PUTNEY, VT 05346


Putney Selectboard

Minutes of July 15, 2009

The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 6:00 PM at the PutneyTown Hall.

Board Members Present: Brad King, R. Scott Henry, and Josh Laughlin

Others Present: Kathleen O’Reilly-Lawrence, Lister & Cemetery Commissioner; Laura Barcomb, Administrative Assistant; and Anita Coomes, Town Clerk & Treasurer.

The meeting was called to order at 6:10p.m.

Minutes: On a motion by S. Henry, seconded by B. King, the Board voted unanimouslyto accept the minutes of July 1, 2009 as submitted.

Town Manager Report:

  • Putney Pool Update: L. Barcomb gave the board a brief update. All lifeguards are adhering to the recent cell phone use policy. A new member recently had a windshield break while at the pool. An accident report has been submitted to our insurance company. Overall, operations seem to being going well.
  • Sidewalk Feasibility Study Update: L. Barcomb informed the Board of the next round of transportation enhancement funds. To apply for funding, a pre-application letter must be submitted by August 10 with final applications due October 13, 2009.

Other Business:

  • Animal Control: Anne Eddy has been hired as Putney’s Animal Control Officer. As of July 1, any animal issues will be referred to Anne. J. Laughlin commented that he recently “lost” his dog; he had a pleasant experience with Anne and she was open and receptive to all animal issues.
  • East Putney Ferry Road: S. Henry received a letter from John Nopper requesting the Board begin the process of discontinuing an abandoned portion of East Putney Ferry Road. The Board requested clarification of which portion John is referring to.
  • Lister/ Grievance: Kathleen O’Reilly-Lawrence reported that recent grievance hearings went well. Kathleen has been steadily training and plans to run for a three year seat in the March 2010 election.
  • KathanCemetery: As Cemetery Commissioner, K. O’Reilly Lawrence reported that with the hard work of Quinn Lawrence, Pamela Cubbage, Daniel Hoviss, and an abutting neighbor, two clean-up events have taken place at the KathanCemetery. Kathleen is drafting a letter requesting an easement for a permanent right-of-way to get to the site.

Old Business:

  • Liberty Elm: B. King inquired who is digging the hole and where is it going. He would like to see how far he can get in with a vehicle. Also suggested calling Digsafe before digging.

Approval of FY10 Tax Rate: The Board reviewed information provided by Anita Coomes. After review, J. Laughlin made a motion to approve the fourth tax rate of .0086 raising $18,600.56 and the municipal tax rate of .579 raising $1,252,293.05. S. Henry seconded the motion and with no further discussion the vote carried unanimously. The FY10 Non-residential tax rate: 1.4777 Homestead: 1.5071

Development Review Board/ Omni-point Cell-Tower: S. Henry commented that the informational hearing for the proposed cell tower on Great Meadows Ridge was scheduled for 7/21/09 at the Putney Fire Station and requested an agenda be sent to all abutters. L. Barcomb will mail agenda.

Executive Session: None

Warrants to Treasurer:

Payroll: #1 - $6,932.82; #2- $7,074.93

Payables: #38- $28,268.58

With no further business before the Board J. Laughlin made a motion to adjourn, S. Henry seconded, and B. King adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

Next Meeting: July 29, 2009, 6:00 p.m. at the PutneyTown Hall

Respectfully submitted byLaura Barcomb