Everton Nursery School and Family Centre: Children Family and Children Committee 10.1.17
Mrs M Roberts (Chair)Mrs R Scully (Vice Chair)
Mrs P Melia / apologies
Mrs J Humphreys
Mrs M Roberts
Mr F Keegan
Mr G Simmons / resigned
Mrs A Vaughan / apologies
Mr J Wilson
Dr L Curtis
- Welcome
- Apologies for absence
- Declaration of Interests specific to this meeting
- 4. Confidentiality –
- Reminder for the meeting - that items discussed are confidential.
5.Items for Any Other Business one JW
6.Minutes of the last meeting -
The minutes were agreed
Matters Arising: Link Governors to classes Move Barbara from Spencer 1 to Heyworth 1&2 MR to inform
Ed Psych proposal has been backtracked. Our allocation has been reinstated temporarily although it was noted that this is still insufficient for our needs.
7.Learning Walk. 8.45 start
Governors thanked Jamie for organising the walk. Discussion took place around their observations:
Children from breakfast club were in earlier than the others and were calm and settled when the the others arrived. Adults were well deployed and all engaged with the children. JW added that there is a daily indoor and outdoor deployment plan. This was evident in clarity of learning in activity. Planning style brings curriculum to life. Quality of resources eg books as a basis of all activities. Paint chalks etc. LC said this had been developed since the autumn observations. Resources were fresh and new looking. Resources are being sourced in bargain shops to save money.
Governors discussed the challenges of specific resources needed for the children in the Nurture Base. Governors suggested that perhaps Palmerston Teaching school could be approached to support.
Governors remarked on the progress that had been made since the last learning walk when the children were just settling in.
8.Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum
SDP has been approved by governors. Well on track. There are a few things coming up for review. This was discussed at the last leadership meeting. Governors noted that are a lot of objectives but these are set by all staff who are conscious of their part in the SDP.
MR asked if the children with EAL are impacting on the curriculum. LC replied that there is no EAL support service. Signalong works for all children.
Directed times: Highfield Nursery school in Ipswich – colleagues are coming to visit and share their work on resilience next Wednesday. Governors asked JW to send out the full list of directed times for this term. Work will cover physical training, autism and progress reviews.
There has been a focus on literacy and numeracy but the other curriculum areas have not been lost.
9.Special Educational Needs and Disability
28chn at Wave 2 and 13 children at Wave 3 giving a total for 41 on the inclusion register a reduction from 60. Governors asked why there had been a reduction. JW explained Children have come off the register because of the interventions. He described the process used. Meetings are minuted with clear actions to enable progress. JW has developed the system of the last 18 months. The system is working well. Links to business manager for census returns.
JW met with Fred as SEND governor on Wednesday 30th November 2016. The School Offer has since been updated. This is a thorough document. Copies were provided. The school website has been updated. The committee agreed the new document. It will need to be given to all governors for information. A new date for Fred to visit again was agreed.
Assessment has been a big focus, governors were invited to look at some of the family worker files and then link into their data. Discussion with teachers would be useful. Discuss at next governors’’ meeting. LC and JW to suggest some dates.
10.Disadvantaged children monitoring
RS met with Gerard Woodhouse regarding his nominated Governor Role was Thursday 13th October 2016. Gerard also spent the morning in Creswell 2.
EYPP: There are still major issues with the LA lists of names for EYPP. JW shared a list of names generated from our knowledge of children on FSM however they don’s all qualify for EYPP. The School SIP has told us to use the FSM list for monitoring purposes. The Nursery school budget is subsidising despite the cuts to its budget.
The group has a range of abilities. Interventions address this. Eg In Harmony more able group begins tomorrow. Amber group is teacher led and also has room based intervention and parent engagement Red group have speech therapist interventions. Today’s data are baseline data.
Data will be presented to staff 25th Jan and will be presented to full governors’ meeting.
11.Pupil progress data and assessment*
Baseline data were shared. Ma and Lit stand out as having all children below age related progress. Making relationships and Listening and attention are interesting by breaking the pattern of all other areas.
Data broken into whole school, classes. Comments under the graphs are very helpful.
There is little difference between children eligible for EYPP and those not eligible. Similar for SEND children. Girls are working at a slightly higher level except for PSED and Understanding the world.
The next report will document 42 month assessment.
Governors acknowledged the huge amount of work that has gone into this presentation and asked for thanks to be given to kate and all of the other staff.
Governors asked can we attribute some of the anomalous results eg PSED and listening and attention to previous work in Heyworth? JW to follow through
The system is now in place.
EVNURSE013 is the password to access the information on the website. Summay of statements to be shared with full governors.
We are working at capacity. 72 school leavers this year. RS is currently working on admission forms for schools.
125 children on roll. We now have a small waiting list.
RS asked if the reduced hours next year will affect the numbers. This was not known.
We will be opening a 15 hour class in summer term.
JW shared autumn term attendance data and a strategy for Creating an attendance culture. We are following SIP advice last term.
8 children identified with poor attendance eg in Spencer 1 – we need to correlate the attendance with progress and attainment. A number of these children are children in need. 6 are on the EYPP list. Teachers are aware and discussions with parents are taking place both verbally and written. Monitored daily.
2 classes have attendance above national expectations.
Overall, attendance has improved. Few nursery schools monitor at this level.
Governors felt that there was good strong data to support the work of the Nursery school
14.Any Other Business
a. Privacy Notice: Sent by LA. Governors agreed that we adopt the policy. FG to be informed.
b. Erasmus Project: We are lead school for England. 5 countries involved. Germany would like to set up Centres similar to ours. 1st session was on Supporting family and next meeting is 2 day conference that we are hosting 30th and 31st March. 20 delegates are expected.
15.Dates of future meetings 26.4.17, 6.7.17 all @ 9.30 am and preceded by learning walk @8.45 (except for 6.7.17 –data meeting)