At the bottom of this page is a nomination form. Please use it to nominate a club member (yourself even) for a position on the committee. Make sure your nominee is willing to take on the position then get the form seconded by another club member. Not too hard, is it? Just three signatures!
In September each year, all committee positions are declared vacant and all financial club members are eligible to stand for and vote on, all positions.
The positions include:
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Boat Captain Safety & Training Officer
These 6 positions form the BGCC Officers,who may hold each position only for 2 consecutive years.
They, along with the Two Ordinary Members, comprise the BGCC Committee, responsible for all planning, financial and other decisions; Liaising with Government and other organisations; Care of club members’ well-being and of club equipment. Committee members need to be able to attend Committee Meetings each month (barring ill-health or other emergencies.) Other club positions needing people to volunteer for include:
Public Officer Editor of “BP”Web Maestro Triathlon Coordinator(s)
Coaches’ RepresentativeSocial convener Publicity and Sponsorship,
Plus conveners for eachdiscipline, etc.!
The first six listed positions may be held by a club member for no more than two consecutive years. The other positions can be held indefinitely, but it is much better for all concerned if these jobs are also shared around.
This coming year you will also have the opportunity to help your club in many small ways. The ongoing, everyday jobs are to be spread throughout the membership so that no longer will the few be responsible for everything getting done. Everyone can do their own small bit to lighten the overall load.
Burley Griffin Canoe Club Inc. 2017 Annual General Meeting
Sunday 17thSeptember 2017
At Molonglo Reach, Morshead Drive, Campbell, at 10:30 a.m.
Finger food will be provided.
I: ______(nominator)
Wish to nominate: ______(nominee)
For the position of: ______(position)
Signed: ______(nominator) (signature)
I second this nomination ______(seconder) (Name) (signature)
I accept this nomination: ______(nominee) (signature)
Post nomination form to:or: Hand the nomination form to a
BGCCcommittee member
PO Box 341
Jamison Centre ACT 2614or:Bring nomination form to the AGM