MEEN 4250 – Capstone Design in Mechanical and Energy Engineering

Spring 2015


Dr. Cherish Qualls

(940) 565-3446

Office: F101E

Office Hours:TTh2:30 – 4:00 PM or by appointment

Class Schedule:

4150.001: M9:30-10:20AM, Room: NTDP B155

4150.002: W9:30-10:20 AM, Room: NTDP B155

Lab attendance is not mandatory. The lab sections merely provide groups with a common meeting time and facilities that might be needed for project completion. Teams are free to meet outside of these scheduled times if desired.

Recommended Textbooks:

Product Design and Development, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012

Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger

ISBN: 978-0-07-340477-6

Catalog Course Description:

This Capstone Core course in Mechanical and Energy Engineering (MEE) is the culminating experience of the Bachelor of Science degree in MEE, and it is a direct continuation of MEEN 4150, MEE Design I. Student teams complete product design, development, and manufacturing projects conceived to promote the common good of society. The course is patterned on a professional work-place environment that allows students to make connections between different areas of knowledge. Students will learn decision making strategies that include ethical analysis by planning and managing resources while adhering to an overall project schedule. As a major learning outcome of this capstone course, students will be able to express ways that exposure to different areas, perspectives, and viewpoints enriches their thinking. This class is required for the B.S. degree in mechanical and energy engineering at UNT.

Prerequisite(s): MEEN 4150 (with a grade of C or better).

Course Objectives:

  1. Gain experience working in teams.
  2. Apply engineering knowledge to design and construct a solution to a real-world problem.
  3. Enhance technical communications skills through written reports and presentations.

ABET Criteria:

MEEN 4250 addresses the following ABET program outcomes:

a)Apply knowledge of mathematics, engineering and science

b)Design and conduct experiments to verify and validate the design projects they develop and analyze and interpret data

c)Develop project-based learning skills through design and implementation of a system, component or process that meets the needs within realistic constraints

d)Function in multi-disciplinary teams

e)Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems

f)Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

g)Communicate effectively

h)Achieve broad education necessary to understand the impact of mechanical and energy engineering solutions in a global and societal context

i)Understand learning processes and need for learning

j)Achieve knowledge of contemporary issues

k)Use techniques, skills and computer-based tools for conducting experiments and carrying out designs

l)Apply principles of engineering, basic science and mathematics to model, analyze, design and realize physical systems, components or processes in both thermal and mechanical systems areas.

Course Evaluation:

Bi-weekly progress reports will be due on the following dates: 1/30, 2/13, 2/27, 3/13, 3/27, 4/10

The progress reports should detail all meetings, what progress has been made on your design and any difficulties your group has had. A detailed description of what each team member did during the past two weeks must be given. If the team met as a group, team member attendance must be noted on the progress reports. A hard copy should be submitted. Emailed submissions will not be accepted. Progress reports will be graded on appearance and grammar as well as depth of material presented. Progress reports should be in the same format as last semester and they must be signed by your faculty advisor and each team member. Points will be deducted if they are not signed. Late submissions will not be accepted. Note: This is a team assignment.

Final Report – This report is due Thursday, May 7th. It is a continuation of the final report that was due in MEEN 4150. More details will be given towards the end of the semester about what needs to be included in this report. This report must be signed by your faculty advisor before submitting it to the course instructor. The final report must be professionally bound and be signed by all team members and the faculty advisor in order to receive full credit. It will not be accepted if it is unsigned.

Design Day – Your completed design, presentation, and poster presentation are due on Friday, April 24th. Presentations will be given to the MEE faculty members and industry professionals. The MEE faculty and industry professionals will rate the presentations and the designs. These ratings will determine your grade for the final presentation and overall design quality. More information will be provided about design day as it becomes available.

It should be noted that each team member is required to participate equally in the group assignments and presentations. Each student will be evaluated on their participation by their team members. This participation grade is worth 15% of the final grade.

Grade Evaluation:

Bi-weekly Progress Reports15%

Team Participation Rating15%

Final Presentations20%

Final Report20%

Overall Design Quality30%

A – 90-100%B – 80-89%C – 70-79%D – 60-69%F - < 60%

If it is determined by the course instructor or faculty advisor that a student is not adequately participating in the project, the final grade will be lowered (potentially to a failing grade) to account for the lack of participation.


The course schedule, content and assignments are subject to modification when required as the course progresses. If a change will be made, students will be notified ahead of time.

Disability Policy:

All reasonable accommodation will be made to facilitate special needs. If special accommodations are required, the student must first meet with the staff of the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA), (940) 565-4323. After meeting with that office, please contact me to discuss what accommodations will be necessary. For more information, see

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