Draft Notes of the Stockwell Forum held at OASIS from 7.00pm on 13TH June 2017.

Those present:- Ian Beever(IB), Moshin Idrees(MI), Sacha Gray, Carl Kowski, Claire Jostins, Andrew McCosh, Adam Pompa, Anthony Behrens, Virginie Roell Lacaille, Collette McGovern, Shena Callends(SC), Paul Whitehouse, Stella Cole(StC), Jabran Ali, Douglas Pinheiro, Fraser Serle: Councillor Guilherme Rosa, Councillor Andy Wilson, Sarah Coyte, Rupert Sutton(RS), & Ross Mitchel(RM){Lambeth Council}; Steve Griffin (SG), Marta Sordyl(MS) & John McCay (minutes) {Stockwell Partnership}.


1. SG welcomed the attendees and introduced the speakers.

1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting (8.2.17) were agreed as a true record.

1.2 There were no matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda.

2. Larkhall Park developments – Ross Mitchel, Lambeth Council

2.1 RM outlined the Lambeth plan to build 100 housing units on the edges of Larkhall Park to fund the employment of three grounds maintenance staff.

2.2 In response to questions it emerged that the specific costs and projected income flows were not yet available and the putative arms-length body to regulate the finances had not yet been determined. The meeting was assured that more details would be available in the consultation documents available soon and at the Stockwell Festival on 1st July.

3. Stockwell Parents Forum – Marta Sordyl, LEAP/Stockwell Partnership

3.1 MS stated that the aim of the project was to connect parents and carers of children up to four years old with professional services, to provide a platform to share experience and insights of its community members, to activate dads, and to foster strong family bonds within local families.

4. Lambeth’s new Community Co-ordinator for Counter Extremism – Rupert Sutton

4.1 RS stated that his was a pilot post planned to expand to 45 around the country. He was in the process of getting a feel of the local context and seeking extant groups that could increase local cohesion, with the aim of linking them, assisting with fund-finding, capacity building and signposting them to other agencies. RS powerpoint presentation available on request to

5. Local Planning Update – Ian Beever

5.1 IB outlined the major local planning applications to arise in the last three months. It included plans to:- demolish and rebuild Cap Gemeni, build 336 new and replacement residential units on the South Lambeth Estate, and create a new royal mail delivery office and multi-storey car park on 5-24 Pensbury St.

Full details: http://www.stockwell.org.uk/2017/06/14/local-planning-updates-june-2017/

6. Local Projects Update

6.1 MI stated that the Lambeth Safer Streets Team were actively assisting the rough sleepers of the borough back into the mainstream. Contact:

6.2 SC stated that the St John’s Project was in the process of recruiting older people to its projects and activities. A particular invitation to the over 80’s. Contact

6.3 StC stated that the Oasis Camel Club was being extended into an after school club from 14:00 – 15:00 on Thursdays. Contact:

6.4 FS reported up-coming behaviour-change workshops for Project Smith


7. Refreshments were served and the meeting ended at 8:30 pm.

Future dates for forums:– To be confirmed, check http://www.stockwell.org.uk/projects/the-stockwell-forum/