Thursday, March 1
2 Corinthians 6-7
How did Paul view his suffering (afflictions) in 6:1-10?
What impact should a right relationship with God have on your relationships with others? With sin?
What would a proper response to sins that you have discovered in your own life (perhaps pointed out to you by someone else) look like practically?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Numbers 14-15; Psalm 90
Friday, March 2
2 corinthians 8-9
At the end of chapter 9, what is one reason Paul gives for God “supplying” us with abundance?
Consider your giving to the Lord in light of 9:6-7 (time, energy, possessions). What has been your attitude toward it this week? This month?
Jesus’ example of generosity is truly amazing (8:9). When you think about your own resources, in what ways can you follow Jesus’ example by using them for the glory of the Lord (8:19)?
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
P & K
They serve in the Middle East where P focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Praise – The Shepherd’s Training Institute has opened & is off to a great start
- Pray for the students of the institute as they balance studying, home life, etc.
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 16-17
Saturday, March 3
2 corinthians 10
What personal attack was made against Paul in verses 2 and 10? What was this meant to imply about his ministry?
Also, read 1 Corinthians 4:3-4. Then consider your own view of self. To whom do you most often look for affirmation? To whom should you look?
Serving God will attract personal attacks from the world (2 Timothy 3:12). It is spiritual warfare (10:3-6). What thoughts might you need to “take captive” when you are attacked as a Christian?
Prayer Category - The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 18-20
Sunday, March 4
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Numbers 21-22
Monday, March 5
2 Corinthians 11
What was Paul’s fear regarding the Corinthians (vv. 3-4)?
What kind of things characterized the “false apostles” that lured the Corinthians away from Christ?
The list of Paul’s suffering for the name of Christ is staggering. It affirms what Paul said in Philippians 1:21. But what was the point of his boasting in 2 Corinthians?
What was Paul’s desire for the Corinthians (vv. 3, 4b)?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 23-25
Tuesday, March 6
2 corinthians 12
How does Paul describe his relationship to the Corinthian church?
Paul believed that his suffering—even from Satan—was under the total control and purpose of God. From what character (and book) in the OT do we see a similar perspective?What is similar and what is different about these scenarios?
In this instance, Paul knew one reason why God allowed a particular “thorn” into his life. What reason was that?
What response have you had to the suffering in your own life? What response should you have?
Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 26-27
Wednesday, March 7
2 Corinthians 13
What does Paul mean by the “weakness” of Christ? Don’t guess, but use a study aid if you need help.
Who is meant in verses 6 and following by “we?” (Hint: look at 1:1)
What things do they pray for and charge the Corinthian church (vv. 7, 9, 11)?
Please memorize (or review) the category and book themes below:
General Letters
- 1 John – Tests of Eternal Life
- 2 John – Christian Hospitality and False Teachers
- 3 John – Christian Hospitality and Faithful Ministers
- Revelation – Revelation of Jesus Christ
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 28-30
Thursday, March 8
Leviticus 1-2
How do the two offerings in these chapters compare and contrast?
What is the purpose of the burnt offering (vv. 4, 9, 13, 17)?
The grain offering has a similar purpose mentioned in vv. 2 and 9. What other purposes do vv. 3, 10, and 11-16 indicate?
What do these things teach us about God?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 31-32
Friday, March 9
Leviticus 3-4
What is the significance of the sacrifice being “without blemish?”
What is the significance of the worshipper (or sinner) laying his hands on the animal’s head?
Who slays the animal, and who offers up the animal on the altar? Does it matter?
Why would God require an offering for sins committed “unintentionally?”
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
P & K
They serve in the Middle East where P focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Praise – P received a work permit
- Pray for P & K and for the baby’s delivery in April
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 33-34
Saturday, March 10
leviticus 5-6
Are the various offerings wholly distinct from one another? What purpose do they have in common (5:6, 10-11, 13)?
What does God’s provision for the priests teach us about Him? What does it teach us about the offering itself? (For example, is it somehow changed by the ceremonies?)
Why would God require such a particular, and often violent, system of atonement?
Prayer Category - The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Numbers 35-36
Sunday, March 11
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 1-2
Monday, March 12
Leviticus 7-8
Summarize chapter 7 in a sentence or two.
What is the theme of chapter 8? (Use six words or less.)
What might God have intended to communicate to Israel by Moses’ role in the consecration of the priests? What about to the priests?
The Bible says God has made the Christian to be a kind of priest to God in this world. What does this passage teach us that applies also to the Christian?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 3-4
Tuesday, March 13
Leviticus 9-10
How did the Lord“appear” to Israel, like Moses had forewarned in 9:4?(Hint: v. 24)
Nadab and Abihu had front row seats to see God’s power and glory in chapter 9. What does their disobedience reveal about their view of Him? Of themselves?
Leviticus 10:10-11 is a clear purpose statement for the priesthood system in general. How does this fit into God’s plan of salvation in Christ?
Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Deuteronomy 5-7
Wednesday, March 14
leviticus 11-12
The Lord states twice in chapter 11 why He made Israel’s dietary laws (vv. 44-45). What reason is that? What does it mean?
Do these laws apply to Christians today? Why or why not?
What do the burnt and sin offerings in chapter 12 tell us about childbirth? Is giving birth a sin?
Please memorize (or review) the category and verse below:
AllHave Sinned
- Isaiah 53:6 – “All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on Him.”
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Deuteronomy 8-10
Thursday, March 15
leviticus 13-14
What are the themes of chapter 13 and 14? (Use six words or less.)
What do these chapters tell us about infections and healing in terms of holiness? Is leprosy a sin?
As an object lesson, what spiritual truth do leprosy and cleansing illustrate?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 11-13
Friday, March 16
leviticus 15-16
One thing is common to all the uncleanness mentioned in chapter 15: privacy. Yet the Lord made laws for even these non-public matters. Among all of the other laws in Leviticus, what does chapter 15 teach us about cleanness before God (v. 31)?
Summarize chapter 16 in one or two sentences.
What does the scapegoat teach us about God’s atonement (16:7-10, 20-22)?
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
P & K
They serve in the Middle East where P focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Pray that P’s one-year residency card would be approved
- Pray that the Lord would grant them wisdom & grace through the rest of this process
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 14-16
Saturday, March 17
leviticus 17-18
Chapter 18, verses 24-30 culminate both chapters today (cf. 17:7). Practice the T.A.N. method on these verses.
1. THEN (What was being said then?)
2. ALWAYS (What eternal truth is taught?)
3. NOW (How can I apply that truth now?)
Prayer Category – The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 17-20
Sunday, March 18
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 21-23
Monday, March 19
leviticus 19-20
Practice the T.A.N. method on 20:22-26.
1. THEN (What was being said then?)
2. ALWAYS (What eternal truth is taught?)
3. NOW (How can I apply that truth now?)
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 24-27
Tuesday, March 20
leviticus 21-22
One phrase is repeated several times in this passage (21:1, 16; 22:1, 17, 26). What does that indicate about these laws? What about this book?
What is the difference between a freewill and a votive offering?(Hint: Use your Bible’s footnotes)
Looking ahead in Scripture, what is the significance of 22:18-22?
Prayer Category – Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 28-29
Wednesday, March 21
Leviticus 23-24
List the seven feasts found in this passage:
What does it mean that Israel was commanded to “humble your souls” on the Day of Atonement?
Notice that the Lord’s instruction for fair punishment (24:17-22) comes in the middle of giving the death sentence for a half-Israelite who committed blasphemy (vv. 10-16, 23). What insight does that give us about the holiness of God’s name?
Please memorize (or review) the category and verse below:
Sin’s Penalty
- Hebrews 9:27 – “And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.”
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Deuteronomy 30-31
Thursday, March 22
leviticus 25
What two calendar observances are commanded in this chapter?
List what aspects of life these pertained to specifically:
The Lord mentioned His ownership and generosity with the land many times (vv. 2, 23, 38, 42, 55). Why?
Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 32-34; Psalm 91
Friday, March 23
leviticus 26
List five of the benefits God promised for obedience:
List five of the consequences God promised for disobedience:
Was this particular covenant with Israel (the Mosaic Covenant) conditional or unconditional? (Hint: vv. 14-15)
Ultimately, what did Israel do? What did God do?
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
P & K
They serve in the Middle East where P focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Prayer as they still need to apply for residency cards for K and their son, and a US passport for the baby before they can travel in May
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Joshua 1-4
Saturday, March 24
Leviticus 27
List the four things a person might dedicate to the Lord in this chapter:
(Hint: see v. 28.)
List the three things that “belonged” to the Lord and were not optional:
(Hint: vv. 26-33.)
Name three things that stand out about God from the book of Leviticus:
Prayer Category – The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Joshua 5-8
Sunday, March 25
Review Day
Catch up on any readings, study questions, or memorization that you may have missed.
From the main worship service, answer the following questions:
- Sermon Title and Passage:
- Introduction:
- Outline:
- Implications/Conclusion:
Prayer Category – Praises & Thanksgiving
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Joshua 9-11
Monday, March 26
Passion Week reading
In one or two sentences, narrate what happened on this day.
What was the purpose of Jesus cursing the fig tree?
What connection do the cursing of the fig tree and cleansing of the temple have?
Prayer Category - The Church Prayer Page
Use the page at the back of the reading plan to pray for others in our church
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Joshua 12-15
Tuesday, March 27
passion week reading
In one or two sentences, narrate what happened on this day.
What was the purpose of all the questions being asked Jesus in public?
What was the focus of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse?
Prayer Category - Family & Evangelism
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Joshua 16-18
Wednesday, March 28
passion week reading
Who was behind Judas’ motives to betray Jesus? (Hint: Luke 22:3)
Why did the priests need Judas to betray Jesus?(Hint: Mark 14:1-2; Luke 22:1-2)
What does the woman’s anointing of Jesus’ feet reveal about her heart?
Look ahead to Thursday’s events, and read the Last Supper passages today.
Please memorize (or review) the category and verse below:
Salvation is Not by Works
- Titus 3:5 – “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.”
Prayer Category – Purity & Personal Growth
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year:Joshua 19-21
Thursday, March 29
passion week reading
Pick two to five verses from today’s reading, and practice the T.A.N. method.
1. THEN (What was being said then?)
2. ALWAYS (What eternal truth is taught?)
3. NOW (How can I apply that truth now?)
Prayer Category – My Small Group & My Friends
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Joshua 22-24
Friday, March 30
passion week reading
Pick two to five verses from today’s reading, and practice the T.A.N. method.
1. THEN (What was being said then?)
2. ALWAYS (What eternal truth is taught?)
3. NOW (How can I apply that truth now?)
Prayer Category - Missionary of the Month
P & K
They serve in the Middle East where P focuses on pastoral training & church strengthening
- Praise – The Shepherd’s Training Institute has opened & is off to a great start
- Pray for the students of the institute as they balance studying, home life, etc.
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Judges 1-2
Saturday, March 31
passion week reading
In a paragraph or two, summarize the events of Good Friday in order.
Spend an extra amount of time in prayer today, meditating on what God has done in the gospel and what Jesus has suffered for sinners like you.
Prayer Category – The Church
- Pray for tomorrow’s teachers, services, and events at our church
- Pray for our church leadership
- Pray for the persecuted church throughout the world
Optional Plan to Read through the Bible in a Year: Judges 3-5
Church Prayer Page
The following people have health issues. Pray that through their trial they will bring glory to the Lord and be a blessing as they submit themselves to understand His will. Pray for the Lord’s healing power and their continued sanctification in the circumstance.
Dave AndersonStacy FurreyRafaell Lozano
Mark AtkinsCrystal DixPatti Morse
Connie AyalaElias DuncanJackie Sild
Brandon BarnettAmy GomezBrenden O’Brien
Sarah FrancoRob GomezJane Harer
Brooke BartzFern GregoryLinda Owens
Daryl BennettElizabeth GriffithMaureen Personias
Sue BoydstonKent HarerOviPodborschi
Emily BrabonEileen KernKatherin Pritchard
Marion BriereJohn LiptakMary Lynn Reich
Caran ChaneyBette LyonStephanie Waller Fledy CovarrubiasHannah HaleSherry Ward
salvation & spiritual needs
Robert O’Carroll (John & Anita’s son) – salvation
Jeannine Chapman (Colleen Tosello’s mother)
Ron Turnbull, Sr. – salvation
Jim Colvin (Joyce Brown’s son) – salvation
J. Rodriguez & S. Lutrell (John Rodriguez’ father & sister)
J. Bennett (Daryl’s nephew) – health restoration & wife’s salvation
Amanda (Kim Ramos’) niece – salvation
Frank Menor (Laurie Trevett’s father) – salvation & health