stott and asked him to introduce himself. The Chairman commented that he was very disappointed with the turn-out at the APM, and he wanted the Town Council to act as a team and work together for the good of the town.
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors F Martin and Aron.
Members were informed that Phil Cantwell had resigned from the Council.
No declarations of interest or requests for dispensations were received.
MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED(unanimously): thatthe minutes of the meeting held on 09 May 2017 were approved and signed as a true record
Members were provided with the following list of outstanding matters:
Issue / Action / NotesRemaining from February meeting
Caravan park issue / Get copy of correspondence from Fiona and take to next P&D meeting for info / Have correspondence on this but not taken to P&D as nothing to add to situation
Tudor Park parking / Email LCC Highways again regarding site visit / Online request for meeting resent 5 April.
Spoke to LCC Highways Officer who informed the Clerk that they are not implementing any new traffic restrictions at the current time, and inconsiderate parking is a Police issue.
Roundabout at St Lawrence school / Confirm with LCC Highways if this is public highways or belongs to the school / Spoke to Highways Officer who confirmed that the roundabout is not part of the public highway
Remaining from March meeting
Chapel in Queen’s Street / Have info from ELDC
Arrange meeting with ELDC planners, owner and neighbours to discuss / Cllr F Martin and the Clerk met with Mr Riddel’s agent and notes from this meeting were sent out with the agenda.
defibrillators / Produce list of all public access ones in the town and let emergency services have it / Clerk to contact LIVES and ask them for a list of defibrillators in the town and find out whether they are all registered with the emergency services
Remaining from April meeting
Planning / Start work on documents needed
Arrange training with ELDC
Update to May P&D
Update to May Council / Admin Assistant has spoken to Anne Shorland. ELDC won’t be able to provide any training until September/October time. In the meantime the Town Council needs to change the Terms of Reference and Standing Orders to reflect the changes and ELDC’s constitution. This might be a lengthy process.
CCTV / Number of cameras controlled by centre
Write to BT re upgrade / Response from ELDC that upgrade still not done.
Still need to write to BT
LCC highways / Raise concerns about new system with exec member / Cllr Richard Davies has been invited to a future Town Council meeting, and he had confirmed that he could attend the July meeting.
Clerk / Draw up new contract / To do
May meeting
Issue / Action / Notes
Forward Plan / To advertise in Local Paper and discuss at APM
Councillors to submit ideas for the Forward Plan / It was presented at the APM, but no forms were completed and returned. Councillors need to submit ideas.
Ideas to be compiled and considered at future meeting so that they can be sorted into priorities and councillors allocated to projects.
An Horncastle Matters meeting is to be called so that the Forward Plan can be discussed with them.
AGREED: that the report on matters outstanding would be put on the chairs with the agenda at the meeting and displayed on the website with the agenda to make members of the public aware of updates on any outstanding issues.
- Estates Management Committee
RESOLVED (unanimously) that Cllr Roark be appointed to the Estates Management Committee.
- Planning & Development Committee
Cllr Stott explained that he was interested in joining the Committee but would struggle to attend meetings at 6pm so asked if they could start later. Other members of the Committee agreed to move the start time of the Planning & Development Committee meetings to 6.30pm.
RESOLVED (unanimously) that Cllr Stott be appointed to the Planning & Development Committee.
- Stanhope Hall Company representative
Cllr J Martin explained that due to personal reasons he had stood down from the role as the Stanhope Company Representative for 1 year, but would be willing to take on the role again next year. No other councillors offered to take on the role.
AGREED that the new councillor who filled the current vacancy on the Council would be offered the role.
- Estates Management Committee on 3rd May
RECEIVED with no comments
- Planning & Development Committee on 8th May
RECEIVED with no comments
- Personnel & Finance Committee on 23rd May
RECEIVED with no comments
- Planning & Development Committee on 5th June
Cllr Burbidge gave a recap of the applications which had been considered and the decisions which had been made by the Committee. The notes were RECEIVED with no comments.
The Clerk answered questions and explained what the power was and the benefits of being eligible to use it.
MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED(unanimously)that the Town Council met the criteria and was now eligible to use the General Power of Competence.
Members of the P&F Committee were questioned about the proposed new item under ‘Reviewing administrative functions and policies’ to consider complaints about councillors who don’t abide by the Council’s Code of Conduct or adhere to council policies, and it was explained that the Committee would consider complaints about councillors and then write to them if they were found to be in breach of the Council’s code of conduct or any policies. Any complaint would be considered in closed session. Members were reminded that the Council was reliant on them following the rules and regulations and working together for the benefit of the town, so it was hoped that there would be no complaints to consider.
MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimous) to approve the changes to the Terms of Reference for the P&F Committee.
PCSO Wass had provided the Council with a list of incidents that had occurred in the town during the past month. He also informed the meeting that he was not aware of any improvements made to the CCTV system and he still believed that it was currently not fit for purpose. PCSO Wass spoke about a recent craze of people going on roofs and posting photos on social media, and he explained that the Police was doing all they could to make people aware of this and had recently cautioned a couple of people. PCSO Wass was still getting reports of children going into the Old Methodist Chapel on Queen Street despite the owner being asked to board the entrances up. The meeting was also informed that he had recently met with the Clerk to look at new locations for the reactive speed signs, the charity box thief had been caught, and the Police were cautioning drivers who parked where they shouldn’t be.
The District Councillors apologised for not being in attendance at the APM, and they confirmed that apologies had been sent prior to the meeting. District Councillors Campbell Wardman and Avison reported that ELDC had appointed a new Chair and Vice Chair at the AGM, and they gave details of the positions on the District Council which they had been appointed to. The Clerk was thanked for providing the District Councillors with the reports for the Town Council meeting, which they had not previously been provided with.
County Councillor Aron had provided a written report in his absence which explained what roles he had taken on at the County Council, an update on the Highways restructuring, and confirmation that County Councillor Richard Davies had confirmed that he would attend the July Town Council meeting.
Members discussed the report and felt that Councillor Aron should be providing the Town Council with figures of incidents reported and ones that had been dealt with, so that it could consider proper facts and figures at each meeting. The Clerk was asked to write a formal letter to Cllr Aron to request this information before the next Town Council meeting. It was also suggested that Highways should be contacted about the weeding in the Town because it was clear that certain streets had not been weeded. Members were asked to e-mail the Clerk with details of areas in the town where it was clear that weed clearance had not taken place.
The following reports were received:
Stanhope Hall:Councillor Lechler reported that the Stanhope Hall Committee had appointed a new secretary - Rose Williams.
Walkers are Welcome:Following the Community Clear up day on 10th June, the Walkers are Welcome members had organised a Town Clean morning on 18th June to continue the weeding in the town. Members were informed that the Community Clear up day had been a success with 24 volunteers taking part.
Lincolnshire Wolds Tourism Group:Councillor Williams asked to be told when the next meeting would be, and the Clerk agreed to find out.
Horncastle Matters A meeting needed to be scheduled.
Members were provided with a report which contained feedback from Louth, Alford and Skegness Town Councils on their recent experiences with the current service being received.
It was suggested that the Council should withhold the annual CCTV payment to ELDC until the connection issues had been addressed, however Cllr Wilkinson had looked through the agreement signed by the Council last year and it appeared to only be for the monitoring of the cameras and this service was being carried out, so ELDC might take legal action if the Town Council did not pay because ELDC were complying with their legal obligations. District Councillors Avison and Campbell-Wardman were asked to push ELDC for an update and to speak with Jonathan Challen at ELDC about the issues. Members queried if camera 39 was still faulty and PCSO Wass agreed to chase the CCTV Monitoring team at Boston to see if it was working and inform the Clerk.
MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimous): to write to Stuart Davy (Chief Executive at ELDC) to ask when the BT connections are going to be upgraded, and feedback to him that the current system is not fit for purpose because it does not provide clear enough images to assist the Police with prosecution. The letter would also be cc’d to Jonathan Challen at ELDC
- To receive the Internal Auditors report
Councillors had been provided with a copy of the letter from the internal auditor which showed that no issues had been raised. The Council received the report.
- To complete section 1 (Annual governance statement) of the Annual Return form
Councillors were provided with a copy of the end of year accounts and sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Return form.
RESOLVED (8 votes and 1 abstention)that all the boxes in Section 1 of the Annual Return form were answered yes to and the form be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
- To approve section 2 - Accounting statement for year ending 2016/17
RESOLVED (unanimous)that the end of year accounts and accounting statements in Section 2 be approved for year ending 31 March 2017 and signed by the Chairman.
Councillors had been provided with a copy of the Financial Regulations containing the changes being suggested by the Personnel & Finance Committee.
MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously)to approve the changes recommended by the Personnel & Finance Committee.
a.To approve future and retrospective payments and note income received by the Council
i)The following payments be approved:
Payments to be made:
Recipient / Detail / AmountSLCC / Clerk annual membership / £157.00
Charles H Hill / Sprayer & accessories / £179.62 *
Glasdon UK / Bench (bought with Queen’s 90th Birthday funds) / £971.78 *
Andy Jackson / Grass cutting Thomas Gibson Drive Public Open space / £142.50
Boston Road Service Station / Petrol for grounds maintenance equipment / £11.79 *
JT Friskney / Nuts, bolts, a sign, funnel & lubricant / £29.17 *
Petty Cash / To top up petty cash / £45.00
Chris Dodsworth / Assisting the Estates Supervisor / £90.00
Cupit Print / Compliment slips / £57.60 *
Page Paper / Stationery / £19.98 *
Cllr Fiona Martin / Travel allowance - Flood scheme Project Board / £4.50
Infotone / Ink cartridges / £52.62 *
Stuart Goodacre / Travel claim - May
Repayment for compost purchased / £71.10
£20.00 *
Welton Garden Services / Grass verge cutting / £1,200.00 *
Boston Road Service Station / Petrol & Motor oil / £14.68 *
Sprint Signs / Community Clean-up day Banner / £36.00 *
Unity Trust Bank / Bank charges - May, April & May / £33.15
Achurch & Sons / Drill set / £14.99*
G.L Clarke & Sons / Diesel & Petrol for grounds maintenance equipment / £61.04 *
Michelle Moss / Travel claim
Gloves for community clean-up day / £18.10
£11.96 *
J Kemp & Son / Brooms for community clean-up day / £19.00 *
Anglian Water / Water at allotment toilet / £15.28
Retrospective payments:
Recipient / Detail / AmountAnglian Water / Water at allotment gardens / £49.56
Anglian Water / Water at cemetery / £48.11
E-on / Electricity for allotment toilet / £8.68 #
Chapel Business Services / Internal Audit fee / £110.00
Came & Company / Insurance / £2,613.40
Westwood Computer Services (WCS) / Setting up computer for Admin Assistant sorting out issues with e-mails / £62.50
Wyevale Garden Centre / Compost (Petty cash payment) / £24.00 *
LCC Pension Fund / Pension contributions - May / £115.00
HMRC / PAYE & NI contributions - May / £81.56
* These payments include VAT at 20% which will be reclaimed from HMRC.
# These payments include VAT at 5% which will be reclaimed from HMRC.
ii) The following income received be noted:
Item / AmountCemetery fees / £3,684.00
Cemetery Lodge Rent / £400.00
Allotment deposit and rent / £63.75
VAT refund / £760.20
Unspent Mayors allowance / £21.85
CBF Fund / £26.62
b.To write off an unpaid invoice following a recommendation from the Personnel & Finance (P&F) Committee
Councillors were provided with a report containing the details of the unpaid invoice and the recommendation by the P&F Committee.
MOVED, SECONDED AND RESOLVED (unanimously) that the unpaid invoice to JG Select Memorials for £146 dating back to 19/08/2015 be written off as irrecoverable because the memorial mason was no longer trading.
The following correspondence had been received:
Sender / DetailsLALC / A copy of the current NALC Code of Policy which highlights NALC policy positions adopted in recent years
Churches Together in all Lincolnshire / Invitation to their conference entitled ‘Together - Building Stronger Communities in Lincolnshire’ at Bishop Grosseteste University on 17th June from 9.30am until 4pm
Gillian Mauger / Thank you card
Seafarers UK / Request to fly a Red Ensign flag from 1st to 4th September to mark British Merchant Navy Day (3rd Sept)
The Royal British Legion / Invite to a meeting being held by the Fields in Trust regarding The Wong; and information on the Criteria for Centenary Fields
East Lindsey District Council / Confirmation that the proposed street name of Osberton Drive for the new road adjacent to 48 Louth Road has been assessed by the Council’s street naming and numbering policy and found to be acceptable.
Horncastle History & Heritage Society / Planters in the town - comments on how good they look and thanking the town council for investing in the planters to help improve the look of the town
Open Space Society / A copy of the Open Space Magazine, the reports, accounts 2016, an invite to the AGM and a voting proxy form for the AGM
Korean Veterans / Invite to the ceremony and meal on 7th July