(Updated 10-11-17)
Dr. Carol Wise
Associate ProfessorSchool of International Relations
Von KleinSmid Center, 328
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0043
(213) 740-2138
Published Books
- Dragonomics: The Rise of China in Latin America. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2018.
- Reinventing the State: Economic Strategy and Institutional Change in Peru. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003. (Spanish edition published in 2003 by the Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru).
Edited Collections:
The Political Economy of China-Latin American Relations in the New Millennium, co-edited with Margaret Myers. New York, NY: Routledge, 2016.
Unexpected Outcomes: How Emerging Economies Survived the Global Financial Crisis, co-edited with Leslie Armijo and Saori Katada. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2015.
- Requiem or Revival? The Promise of North American Integration, co-edited with Isabel Studer. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2007.
- Post-Stabilization Politics in Latin America: Competition, Transition, Collapse, co-edited with Riordan Roett. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2003. (Spanish edition published in 2004 by Nuevo Hacer Press, Buenos Aires).
- Exchange Rate Politics in Latin America, co-edited with Riordan Roett. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2000. (Spanish edition published in 2001 by Nuevo Hacer Press, Buenos Aires; Portuguese edition published as a special issue of the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Spring 2001).
- The Post-NAFTA Political Economy: Mexico and the Western Hemisphere, edited by Carol Wise. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998.
Journal Articles:
“Conceptualizing China-Latin America Relations in the 21st Century: The Boom, the bust, & the Aftermath” (with Victoria Chonn Ching), The Pacific Review, forthcoming 2018.
“Slippery Slopes: Globalization, Markets & Austerity,” Latin American Research Review, forthcoming 2018.
“China and Latin America’s Emerging Economies: New Challenges amid Old Realities,” Latin American Policy, vol. 7, no. 1 (2016): 26-51.
“Playing both Sides of the Pacific: Latin America’s Free Trade Agreements with China.” Pacific Affairs, vol. 89, no. 1 (2016): 75-101.
“Goodbye Financial Crash, Hello Financial Eclecticism” (with Manuel Pastor). Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 52 (April 2015): 200-217.
“The North American Free Trade Agreement.” New Political Economy 1(2009).
"China's Surge in Latin American Markets: Policy Challenges and Responses" (with Cintia Quiliconi). Politics and Policy 1 (2007): 410-438.
"The Lost Sexenio: Vicente Fox and the New Politics of Economic Reform in Mexico" (with Manuel Pastor). Latin American Politics and Society 4 (2005): 135-160.
"The Political Impact of NAFTA on Mexico: Reflections on the Political Economy of Democratization" (with Max Cameron). Canadian Journal of Political Science 2 (2004): 301-323.
"Argentina: From Poster Child to Basket Case" (with Manuel Pastor). Foreign Affairs(November-December 2001): 60-72.
"Latin American Trade Strategy at Century's End." Business and Politics 2 (1999): 2-46. "The Politics of Second Generation Reform" (with Manuel Pastor). Journal of Democracy 10 (1999): 34-48.
"Stabilization and Its Discontents: Argentina's Economic Restructuring in the 1990's" (with Manuel Pastor). World Development 3 (1999): 477-503.
"Liberalization and Ethnic Conflict in Latin America" (with Alison Brysk). Studies in Comparative International Development 2 (1997): 76-104.
"State Policy, Distribution, and Neoliberal Reform in Mexico" (with Manuel Pastor). Journal of Latin American Studies 2 (1997): 419-456.
"The Origins and Sustainability of Mexico's Free Trade Policy" (with Manuel Pastor). International Organization 3 (1994): 459-489.
"The Politics of Peruvian Economic Reform: Overcoming the Legacies of State-led Development." Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 1 (1994): 75-125.
"Peruvian Economic Policy in the 1980's: From Orthodoxy to Heterodoxy and Back (with Manuel Pastor). Latin American Research Review 2 (1992): 83-117.
"The Regional Implications of Public Investment in Peru" (with Patricia A. Wilson). Latin American Research Review 2 (1986): 93-116.
Chapters in Edited Collections:
- “China’s Soft Power in Latin America: A Very Mixed Bag” (with Nicolás Albertoni), in Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: China’s Campaign for Hearts and Minds, edited by Kingsley Edney, Stanley Rosen, and Ying Zhu. New York, NY: Routledge, 2017, forthcoming).
- “Sitting in Limbo: The North American Free Trade Agreement,"in National Solutions to Trans-Border Problems? Edited by Isidro Morales. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2011.
- “The US as a Bilateral Player: The Impetus for Asymmetric Free Trade Agreements” (with Cintia Quiliconi), in Competitive Regionalism, edited by Mireya Solís, Barbara Stallings, and Saori Katada. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009, pp. 97-127.
- “The US Competitive Liberalization Strategy: Canada's Policy Options,” in Canada among Nations, edited by Jean Daudelin and Daniel Schwanen. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007, pp. 225-247.
- “Against the Odds: The Paradoxes of Peru’s Recovery in the 1990s,” in The Fujimori Legacy: The Rise of Electoral Authoritarianism in Peru, edited by Julio Carrión. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, pp. 101-116.
- “Peru,” in Energy Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere, edited by Sidney Weintraub. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2005, pp. 302-335.
- “Negotiating the FTAA between the Main Players: The U.S. and Mercosur” (with Fernando Masi), in Mercosur and the Creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas, edited by Fernando Lorenzo and Marcel Vaillant. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, 2005, pp. 305-347.
- "The Fox Administration and the Politics of Economic Transition"(with Manuel Pastor), in Mexico's Democracy at Work, edited by Russell Crandall, Guadalupe Paz and Riordan Roett. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Press, 2004, pp. 89-118.
- "A Long View of Mexico’s Political Economy: What’s Changed? What Are the Challenges?” (with Manuel Pastor),in Mexico’s Politics and Society in Transition, edited by Joseph Tulchin and Andrew Selee. Boulder, CO Westview Press, 2002, pp. 179-213.
- "Trading Places: US Latinos and Trade Liberalization in the Americas,"in Borderless Borders: US Latinos, Latin Americans, and the Paradox of Interdependence, edited by Frank Bonilla. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2000, pp. 35-51.
- “State Policy and Social Conflict,” in The Peruvian Labyrinth, edited by Maxwell Cameron and Philip Mauceri. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997, pp. 70-103.
- “Democratization, Crisis, and the APRA’s Modernization Crisis in Peru,” in Debt and Democracy in Latin America, edited by Barbara Stallings and Robert Kaufman. Boulder: Westview Press, 1989.
Grants and Fellowships:
2012 Lasa-Mellon Research Grant, “Global Hierarchy and Financial Statecraft:Rebalancing in Favor of Latin America and Asia?”
2011 ISA Venture Workshop Grant, “The Quick Rebound of Emerging Markets from the Global Financial Crisis.”
Summer 2011 Fulbright Specialist Lecturer, Pacific University, Lima, Peru. Six weeks of teaching and collaboration on a project on “The Rise of China in Latin America.”
Spring 2009Visiting Scholar, Center for US-Mexico Studies, University of California, San Diego
2008-2009 USC U.S. China Institute, Faculty Research Grant, US-China Relations vis-à-vis Latin America in the 2000s.
2006-2010 Faculty Grant, Center for International Business Education Research (CIBER), USC Marshall School of Business, research on China’s growing political and economic ties with the Western Hemisphere.
2006/07 Future Fuels & Energy Initiative, USC Provost's Office, "Transitioning to a New Energy Fuel Paradigm: The Development, Adaptation, and Export of Natural Gas from the Andean Region."
2006/07 Faculty Fellowship, John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation of Los Angeles, "China, Mexico, & Competition for the U.S. Market: Los Angeles as a Commercial Hub."
- 2006/07 Faculty Fellowship Research Grant, Earhart Foundation (Ann Arbor, Michigan), "China's Growing Economic Presence in North America: Risks, Opportunities, & Strategic Options."
- 2006 Senior Fulbright Specialist, Beirut, Lebanon. Six weeks of collaboration with the College of Letters and Arts at Lebanon American University, toward the goal of introducing a teaching and research module on Latin American Studies.
- 2006 Public Policy Scholar, North American Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC.
- 2005 Carleton University Fulbright Chair in North American Studies, Ottawa, Canada
- 2005 Fulbright-Hays Senior Fulbright Faculty Award, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico
- 2004/05 James H. Zumberge USC Faculty Research & Innovation Fund Award
- 2003/04 Faculty Development Award, College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences, USC.
- 2003/04 Faculty Grant, Center for International Studies, USC, for a project entitled "Continental Divide: Distributional Rigidities in the New North American Bloc."
- 2002 Faculty Research Grant, Government of Canada, for a book-length project on "Skills, Distribution, and the New Continental Divide in North America."
- 2001 Bellagio Center Fellow-in-Residence, Rockefeller Foundation Villa, Lake Como, Italy. Project: "Twenty Years After: The Politics of Economic Transformation in Mexico."
- May 1999 Rockefeller Foundation Faculty Fellow, University of Cape Town, Centre for African Studies, South Africa. Support for lecturing on development challenges for the emerging market countries, including those of Africa.
- 1996/98 Fellowship for Studies in International Economic Conflict, U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington, DC.
- 1992/93 Post-Doctoral grants from: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Program in Peace and International Cooperation; John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation; North-South Center at the University of Miami; Heinz Endowment at the University of Pittsburgh; and the Fletcher-Jones Foundation.
- B.A. Sociology, University of California, 1974
- Master's of Public Administration, Columbia University, 1982
- Master of Philosophy, Political Science, Columbia University, 1986
- Ph.D. Political Science, Columbia University, 1991