Revision approved by NSS/EPC

Minutes - 3/3/04

Effective Spring, 2004

The Seven-Year Rule

Request to Validate Expired Course(s) on a Graduate Program

Name: / Date:
Address: / SID:
(City/State/Zip) / CIN:
Department: / Day Phone:
Major: / e-mail:

University Policy:

“No subject, unit, or grade credit will be granted for any course completed more than seven years before the date of completion of the master’s degree. In extraordinary circumstances, students may petition for, and the college may grant, permission to validate such an expired course by an examination given by, and with the concurrence of, the department/division that offers the course. An expired course taken at another institution may not be validated by examination.”

College Policy:

·  To request validation for expired courses, a student must be currently enrolled or accepted by the degree program.

·  Courses taken at CSULA but in another department or College are NOT eligible unless the other department or College consents in writing to administer such examinations.

·  Courses numbered 597 and 599 are NOT eligible for validation.

·  Validation may be requested only once and for no more than three courses or twelve units.

·  Courses that are more than eight years (32 quarters) old may NOT be validated.


Petitions for course validations require action by the College Graduate Studies Subcommittee and may not be approved by executive action.

The extraordinary circumstances supporting the petition must be documented and accompany the petition.

Please write a one page letter explaining why you were unable to complete the master’s degree requirements in the seven years allowed and attach it to this form.

Chairs or graduate advisors of the departments submitting requests for validation of expired courses must accompany their student before the Graduate Studies Subcommittee to demonstrate that extraordinary circumstances exist before the petitions will be considered.

It should be noted that the seven-year rule is a Title V requirement and may not be waived. The Graduate Studies Subcommittee reviews each request for validation on its own merits.


Revision approved by NSS/EPC

Minutes - 3/3/04

Effective Spring, 2004

Please indicate status of your thesis or comps:

List completion dates for courses remaining on your graduate program:

If this petition is approved by the College Graduate Studies Subcommittee and Associate Dean, what is your expected graduation date?

Please list course abbreviation, course number, course title, and units you are requesting to validate:

1. Course Abbreviation: Course No.: Units: Qtr enrolled:
Method of validation:
Instructor’s Signature: Date:
2. Course Abbreviation: Course No.: Units: Qtr enrolled:
Method of validation:
Instructor’s Signature: Date:
3. Course Abbreviation: Course No.: Units: Qtr enrolled:
Method of validation:
Instructor’s Signature: Date:

Student’s Signature: ______Date______

Graduate Advisor’s Signature: ______Date ______

Department Chair’s Signature: ______Date ______
