ACCT NO. 470640
A Word from the Pastor
The Okolona Community Thanksgiving service will be held at Okolona Baptist Church on November 23rd starting at 7:30. This will be the 60th Anniversary of the longest continuous community Thanksgiving service in Louisville. Pies and fellowship will be enjoyed in the fellowship hall. Bring one if you can. I like pecan.
The Kentucky Baptist Convention will be held at Florence Baptist Church in Northern Ky.
I appreciate all of you who will serve as messengers. Thank you for taking the time and expense to attend the convention. Pray for our new Executive Director, Dr. Paul Chitwood.
Bro. Tom
Our love and sympathy to Trina Diehl and family in the death of
her brother-in-law, David Rohrman.
Upcoming Events, Meetings, and Ministries
Feeding Ministry Committee will meet this Thursday at 10 a.m. for planning this month’s Free Community Meal.
Esther Class will meet this Thursday at 12:30 p.m. at Jerry’s Restaurant, 8408 Preston Highway, for their class meeting and lunch fellowship.
Joyful Servers will have a fellowship tea in their classroom this Saturday starting at 11 a.m. Tea will be provided – class members are asked to bring snack food
Finance Committee will meet this Sunday, November 13, at 4:30 p.m.
Rice boxes for the World Hunger Offering will be collected Sunday morning, November 14th during both morning worship services.
Creative Ministry Practice is planned this Sunday, November 13, at 5 p.m.
Youth Ministry presents 2nd Sunday Youth Worship this Sunday, November 13, from 6-7 p.m. in the church gym. All youth are invited for a time of music, devotion and fellowship.
Church Council will meet this Sunday, November 13, at 7 p.m.
Church Visitation is planned Monday, November 14, at 6:30 p.m. Just show up and we will team you up to make visits that impact the Kingdom.
Parkland Live Wires will meet for a potluck lunch on Tuesday, November 15, at 10:30 a.m.
in the church gym. James Peden, Metro Councilman, will also speak on fire prevention.
Bring a dish for the potluck lunch and also canned food items for the food baskets.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program to help people overcome their hurts,
habits, and hang-ups. Classes are held at church on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Fidelis Class will meet on Thursday, November 17, at 2 p.m. at church.
Free Community Dinner is planned for Thursday, November 17, from 5–6:30 p.m. in our gym.
Rejoicers Class will help serve. Donations of body wash and soap are needed. If you or someone you know is struggling on a fixed income or the economy has gotten to your or their pocketbook, we welcome you.
Children’s Basketball Awards Night is planned in the church gym on Friday, November 18,
at 6 p.m. Children’s Basketball families are invited to come for a fun time of food and fellowship when the children receive their basketball trophies.
Christmas Musical Rehearsals this month: Saturday, Nov. 19, 9:30 a.m. until noon there will be a rehearsal for orchestra, drama group and soloists. Sunday, Nov. 20, from 7 – 9 p.m. adult choir will rehearse. Sunday, Nov. 27, from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. there will be a Tech only rehearsal and on Wednesday, Nov. 30, from 7-9 p.m. there will be rehearsal for everyone.
Churchwide Youth Sponsored Thanksgiving Lunch will be held after the 10:30 am worship in the gym Sunday, November 20th. Stay after church and enjoy this delicious meal and fellowship. Donations are appreciated and help the youth with their summer church camps.
4G (God, Grace, Glory and Goofiness) – As families, we all want to spend time building happy memories and passing on our faith to our kids. On Sunday, November 20, at 6 p.m. in the gym make plans to come for an hour and have fun together as a family.
Sunday School Workers will meet on Sunday, November 20, at 4:30 pm in the church gym.
WINGS Group will meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, November 22, to go to the Kentucky History Museum in Frankfort and have lunch Sign up through the church office to participate.
You are invited to join in the celebration of the marriage of Mary Nell Nacke and James Myers who were married on October 29 in Virginia. A wedding reception will be held in our church gym on Saturday, November 26, from 2-4 p.m.
Love Tree – Take a heart from the Love Tree located in the elevator foyer and buy a Christmas gift for a child this year. Pick one or more hearts, sign and leave the appropriate half of the heart, and purchase the gift(s) and return them by Sunday, Dec. 11.
Hanging of the Greens Service is planned this Sunday, November 27, at 6 p.m. Join us for this special service as different groups of our church adorn the sanctuary for this holiday season. Be sure to bring an ornament to decorate our church family Christmas tree.
M.O.V.E. on Mondays – Exercise Your LOVE for Christ is planned Monday, November 28. A snack supper will be served at 6 p.m. prior to making visits, phone calls, and card writing
at 6:30 p.m. Sign up to participate in this event through your SS class.
MUSCL (Ministries United of South Central Louisville) needs men’s
clothing (coats, underwear, etc.). They are also in need of large
plastic bags from department stores. Please bring donations to
the church office.
Last Sunday’s Report
General Fund:
Offerings $25,531
Weekly Requirements $16,488
Received to Date $161,318
Requirements to Date $164,880
Master’s Plan Offerings $386
1st Hour Sunday School 236
2nd Hour Sunday School 219
Total SS Attendance 455
1st Hour Worship 222
2nd Hour Worship 313
Total Worship 535
Children’s Department 17
Classic Coed 15
Esther Class 17
Friendship Class 14
Searchers Class 23
Fidelis Class 12
Good News 3
Rejoicers Class 12
Joyful Servers Class 12
New Ventures Class 44
New Horizons Class 13
Grace Class 11
Daughters of the King Class 9
Circle of Friends Class 31
Good Samaritan Class 2
CAYA Class 4
Turning Point 6
Total Contacts 245
4 & 11
This Week’s Calendar
Sunday, November 13
9:00 am 1st hour SS & Worship
10:30 am 2nd hour SS & Worship
4:30 pm FAITH / Finance mtg
5:00 pm Children’s Bible Drill
Creative Ministries/PresTeamKids
6:00 pm Growing Deeper w/God
2nd Sunday Youth Worship
7:00 pm Church Council mtg
Monday, November 14
6:00 pm Children’s Bball practice
6:30 pm Churchwide Visitation
Tuesday, November 15
10:30 am Parkland Live Wires
6:00 pm Children’s Bball practice
7:00 pm Celebrate Recovery
Wednesday, November 16
5:00 pm Family Supper
5:30 pm Youth Choir
5:45 pm Children’s Choir
6:00 pm Bus. Mtg / SS Overview
Mission Friends / Youth study
6:30 pm GA’s/RA’s/Acteens/Gym
6:45 pm Preschool Choir
7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, November 17
2:00 pm Fidelis Class
5:00 pm Free Community Meal
7:00 pm Scouts / Youth Bball
Friday, November 18
6:30 pm Children’s Bball Banq
Saturday, November 19
9:00 am Children’s Bball Games
9:30 am Bonus Choir Rehearsal
7:00 pm Singles Ministry