June 20, 2011

Mr. Emhof reviewed the May 2011 budget and expenses.

Mary Reitz requested approval for the following home modifications:

  • Oneonta – bathroom remodel $2,500
  • Schenevus – (very long) ramp and lift into home $17,000
  • Schenevus – Lift $6,300
  • Oneonta – Ramp $3,000

Representative Fournier moved for approval. Seconded, Stuligross. Total: 4; Ayes 4. Motion carried.

Mr. Marchi reviewed the NYS DOH annual survey. Of particular concern were the Life Safety issues regarding the 15 stoves in the neighborhoods. The survey cited the facility for producing “grease-laden vapors” (ie. cooking fried eggs, bacon, etc. ) which in a new interpretation of the regulations would require an automatic fire suppression system over each stove and a wall put up to separateeach kitchen from hallway and living area. The Manor will be using pre-cooked foods that can be heated in the microwave for foods containing a lot of grease. Mr. Marchi is filing for a waiver against this action and filing a dispute with the DOH, which is using old 1998 NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) codes instead of the newer NFPA codes, which allow exceptions for situations similar to ours.

Mr. Emhof requested approval to fill a FT UWII and a FT Social Work Assistant position. He also requested to abolish a UWI position and create a UWII positionat a cost of $900.

Representative Fournier moved for approval. Seconded, Stuligross. Total: 4, Ayes: 4. Motion carried

Mr. Emhof requested approval for the following Webcast training:

  • Nurses: End Stage Diseases $169
  • All Employees; Annual professional Webinars $299

Representative Stuligross moved for approval. Seconded, Fournier. Total: 4, Ayes: 4.

Motion carried

Mr. Emhof requested approval to renew the contract with Resource Systems/Care Tracker for $5439.

Ms. Reitz requested approval for a contract with Accessible Home Solutions located in Albany as local contactors were not bidding and/or filling their obligations in a timely basis. Representative Stuligross suggested a presentation of problems dealing with local contractors should be presented.

Representative Stuligross moved for approval. Seconded, Fournier. Total: 4, Ayes: 4. Motion carried.

Mr. Emhof requested approval for the following equipment:

  • Copier lease (36 mo= $7515)
  • Oxygen concentrators to $1200
  • 2 Beds $4200
  • Clothes Dryer $450
  • Television $400
  • Kiosk $2400

Representative Fournier moved for approval. Seconded, Stuligross. Total: 4, Ayes: 4.

Motion carried.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Monday, July 18, 2011 at 10:00am.