September 23, 2010, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Ignited by God’s love
Burning for Justice
We embrace the world
Name / Cluster/Position / TermEnds 8/31 /
Mr. Gus Barnes / Coalition / 2013(1)
Mr. Wayne Pratis / Coalition / 2013(1)
The Rev. Eric Silberschmidt / Kenosha/W Racine Cluster / 2013(1)
Ms. Pat Dorsey / Northwest / 2013(1)
Ms. Esther Rusch / Northern Lakeshore / 2013(1)
The Rev. Tracy Polzin / Racine / 2013(1)
Mr. Donald Hintze / Milwaukee 3 / 2011(2)
Ms. Sally Newman / Milwaukee 4 / 2011(1)
Mr. Kenneth Bischmann, AIM / Waukesha / 2011(1)
Ms. Janey Reed / Lake Country / 2011(1)
The Rev. Mark Jaramillo / At Large / 2011(2)
The Rev. Kathy Boadwine / At Large / 2011(1)
The Rev. Gary Grindeland / At Large / 2011(1)
Ms. Susan Cyr / Vice President / 2013(2)
The Rev. Karl Nelson / Secretary / 2011(1)
Mr. Lee Johnston / Treasurer / 2013(1)
The Rev. Jeff Barrow / Bishop / 2016(1)
Vacant / Youth Representative / 2010
Call to Order
Vice President Ms. Susan Cyr called the Synod Council meeting to order at 6:00 P.M., Thursday, September 23, 2010, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Menomonee Falls, WI. A quorum was declared. Opening devotions were given by Ms. Sally Newman.
Outreach for Hope
Outreach for Hope, Pr. Jim Bickel, presented his report. They distributed $75,500 each of two different times this year, with a goal of $302,000 to be distributed this year. Next year their goal is to distribute $330,000 for 2011. He noted that there is a great amount of enthusiasm for the work of Outreach for Hope. The success of Outreach for Hope continues to be dependent on gifts received annually.
I. Bishop’s Report
The bishop, The Rev. Jeff Barrow, says he remains very hopeful for the church in these days, while acknowledging the tremendous challenges the church faces today. He reported that the Lutheran Campus Ministry board is almost complete and has begun to function. He rejoiced that we are now fully staffed with the addition of The Rev. Sandy Chrostowski in August. He is pleased that we have over 100 registrations for the fall theological conference in October. He pointed out that Ms. Geri Mertaugh will be winding down her responsibilities in Youth and Family in order to take on family matters. She will resign in March, 2011. Bishop Barrow will be attending the Conference of Bishops in October and taking a trip to Tanzania also in October.
He reiterated that his main goal for the synod is for the synod staff to be better at listening to congregation members and congregations as well as to increase communication between synod rostered leaders and the synod staff.
Bishop Barrow reported that Calvary, Brookfield will be the first church in our synod to take a vote on leaving the ELCA. The first vote is scheduled for November 1, 2010. A comprehensive process is required by the congregation and synod before and after the first vote. A second vote with a 2/3 majority is required.
Considerable discussion took place over the issue of vacancy length in congregations, the variety of interim pastors’ effectiveness, the MET process and the availability of pastors seeking calls.
II. Executive Committee
Ratification of Grant Requests to Siebert Lutheran Foundation
The Synod Council voted to ratify the submission of two grant requests, approved by e-mail, to the Siebert Lutheran Foundation. One for Lutheran Campus Ministry, $15,000 and one for the Director of Discipleship position, $30,000.
Approve submission of grant request to the Siebert Lutheran Foundation
The Synod Council voted to approve the submission of a grant request for the Bishop’s Initiative, for three years, for $690,000 for the six synods. It was reviewed and can be resubmitted if necessary. The purpose of the request is for raising up leaders in our six synods.
III. Treasurer’s Report
Mr. David Groenewold, Synod business manager, stated that right now we are about 2% behind from where we were last year at this time. Our commitments from congregations of $2,328,000, is less than last year’s commitments. We are in our fourth year of decreases after three years of increases. Our cash reserves are stable with a $240,000 balance. For the year we are behind $33,000, including the non-budgeted amount of $19,000 paid to the ELCA Board of Pensions for the Pentecost Church issue.
IV. Reports
Deans’ Report – A verbal report was given by The Rev. Eric Silberschmitt, with a significant discussion taking place on the effectiveness of our constitution-mandated cluster system.
WELCA – Ms. Carol Ropel gave a detailed verbal report on the challenges they have encountered.
V. Old Business
“Beyond Our Walls,” conversations continue around the mission statement as stated at the top of these minutes. The next meetings will be in January, 2011.
Youth at Assembly Task Force, the persons assigned to this task force have begun holding meetings on developing a means to involve more youth at synod assembly and the synod council.
VI. New Business
A. Need to have a job description and recruit persons to serve on the newly established Personnel Committee.
B. Synod Guidelines and the Family Leave Act
The Synod council voted to change our Synod Compensation Guidelines to comply with the federal law concerning the Family Leave Act.
C. 2011 Synod Assembly dates, June 24, 25, 26, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Country Spring Resort, Pewaukee.
VII. Reports from Synod Committees/Task Forces
Extended discussion took place on how to handle receiving reports from the numerous synod committees and task forces. The council was asked to determine which committees and task forces are still viable.
Future Meeting dates:
November 11, 2010 Synod Council meeting, Synod Office, devotions Don Hinze
January 13, 2011, Adoration, Greenfield
March 12, 2011, Unity, Milwaukee
May 12, 2011, Synod Council meeting, St. Matthew’s, Palmyra
July 14, 2011, Bishop’s house, Racine, WI
September 22, 2011, ELCA Headquarters, Chicago, IL
Synod Assembly, June 24-26, 2011, Country Springs Resort
Karl J. Nelson, Pastor
Synod Secretary