FYS 110 – 74

Spring 2013

Instructor:David W. Mills


Class Meetings:05/04/2013-06/01/2013 Lecture Saturday 08:00AM - 11:38AM, JCC @ LISD TECH,

Room 209

Office Hours: Any time by appointment.

Course Description

This first-year experience course equips you for transitions in education and life. You will be actively involved in learning and integrating practical applications to promote success. You will create a learning and academic environment in which you will be challenged and supported in setting of achieving educational and career goals and an educational plan, while enhancing critical thinking and study strategies.

Your Goals

This course is about you learning more about college and how to succeed in your studies. Take a moment to list some goals you might have for our time together. What are your concerns and what would you like to achieve?

Organization of Course

Life Maps explores four major journeys that we live.

Inner journey. A main journey is one of learning more about yourself, your strengths, and your learning styles.

This journey includes gaining confidence in yourself as you become part of the college community.

Learning journey. This journey includes active learning, effective and efficient study strategies, effective test-taking, and time management.

College Journey. We will explore the journey of college, using resources, and understanding the processes.

Life Journey. All of these journeys are involved in forming the career path you choose. This course will help with your career choice and with developing an education plan toward that goal.

Required and Suggested Textbooks and Supplies

  1. On Course6th Edition, S. Downing ISBN: 13-978-1-4390—8620-9
  2. A JCC Planner*
  3. Notebook for taking notes during class
  4. A folder to keep all course materials organized

What are Associate Degree Outcomes (ADOs)?

The Jackson Community College Board of Trustees has determined that all JCC graduates should develop or enhance certain essential skills while enrolled in the college. The Board has said:

JCC’s goal is to prepare students to live productive and meaningful lives. Implicit in this goal are efforts to prepare students to: (a) live and work in the 21st century, (b) be employed in situations which will require retraining several times during a productive life, and (c) function in a rapidly changing international society.

Associate Degree Outcomes and Course Objectives:

  • The ability to think critically and solve problems, ADO #7

Grasps central ideas and arguments as outlined;

Analyzes and questions underlying assumptions and logic of an issue or problem;

Seeks outside information and opinions as plans are weighed and determined;

Evaluates and synthesizes information gained and constructs plan to move forward.

  • The ability to work productively with others, ADO #9

Develops ability to discuss and question his/her own oral and written communication and that of their peers;

Is engaged in small and large group work, defining and assigning roles and responsibilities;

Listens well, attempts to resolve group conflict and works to reach consensus;

Treats the ideas, gifts and limits of others with respect.

Your instructor’s area of responsibility for your learning

Accessibility – E-mail me, come to my office during office hours, or set an appointment. I will be glad to discuss your college experience and assist you with this class.

Variety – The class will offer a variety of activities;work shopping, discussion, computer work and projects.

Your areas of responsibility for learning

Timeliness – Turn in your work by the due date. You must do assigned reading and written work before class begins. If you have any questions about an assignment, please call me, e-mail me, or talk to me before or after class. Please don’t wait until it is time to hand in the assignment to tell me you did not understand it or for some other reason could not complete it.

Attendance and Participation – You will get the most from this course by attending every session, participating in the learning activities in class and online, and completing the assignments. The majority of your grade is attendance based.

Attendance and Participation:

I do expect you to attend each scheduled day of class. We meet a total of twelve (12) days, for a little less than an hour each time. If you miss one class, it will have a negative effect on your grade. If you miss two classes, you will see that your grade goes down one half grade, i.e. 4.0 drops to a 3.5. While you are in class, it is expected that you will actively participate in discussions and activities. I ask that you read the assigned chapters BEFORE you come to class so that we can have a more meaningful conversation. You are responsible for completing all assignments and projects that were assigned which is considered as part of your participation and attendance grade. If you are unable to attend class, I expect a phone call or an email.

General Course Policies for FYS 110

ASSIGNMENTS: All work must have your full name, course section, and date at the top of the page. You should carefully check your spelling, punctuation, grammar and organization before handing it in – NO ROUGH DRAFTS!

LATE WORK: Late work will not be accepted unless you and I have discussed the situation beforehand. No exceptions!

BASIC FORMAT FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS: Typed, 12-point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins, full name, section number, and few if any errors. Papers should follow a MLA format.

ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: The JCC Catalog states, “Academic honesty . . .is the ethical behavior that includes producing one’s own work and not representing others’ work as one’s own, either by plagiarism, or by cheating, or by helping others to do so. . . Faculty members who suspect a student of academic dishonesty may penalize the student by assigning a failing grade for the [assignment] or the course itself. Instructors should document instances of academic dishonesty in writing to the Academic Dean.”

TUTORIAL ASSISTANCE is available for this course as well as most every course at JCC. If you would like to work with a tutor for this class or for another class, please contact me or visit the Center for Student Success (796-8415), located in BW 123. LISD TECH students can contact Ann Iseda during her office hours. The staff are there to help you succeed in your studies, so please do not hesitate to make use of this free resource. Also, please remember your grade in this course will increase 0.5 (one half grade) for tutoring you receive in any subject area.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the office of Learning Support Services at 787-0800, extension 8270/8553 as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR POLICY: Students are expected to show respect within the classroom by being attentive and listening while others are speaking. Plan to arrive on time, participate in discussions, and work with others during class time. All electronic devices must be shut off and put away in pocket, purse, book bag, etc.


Grades may be recorded online on JetNet, and you may check your grades from time to time using the “Online Classes” link from the JCC Home Page ( If you ever have questions or concerns about your grade, please let me know.

Grades are calculated by adding the total number of points you have earned divided by the number of points possible, then multiplied by 100 to get your percentage. The percentage will be converted to the 4.0 scale as shown below.

Final course grades are assigned as follows:

Grading scale:

4.0 94%—100%2.0 70—75

3.588—931.5 64—69

3.082—871.0 55—65

2.576—810.5 50—56


If you have questions or comments for me, by all means let me know. I will do everything within reason to ensure your success in this course.


Tentative Course Calendar

Session / Instructional Activities & Assignments / Assignments Due
Class 1 / Opening Activity andclass discussion.
Review of syllabus
Journal Assignment:
Letter to Instructor / Reading: In class reading, On Course: pp 24-26
Class 2 / Read & Succeed:
Brief lecture and reading exercise and assignment
Journal: Understanding our Strengths and Areas for Growth / Reading Assignment:
On Course pp. 2- 23. complete Self-Assessment pg. 7, OC
DUE: Completed and scored Self-Assessment
Class 3 / Creators vs. Victims: How Our Language and Thoughts Create Our Reality
Journal Assignment: Wise Choices (pg 47—Journal Entry #6) / Reading Assignment:OC, pp. 31-55
DUE: Evidence and Experience reading worksheet
DUE: Journal on Strengths and Areas for Growth
Class 4 / Time Management activity; continued work on reading techniques;
Calendar Assignments / DUE: Journal Entry #6 from OC, pg.47
Class 5 / Introduction to VARK and Multiple Intelligences
Journal: Understanding my learning styles and ways of knowing / Reading Assignment: OC – pp. 209-215
DUE: Calendar assignments
  1. Month-long academic
  2. Four Quadrants

Session / Instructional Activities & Assignments / Assignments Due
Class 6 / In Class work on DAPPS
  • Short Term DAPPS
  • “My Ideal Day”
OC Journal Entry #10 (pg. 81). / Reading Assignment: On Course, pp. 71 – 81; do “Thinking Out-Loud” method on copies or use Post-Its in book—bring to class
DUE: Journal on Learning Styles and Ways of Knowing
Class 7 / Visit from Academic Advisor for Student Education Plan (SEP)
Outline Life Maps Process & distribute handouts on LMP
Initial work on Life Dream
Review pp. 19-20 in OC: Hard and Soft Skills.
Students must make SEP appointments between Class 7 and Class 11 / DUE: Updated DAPPS on Long Term Goal
DUE: OC Journal #10 (pg. 81)
Class 8 / Meet in Computer Lab
Begin work on PowerPoint on “Life Dream”
Take Jung Typology Inventory
Journal on Understanding My Typology / DUE: List of Hard and Soft Skills (pg 19-20)
Session / Instructional Activities & Assignments / Assignments Due
Class 9 / Meet in Computer Lab
Introduction to Discover Tool
Reminder to make appt. for SEP / DUE: Draft of2 to 3 slide PowerPoint on “Life Dream”
DUE: Journal on Understanding my Typology
Class 10 / Meet in Computer Lab
Begin work on PowerPoint on Career Goals
FYS Portfolio Planning
Reminder to make apt for SEP / DUE: Bring Printer Friendly Version of top 3 career choices
Class 11 / Meet in classroom
Share drafts of PowerPoint on Life Dream and Career Goals—receive feedback
“Letter to Self / DUE: Draft of 2 to 3 slide PowerPoint of Career Goal
SEP Must be completed
Bring hardcopy of SEP to class
Class 12 / Take Self-Assessment
Review Learning
Closing Exercise / DUE: FYS Portfolio