Los Banos
Little League
Los Banos,Ca
League ID# 04051011
Safety Plan
- League Safety Officer: DANIEL HOSKINS on file with Little League Headquarters
- Los Banos Little League will distribute a copy of this Safety Manual to all Managers/Coaches league Volunteers and the District Administrator.
3. Emergency Phone Number: 911
Los Banos Little League Board Members:
League PresidentChuck Hale209-675-3602
Vice PresidentAdrian Mendoza209-509-6634
SecretaryMisty Mendoza209-509-6390
Player AgentKristy Gutierrez209-270-1414
Umpire in ChiefAndrew Escobar209-680-4971
Equipment ManagerErnest Lugo209-631-0758
Safety OfficerDaniel Hoskins408-598-0842
This will be posted in the concession areas and dugouts
4.The Los Banos Little League will use the officialLittle League Volunteer Applicationform to screen all of our volunteers. The 2018 Little League approved forms will be used for both new volunteers and returning volunteers. Background checks will be completed on all volunteers in the league, including board members. Background checks will be completed through the Little League approved “First Advantage”. Applications are available at the below sites.
5. Fundamentals Training: February 24, 2018
At least one Manager/Coach from each team must attend the training. Every Manager/Coach will attend this training at least onceevery 3 years. Training will be at Colorado Park. The training will provide an insight to the fundamentals of learning, growing, and being competitive in our educational league.
6.First Aid Training / CPR Training
Los Banos Little League will require at least one Manager/Coach from each team to attend yearly. Player Safety is a must within the Los Banos Little League and should be through every organizational sport for children.
Los Banos Little League will hold a certified CPR/First Aid Class/Training on February 24, 2018 at Colorado Park. The class will be taught by an American Red Cross, certified trainer. The instructor will also provide training of concussion awareness and protocol that should be followed when symptoms are observed.
The Los Banos Little League encourages its Team Managers, Coaches, and Parents to research further information about concussions and risks of playing baseball at the Little League website listed below.
7. Coaches will be required to WALK/inspect the fields prior to practices and games. Umpireswillalso be required to WALK/inspect the fieldschecking for hazards before eachgame. Two sets of eyes are always better than one. We will promote the theory of check, re-check, and check again to ensure our children are playing in safe conditions and the fields are suitable for safe play.
8.The Facility Survey is something that is very important to planning each year and gauging the safety of the league and its players. The survey creates an eye on, hands on approach the improving safety within the league, its fields, and its facilities. The Los Banos Little League has completed the 2018 “Facility Survey and it is included with this safety plan.
9. Concession Stand Safety
(a)Menu should be posted and approved by Safety Officer and League President
(b)Concession Stand safety information should be posted in several areas throughout the concession stand.
(c)The concession stand will open on January 20 and 21 during player evaluations for training with members of local high school concessions staff.
(d)Concession stand will be inspected by County Environmental Health
(e)All concessions equipment will be cleaned and maintained in good working order
(f)Concessions staff will be trained in the proper handling, maintenance, and care of concession stands equipment, utensils, and food areas
(g)All food will be handled in the concession stand while wearing approved food safety gloves
Enclosed is a copy of the Los Banos Little League Concession Stand Safety Procedures.
10.The League Safety Officer will inspect all equipment with the assistance of other board members in the offseason.(It will be tested/inspected prior to issuance but, it is the manager’s jobtomaintain it)
(a)Equipment which is no longer safe for used in Little League play will be discarded appropriately
(b)All managers and coaches will inspect equipment at the time of issuance, before practice, and before each game
(c)All umpires will inspect playing equipment before each game to ensure that it is in proper working order
(d)Coaches and Umpires will ensure that equipment used by players is appropriate for their age/size/and physical makeup
(e)All catchers gear will be worn at all times while catchers are on the field “catching”
(f)Notices/Signs/Warnings will be issued to coaches along with this safety plan to remind coaches of equipment safety concerns
(g)The Los Banos Little League will follow and strictly enforce the new league bat standards. Only approved USA bats will be used within the Los Banos Little League.
11.Implement Prompt Accident Reporting
The League will use the provided incident tracking form provided on the LBLL website and will provide completed accident forms to the Safety Officer within 24-48 hours of the incident. Please see copy of Accident Reporting form.
Instructions for completing the form can be accessed by visiting:
The Claim form can be accessed by visiting:
Note: The forms are available through the LL website in both English and Spanish
If the league safety officer is not available the forms will be provided to the league president for prompt and efficient reporting to the appropriate agencies.
12. Each team will be provided an updated First Aid Kit and is required to have it at each practice and game.
(a)First Aid Kits will also be available in each concession stand readily available to all staff working in the concession stand
(b)First Aid Kits will be readily accessible at field level, at each field, during each game being played
(c) Each volunteer within the Los Banos Little League will receive First Aid/CPR Training from a certified instructor through the American Red CrossREFER TO PAGE 4
(d) The training will also include information/observation/and awareness of concussions in youth sportsREFER TO PAGE 4
(e)AED’s or automatic defibrillators will be placed in a conspicuous location at each concession stand at each field. Volunteers with the Los Banos Little League will be trained in the use of these defibrillatorsREFER TO PAGE 4
13.Los Banos Little League will require ALL teams and officials to enforce ALL Little League Rules. Including proper use of equipment for Catchers, Batters, Fielders, and Umpires.
a)All Little League rules will be enforced and followed at all times
b)The player and parent code of conduct will be reinforced and followed at all times by all participants of Los Banos Little League
c)League officials, including volunteers, parents, managers, and coaches will ensure that only league approved equipment is used
d)All bases used in the league disengage as required by league rules
e)All applicable rules should be followed at practice just as they are in the game
14.Qualified Safety Plan Registration Form submitted.
a)ASAP Safety plan will be uploaded to the Little League International Data Center
b)All Players, Coaches, League Volunteer information will also be uploaded to the Data Center as per the requirement for an approved ASAP safety plan
15.Ideas Implemented to improve safety during the 2018 LEAGUE YEAR
a)The local support from public agencies the Los Banos Little League was provided with and implemented AEDs for improved first aid support on site.
b)Partnership with the Los Banos Police Department for extra patrol and frequent visits during games and Little League events. (Provides partnership with community and children with law enforcement as well as increased security)
c)Increased sanitation and cleanliness in the park bathrooms. Greater communication for cleaning schedule and facility needs with City park officials
This ASAP Safety Plan has been submitted to the Little League Data Center and provided to California District 73 Administrator for review