P2dw Strategic Planning
Groundwater Pollution Prevention drinking water Team (P2dw)
Strategic Plan Update
Primary Goal of First 100 Days
The primary Goal of the P2dw Leadership Team is to integrate water quality protection activities with water supply activities by strategically focusing DTSC resources on high priority groundwater contamination sites that impact the drinking water supply.
Objectives for First 100 Days
- Establish cooperative/collaborative relationships with major water suppliers in select urban and agricultural areas and identify high priority groundwater basins and impact zones.
- Prioritize the basins/impact zones based on: contaminant, impact on groundwater, geographic distribution, health threat, geologic and hydrogeolgic conditions, population served and political drivers.
- Evaluate Site(s) in the context of regional drinking water protection.
- Use Memoranda of Understanding or similar tools to focus and align activities.
- Initiate demonstration projects in high value groundwater basins.
Initial Target Counties/Cites
- OrangeCounty,
- Los AngelesCounty,
- Riverside/San Bernardino County (select areas),
- San DiegoCounty,
- Sacramento,
- Visalia
- Fresno,
- Modesto,
- Bakersfield.
Process Team Resources
Project Team Resources
Leadership Team
The Leadership Team: leads, performs outreach and establishes relationships, with Water Districts, Performance Managers and Project Teams and focus on the Team Goal and Objectives. The Leadership Team will also be cognizant of political/Agency interests.
Demonstration Projects for Consideration
Water District/Site / Rank / Project / Project LeaderOCWD South / Consolidate DTSC (and possibly WB) projects under minimum number of PMs/Geos to improve efficiency/effectiveness & Limit exposure. / JT Liu
OCWD North / Cut-off system
WRD Vernon / Industrial well conversion
WRD Santa Fe Springs
WRD Grant / Evaluate Hard Chrome Site vicinity
WRD Torrance / Rising groundwater surface
LADWP Tujunga Well Field / Discovery project in progress to locate source for plume in drinking water.
LADWP Lockheed Plume
SAWPA Rialto Plume / Water Board
Bay Area
San Diego
Preliminary P2dw Team Charter
Elements of a Team Charter
Team Purpose
Team Type
Leadership/Management Type
Required Skills
Selection Requirements
Resource Needs
Approach (meetings, roles, outputs, frequency)
Team Member Commitment
Conflict Management Plan
Strategic Objectives
Metrics and Evaluation Process
DTSC Team Charter Information retrieved 6/16/08 from ttps://share.epanet.ca.gov/Admin/DTSC/HumanCapital/TeamSteeringCommittee/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2fAdmin%2fDTSC%2fHumanCapital%2fTeamSteeringCommittee%2fShared%20Documents%2fCharter%20and%20Teams%20Guide&FolderCTID=&View=%7bB6A728B4%2d0931%2d4D54%2dB16C%2d6A34FCFF0BB3%7d
Team Project Charter
April 17, 2008
Team Name: Pollution Preventiondrinking water (P2dw)
Team Sponsor: Ray Leclerc.
Team Leader:Scott Warren
Process Team Members:Ted Peng, JT Liu & Jim Tjosvold
Team Consultants:
Stakeholders: Anyone who drinks or pays for water in California.
Team Authority: The Team will have the authority to audit records for any facility of interest and will have the cooperation of any and all DTSC Staff working on a particular project. They will have the authority to review progress and may issue action items and follow up on action items where project staff not on the team will be expected to comply with the action items and schedules.
1Mission, Vision, Strategy
The statements provided below are draft statements intended to express the intent of P2dw. As with any good Mission, Vision and Goals statements, they should be re-written with the Team Members to ensure they are encompassing and the team has input and thus buy-in.
1.1Proposed Mission
Coordinate and lead the development of an interagency/interdisciplinary team to focus on inter and intra Agency data sharing, and collaboration to minimize duplication and maximize the preservation of our drinking water and our environment. DTSC will work with all relevant stakeholders to efficiently preserve the quality of our drinking water. This approach will include the consideration of the overall environmental and financial cost of action and inaction now and in the long term to leave our children a safe, economically viable California.
1.2Proposed Vision
DTSC will lead the effort to integrate all available State resources to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of water protection operations.
Our approach will be to pull data from contaminated Sites and impacted drinking water (monitoring wells) to determine the best approach to protect drinking water.
- Our primary focus will be to find the best mechanism we can use to protect drinking water.
- Our secondary focus will be maximizing the use of California’s monies by balancing short term capital costs and long Operation and Maintenance costs.
- Thirdly, the Team will examine the net environmental gain (the environmental cost of clean-up verses the benefit) to find the best use of California’s resources.
1.3Strategic Goals and Objectives
Establish cooperative working relationship with drinking water quality stakeholders, especially water purveyors, Water Districts, California Dept. of Public Health, Department of Water Resources and the Water Board to share data and resources.
- Establish a team of professionals to provide services to agencies and water districts in need of specialized services.
- Minimize the money spent tin litigation and maximize the investment of available funds into activities that benefit the citizens of California and the protection and preservation of our drinking water.
- Audit agency records in areas where notable water degradation is suspected and coordinate the efforts of oversight agencies in the protection of groundwater. This includes managing CUPA activities where necessary.
- Evaluate GAMA data and use the data to identify potential contaminant trends and or possible polluters.
- To use and share available data with Water Districts, California Dept. of Public Health, Department of Water Resources and the Water Board to Identify and protect contaminated public and private water supply wells in California.
- In conjunction with Water Districts, California Dept. of Public Health, Department of Water Resources and the Water Board, DTSC will share data and resources to rank and prioritize the Wells depending on use, need, service area and impact and evaluate the most cost effective way to provide safe drinking water.
- Determine if source reduction alone will be protective or if well head protection provides the greatest benefit to Californians. The team will be cognizant that environmental remediations have a “carbon cost” and the most environmentally protective approach must consider a balance between the existing contamination and the “cost” to clean it up.
- Identify probable sources of drinking water based on CDPH/DTSC/Water Board/OCHCA data bases and records. Coordinate effort to protect the water quality at those sources.
- Track progress for all involved Drinking Water Pollution Prevention stakeholders and support water districts in the protection of drinking water by supporting the acquisition of special funding and management the use of State funds to expedite groundwater protection.
- Integrate green technology where possible to minimize our impact on the environment, including considering the total carbon balance in remedial activities.
- Work with groundwater authorities to coordinate groundwater replenishment efforts with site remediation to minimize their impact and ensure their activities do not exacerbate Site problems.
Proposed Outputs
Outputs will initially consist of the following:
1)The establishment of quarterly meetings with three Water Districts in Southern California, the Dept. of Public Health (DPH) and other relevant public agencies. The meetings will be tracked to show Action Items, responsible person and action to highlight strengths and weaknesses in the process.
2)Meetings with DTSC and Water Board Project Managers to evaluate the current conditions at Sites of interest around impacted wells
3)Search of relevant databases to evaluate known Sites around impacted wells.
4)Search of DPH data bases to evaluate potential sources areas around impacted wells.
5)Develop a ranking system to calculate the Risk that identified sites may pose to drinking water. (in conjunction with Mike Sorensen and the Data and Information Office).
6)Search databases and rank potential Sites that may impact groundwater and drinking water in the future so we can plan to direct funds to high value Sites.
7)Quarterly reports to Management showing progress for the quarter and significant issues. The Quarterly report will include an evaluation of Senators and Assembly members potentially impacted by P2dw activities and the socio-economic outcomes of the activities.
Proposed Outcomes
The following are the expected outcomes which will be very difficult to measure because they largely represent intangible items.
1)Minimize DTSC exposure to lawsuits/litigation due to inactivity on Sites.
2)Identification, listing and possibly issuing Consent Orders for Sites that impact drinking water resources.
3)Reduced expenditures and reduced impact to drinking water.
4)Focused use of resources on high value targets (Drinking Water Wells).
Performance Measures
The proposed metrics will reside primarily at three levels during the start-up phase of P2dw. These metrics focus on project start-up and early maintenance. They should be expected to change as we shift from start-up functions (early outreach) and move into maintenance functions. Start-up Level One will include establishing contacts with relevant stakeholders and establishing regular meetings to identify at risk or impacted drinking water wells, rank the wells, and identify known and potential sources. Level One will be primarily performed by the Team Leader.
Start-up Level Two resides at the technical level and will involve identifying and reviewing the technical aspects of work being performed in the vicinity of the impacted or potentially impacted wells and ensuring that the work is designed to stop any potential migration towards the well, control the plume and remediate the plume. In cases where Sources areas are suspected or indicated via Dept. of Public Health Well Head Protection Program reports, the technical staff will work with stakeholders, including Water Districts to find and expose such sources.
Start-up Level Three will be the main socioeconomic step. The Team Leader will evaluate the known releases and the impacted wells to evaluate the lost water and/or increased cost for water associated with the impacted well, the number of households impacted, the number cost of the impact and the number of jobs created or lost due to the impacted well (jobs created by the number of people employed to fix the problem and jobs lost by the estimated higher cost for water and inability to use property because of impacted land and/or water and therefore lost tax revenue.
The Start-up phase is anticipated to last four years as we expand from three Water Districts in the Los Angeles/Orange County area to working with Water Districts, DPH and Dept. of Water Resources from San Diego to Sacramento and San Francisco Desired Outcome
P2dw Groundwater Protection Team
-Concept Demonstration Schedule-
First 100 Days (Day 0= 10/27/08)
Day / Date / Task / Resp.1 / 10/28 / Sent email to Ray L. & Maziar M. @ approach for Perf. Mgrs.
2 / 10/29 / Obtain SharePoint Site
Advise John Scandura of team approach (Process vs Project) Goal, Objectives, & resources / SAW
3 / 10/30 / 1st Process Team Mtg. w/ JT Liu and Ted Peng. 1 Hr, intro Strategic Plan Goal/Objectives, draft Vision/Mission/Charter / SAW
4 / 10/31 / 0900 Mt w/ Sharon Fair regarding LAUSD relationship and parts we can use w/ WRD
5 / 11/1 / Saturday
6 / 11/2 / Sunday Scott & Ted call @ Jury Duty
7 / 11/3
8 / 11/4 / Ted approved to contribute 50% of his time to P2dw
9 / 11/5
10 / 11/6
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
11 / 11/7
12 / 11/8 / Saturday
13 / 11/9 / Sunday
14 / 11/10
15 / 11/11
16 / 11/12
17 / 11/13
18 / 11/14 / Spin-off Demonstration Project Team 1
19 / 11/15 / Saturday
20 / 11/16 / Sunday
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
21 / 11/17
22 / 11/18
23 / 11/19
24 / 11/20
25 / 11/21
26 / 11/22 / Saturday
27 / 11/23 / Sunday
28 / 11/24
29 / 11/25
30 / 11/26 / First mtg w/ Bay Area Water Dist. [SF @ 800K, San Mateo @ 800K & Santa Clara @1.5 Mil) / Ted
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
31 / 11/27 / Thanksgiving Holiday
32 / 11/28 / Thanksgiving Holiday
33 / 11/29 / Saturday
34 / 11/30 / Sunday
35 / 12/1
36 / 12/2
37 / 12/3
38 / 12/4
39 / 12/5 / Spin-off Demonstration Team 2
40 / 12/6 / Saturday
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
41 / 12/7 / Sunday
42 / 12/8
43 / 12/9 / OCWD Mtg 0900 / SAW
44 / 12/10
45 / 12/11
46 / 12/12
47 / 12/13 / Saturday
48 / 12/14 / Sunday
49 / 12/15
50 / 12/16
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
51 / 12/17
52 / 12/18
53 / 12/19
54 / 12/20 / Saturday
55 / 12/21 / Sunday
56 / 12/22
57 / 12/23
58 / 12/24 / Spin-off Demonstration Team 3
59 / 12/25 / Holiday
60 / 12/26
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
61 / 12/27 / Saturday
62 / 12/28 / Sunday
63 / 12/29
64 / 12/30
65 / 12/31
66 / 1/1
67 / 1/2
68 / 1/3 / Saturday
69 / 1/4 / Sunday
70 / 1/5
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
71 / 1/6
72 / 1/7
73 / 1/8
74 / 1/9
75 / 1/10 / Saturday
76 / 1/11 / Sunday
77 / 1/12
78 / 1/13
79 / 1/14 / Spin-off Demonstration Team 4
80 / 1/15
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
81 / 1/16 / Begin planning 2nd 100 days
82 / 1/17 / Saturday
83 / 1/18 / Sunday
84 / 1/19
85 / 1/20
86 / 1/21
87 / 1/22
88 / 1/23
89 / 1/24 / Saturday
90 / 1/25 / Sunday
Day / Date / Task / Resp.
91 / 1/26 / Submit plan for 2nd 100 days
92 / 1/27
93 / 1/28
94 / 1/29
95 / 1/30
96 / 1/31 / Saturday
97 / 2/1 / Sunday
98 / 2/2
99 / 2/3
100 / 2/4
C:\my documents2\New Folder\My Documents\projects\Groundwater Protection 5-08\P2dw First 100 Days.doc
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