Consultation on the proposal for Barry Primary School
to convert to academy status and join
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust
Wednesday 7th March 2018
Parent Consultation – Session 1
Q:How long has the process of looking for an Academy been going so far?
A:Approximately 4 years. There was a full scoping exercise initially, looking at several different academy options. It has also been on the agenda at Governors Meetings for some time so is discussed regularly at meetings. Local landscape has changed and Local Authority has made it clear that academisation is the way forward for schools.
Q:The current TEFAT website is not up to date and the policies are very prescriptive. They do not necessarily follow the Barry Primary ethos?
A:The current website is undergoing changes and updating. The policies are a general guideline for schools to adopt as they see fit. Very similar to the way NCC policies are used currently.
Q:The number of TEFAT schools is currently 25. Is this likely to increase dramatically?
A:No, the Foundation is careful to increase only at the rate they can manage.
Q:How do the staff feel about this change?
A:Partnership with staff is very important and the process has included staff at every stage. They had the opportunity to visit existing TEFAT schools. Staff also take part in this consultation process.
Q:Will it impact on teacher workload?
A:Staff wellbeing and workload is part of the national picture and a priority for TEFAT. Staff complete surveys and the results are monitored closely. The online systems used by the Foundation are chosen to help reduce workload.
Q:Will staff be asked to move around within the TEFAT group?
No, staff will remain in current school. There is opportunity for career progression with the Foundation but at the request of the member of staff.
Q:Did TEFAT recommend any candidates for the Headteacher vacancy?
Not directly although the profile of the vacancy was raised due to increased networking.
Q:Will the logo and uniform change?
A:No, neither will change. The TEFAT logo will be displayed on school and on the website.
Parent Consultation – Session 2
Q:What changes did the teachers in schools that have already converted, see?
A:Pay and conditions – TUPE over – Continued Professional Development (CPD) had improved– opportunities to attend training nationally and regionally – planning platforms – live planning – marking systems to help with workload and retention of teachers – electronic safeguarding – data systems. Mostly systems – not different in terms of people coming to the school, for example to monitor. The schools get out of the TEFAT what they put in. Teachers that wanted to develop without joining the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) can become Excellent teachers and develop in the classroom.
Q:Where does the budget sit if we transfer to TEFAT?
A:It stays with the school but there is a team that support Business Managers across TEFAT. The
schools get more of the budget back.
Q:If the Headteacher wants to purchase something for the good of the school and children, do they
have to go through layers of red tape?
A:No they only ask for quotes for things that want to be purchased over £30, 000 and check out who those companies are as the LA would now. This would still sit with the Headteacher and the school.
Q:What timescale would we be looking at for conversion?
A:1st July 2018 but this is flexible. If there were issues that came up following the consultation that might affect this. It is NOT a done deal. No obligation as yet. It could be postponed if more time was needed.
Survey date will be extended so that Governors can meet with parents at the Parents Evenings next week as parents at the early meeting reported these timings difficult.
Q:What is the risk if we don’t convert now?
A:We currently only see our School Improvement Partner once per year. Services are now not there to provide challenge and support so if this does not work, we would have to find another Academy to join. Northamptonshire County Council would ideally like all Northamptonshire schools to have converted by 2020. We have been carefully considering the process since 2014. Headteacher has led on this and has considered and viewed lots of schools and several Academy Trusts.
Q:Who are the Elliot Foundation?
Charity trust formed by a lady called Caroline Wooley who came from Education with an Investment banker to finance. Named after her stillborn child. Wanted child centred approach. Initially were schools in categories that had to convert, then schools that did not have to convert began to approach them. Board of trustees from different backgrounds that run the Academy. Elliot Foundation is the charity. All the information about this is on the website and you can see the balance of these on the website.
Q:Are all Academies charities?
A:The Elliot Foundation is a charity based Academy, not all are. There are ‘for profit’ Academy sponsors/trusts. There are some that are schools joined together (Multi-Academy Trusts). It is fragmented because of the politics involved.
Q:Do the children see the ‘budget per child’ or does it go to the Elliot Foundation?
A:No it works the same as it does now. Finance is managed by the school. Money is paid to the Elliot Foundation and they give the school the budget as the LA does now. Foundation is able to secure cheaper deals on things across all their schools, which saves money for the schools though.
Q:Will the school still follow the National Curriculum?
A:Yes, that would not change we are still preparing them long term to work towards GCSEs at
Secondary school and we would continue to do so in the way we are now.
Frequently asked questions are on the Elliot Foundation website.
TEFAT urge parents to look their schools and see how individual they are, through their websites.
Staff Consultation
Q:Is there a date when all primary schools have to academise?
A:No, there was a Government white paper which stated 2020 but this was not passed by Parliament.
Q:When we academise do we lose our Ofsted Good rating?
A:No, when schools academise they change DFE and URN number but Ofsted grading remains.
Unless standards in school drop or there is a safeguarding concern, another inspection would not happen for three years. This would be a full 2 day inspection.
Q:How many times does data have to be entered?
A:Data is entered three times a year using a Scholarpack, an MIS system. Checkpoints are Terms 2, 4 and 6. This system enables schools to easily benchmark data with a wide selection of schools. Can benchmark nationally 3 times a year.
Q:As much of our MIS systems and software will change, is the training adequate?
A:Yes, there is a six week induction during which full training will take place.
Q:Are Early Years comparable?
A:Yes, absolutely. Scholarpack uses a program similar to Tapestry. An Early Years Network Group is already up and running and a Nursery Group will follow.
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