AAGP Annual Meeting: Crystal Gateway Hotel

Arlington, VA * November 9, 2007

  1. Call to Order

Annarino called the meeting to order at 12:05 P.M.

  1. Quorum

Linn reported that the quorum was met with meeting attendance exceeding 274, or 60% of the registered AAGP members (464).

  1. Approval of Minutes

Upon a motion by Nathan Medina (IN), seconded by Harry Jacobs (CA), the members present voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the annual meeting held on November 10, 2006.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Turner recognized and thanked the members of the 2007 Finance Committee. Turner presented the financial report.

  1. President’s Report

Annarino presented the President’s Report, which included the following key points:

Membership-Currently, we have over 1,500 active members of AAGP.

Location-We have gone from being housed in an individual’s home to a professional office building with 520 sq. ft.We are finalizing details to move yet again in 2008-to a larger office within the same building.

Chapters-In the spring of 2002, chapters were a dream of AAGP.We have proudly formed over 30 chapters and many of them are thriving.

State Representatives-Currently, we have 26 individuals who have agreed to represent AAGP at a very important level.

Credentialing-In November, 2007, AAGP will realize a longtime dream-to have our affiliate-GPCI, implement the first-ever credentialing exam for grant professionals.The creation of this generalist exam has been a long time in the making.It has included the assistance of over 100 subject matter experts, a test that is legally defensible, that will truly make an everlasting difference in our field.There are over 100 persons scheduled to take the exam.There are plans to have at least two opportunities for persons to take the exam in 2008.

Foundation-After several years in the process, we achieved our affiliate-the AAGP Foundation-received their IRS 501 (c) (3) status in July, 2007.

Financial-In 2007, AAGP was approved for a $40,000 secure Line of Credit with the UMB bank.This is a sign of the financial security of the association.We have never had to utilize a loan during the time of our existence.

Research & Authority-We published and printed two Journals during 2007.

Ethics-One of the founding principles of AAGP was our Code of Ethics.We have now moved a step further in supporting the basis of this Code with the provision of the reporting procedures for persons who violate our Code of Ethics.

Conferences- We now have over 500 persons attending our annual conference.Our sponsorship level for the 2007 conference is right at $40,000, including both the in-kind and cash contributors.

Staff- The staff has now grown to include a full-time Executive Director, a full-time Membership Director and a part-time Office Coordinator.There are plans to increase the staff in 2008, pending funding availability.

  1. Conference Committee Report

Vertz provided the Conference Committee report. 510 people registered for the 2007 conference. Upcoming conferences are: 2008 Long Beach, CA; 2009 San Antonio, TX; 2010 St. Petersburg, FL. The first one-day regional conference will be held on May 30, 2007 in Chicago.

  1. Bylaws Report

Renninger recognized and thanked the 2007 Bylaws Committee. Upon a motion by Doris Heroff (IL), seconded by Bob Hull (KS), discussion was opened on the recommendation to amend the Bylaws to include Article #15, Affiliate Organizations. Hull (KS) questioned Section 7, which requires a unanimous Board vote to disband an affiliate organization. Renninger explained that a unanimous vote reflects the seriousness with which the Board would approach the disbanding of an affiliate. The members present voted unanimously to approve the bylaws changes.

  1. Marketing Committee Report
    Sarkiss presented the Membership Report, which attendees received in hard copy.
  1. Marketing Consultant Report

John Park of Leadership Synergies provided an analysis of, and recommendations for, AAGP’s marketing plan. Leadership Synergies was hired to conduct this analysis in 2007.

X. Nominating Committee

Harrington recognized the members of the 2007 Nominating Committee. Upon a motion by Mary Hale Meyer (PA), seconded by Johna Rodgers (KY), the members present voted unanimously to approve the 2008 Board of Directors. Newly Approved candidates: Karen Stinson (IA; i.e., second term); Dena Hartigan (NJ); Bill Smith (TN); Linda Butler (IL). These members join continuing Board members: Pauline Annarino (CA); Bernard Turner (TN); Jodi Pearl (FL); Joani Sarkiss (TX); Mary Hale Meyer (PA); Candra Parker (NY); Jerry Dillehay (AZ). The entire Board took an oath and signed Board assurances.

XI.AAGP Foundation - Recognition

Phyl Renninger, Interim President of the AAGP Foundation, and Karen Stinson, Board Liaison to the AAGP Foundation, unveiled the Foundation’s fundraising plan. The Foundation recognized the contributions of Bernard Turner.

XII. Comments from the Membership

A member commented that there should be raises for all AAGP staff, who work very hard and do an excellent job. The comment was met by much applause.


Annarino adjourned the meeting at 1:00 P.M.