/ Bilingual Online Services
Software Survey / 30/11/2015

This questionnaire is intended to collect based information about the bilingual software capability within an organisation, specifically:

-  Website: The degree to which this is bilingual, how translations are maintained and whether a Content Management System is used and supports this;

-  Intranet: The nature of the Intranet and to what degree the structure, interface functionality and content are bilingual;

-  Applications: What applications are used and the degree to which these have a bilingual capability.

If you have any questions or further contributions to make that are not covered in this questionnaire, please email to discuss – the creation of this data set and evolution of the collection and application processes are very much a work in progress!

Organisation name:
Name of individual completing this survey:

All information provided will be handled confidentiality and we will only publish anonymised data and use the aggregated data for benchmarking sectors and organisations.


This refers to the main website for your organisation and the Content Management System (CMS) used for it. If you have other CMSs in use and/or multiple websites, please indicate this.

Main URL:
Do you use a CMS? If so, which one?
Do you have other CMS’s in use and/or sites outside of your primary CMS?

Is the site bilingual? (Select one):

Fully equivalent (content and structure) and maintained
Intended to be fully equivalent, but not maintained up to date
Some content in Welsh, but not intended to be fully equivalent
A Welsh language page/section, but no normal site content in Welsh
No Welsh on the site

If the site is bilingual, what site structure is used? (Select one):

Single site structure with ability to publish templates and content in each language
Two identical site structures, workflow and automation keeping content in synch
Two non-identical site structures, workflow and automation keeping content in synch
Two identical site structures, manual activities keeping content in synch
Two non-identical structures, no activities to keep content in synch
A single site structure with a Welsh language section
Not known – the CMS handles this
Not known

Is there a language switcher on the site and how does this work? (Select one):

Yes: On every page and switches to the same page for the selected language
Yes: Present on every page and switches to the site home page
Yes: Other behaviour
No: There’s a menu link to the Welsh language content/sub-site
No: Other

How are translations used on the site provided? (Select one):

Human translator: integrated translation workflow
Human translator: via a translation export/integration
Human translator: directly into the CMS user interface
Human translator: other/manual method
Machine translation: integrated into CMS
Machine translation: other server integration
Machine translation: client side script/plug in (e.g. Google/Bing Website translator)
Do you use an online forms tool for your website? If so, which one?


Do you have an Intranet? / Yes / No / Other:

What platform/product(s) are used to implement your Intranet?

What is the Intranet used for?

Collaboration (calendar, instant message, etc.)
Other integrated functionality (please describe):


Is content centrally managed/edited, devolved to a set of trained and controlled content editors, edited by all staff (e.g. as in a wiki) or some other approach?
Does your Intranet content editor have a CMS?
Is this the same (or integrated with) your web CMS?
Is there bilingual support for Intranet content-editing & publication?


What functional capabilities (e.g. content-editing, collaboration, etc.) does your Intranet platform provide:
Does the functional interface (menus, user interface for functionality, etc.) have the ability to support multiple languages?
Is there a Welsh Language Pack (LP) for the functional aspects?
Where users enter data (e.g. a meeting title in a calendar) that is published, can they enter that in multiple languages?
Do you have web-enabled interfaces for other applications (e.g. HR self-service), are these linked to the Intranet?


Can you switch languages?
Does this switch:
User interface
User-entered data
Does a language switch maintain context, i.e. does it leave a user on the same page and at the same point in their interaction?


What other capabilities does your Intranet have with regard to bilingual and Welsh language support?


Please list the main applications that you use that present a user interface to external and internal users and that are likely to require bilingual capabilities under the Standards.

Typical applications to consider are:

·  Workflow & Forms platforms

·  EDRMS (Electronic Document & Record Management System)

·  Customer-facing self service capabilities

·  Applications integrated with your website

·  CRM

·  HR

·  Finance

·  Desktop suites (Office, open source variants, etc.)

·  Office 365/Google/Cloud Apps

For each indicate whether the application has these capabilities:

·  MUI (Multilingual User Interface) – i.e. able to be switched between languages

·  Welsh LP (Language Pack) – whether it has a Welsh translation available

This is a Word table, so please add more rows as needed. The first entry is just an example, please delete.

Function / Application Name / Internal/External / MUI / LP
EDRMS / SharePoint 2013 / Internal


These are open-ended questions, please enter whatever responses give the best sense of how things are within your organisation.

What server platforms do you use (e.g. Windows, Linux, Cloud, etc.)?
What is your main desktop operating system (e.g. Windows, Linux, etc.)?
Do you use mobile applications, which ones?
Do you use third party cloud apps, (e.g. Office 365, Google Docs), which ones?
Do you use translation tools (Translation Memory, workflow, etc.), which ones?
Is there anything else that may be relevant to the use and availability of bilingual software that we haven’t asked?

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