Sharon P. Holland
Curriculum Vitae
Sharon Patricia Holland
Department of American Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
210 Greenlaw Hall
CB #3520
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3520
Office: 227 Greenlaw Hall;
(919) 962-4062 (direct line)
Curriculum Vitae
Academic History:
- Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Department of English Language and Literature, granted August 1992.
- A.B. Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. English and Afro-American Studies, granted June 1987.
Employment History:
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Spring 2014-present. Professor.
- Duke University, Departments of English and African and African American Studies. Associate Professor Fall 2008-fall 2013.
- Northwestern University, Department of African American Studies. Associate Professor. Fall 2006- spring 2008.
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Departments of African American Studies and English. Associate Professor. Fall 2000-Summer 2006.
- NEH, Division of Public Programs (Film & Media). Humanities Administrator. Winter 2000. Declined.
- State University of New York, Albany, Department of English. Assistant Professor. Fall 1999. Tenured, Spring 2000.
- Stanford University, Stanford, California, Department of English. Assistant Professor. Fall 1993-Spring 1999.
- Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, Program in African American Studies. Postdoctoral Fellow, Fall 1992- Summer 1993.
Post-degree Honors and Awards:
- Fulbright Senior Lecturer in American Studies. Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain (Winter/Spring 2006).
- Lora Romero First Book Publication Prize for Raising the Dead from the American Studies Association (ASA). November 2002.
- Dean’s Fellow in the Humanities, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford, California. Fall 1997-Spring 1998.
- Sinclair Drake Teaching Award, Black Community Services Center, Stanford University. 1997 and 1999 Recipient.
- Center for Chicano Research, Research Grant, Stanford University. Summer 1996.
- Program in Feminist Studies, Curriculum Grant, Stanford University. Winter 1995.
- Irvine Foundation, Multicultural Curriculum Grant, Stanford University. Spring 1994.
- Wesleyan University, Pew Postdoctoral Fellow, Program in African American Studies 1992-1993.
Public and Professional Service:
- Committee on Literatures of People of Color (CLPC), MLA. 2010-2013.
- Program Committee, ASA (American Studies Association) 2007-08; Executive Committee to the President of the Association.
- Nominating Committee, 2006-2009; Chair, 2007 & 2008.
- Executive Committee, Division of Gay and Lesbian Literature, MLA (Modern Language Association), 2008-2011.
- Advisory Board, American Quarterly (2006-12).
- Editorial Board Member, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 2005-2012.
- Board Member, FC2 (Fiction Collective Two), 2004-2006.
- Acting Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Studies and the First Year Experience (UIC, Spring/Summer 2005).
- Director of Graduate Studies, Department of English (UIC, 2002-05).
- Executive Committee of the MLA Southern Literature Discussion Group (2001-05).
- Board Member, CLAGS, The Graduate Center @ CUNY, New York (2000-03).
- MLA Executive Committee member, Twentieth Century Literature Division (1999-04).
- The Erotic Life of Racism (Duke University Press, Spring 2012).
- Crossing Waters, Crossing Worlds: The African Diaspora in Indian Country, co-edited with Tiya Miles (Duke University Press, Fall 2006), 2nd printing.
- Raising the Dead: Readings of Death and (Black) Subjectivity, Duke University Press (2000). Awarded the Lora Romero First Book Publication Prize from the American Studies Association (2002).
Journal Articles:
- “Introduction: ‘On the Visceral,’” with Marcia Ochoa and Kyla Tompkins, special double issue of GLQ (20.4 & 21.1).
- “(Black) (Queer) Love,” Callaloo, Summer 2013.
- “Leaving WAS Behind,” African American Review, special issue, “MLA Roundtable: What Was African American Literature?” Winter 2011.
- “On the Beached Whale,” GLQ Special Issue on (Re) Thinking Sex. Winter 2011.
- “Afterword,” GLQ Special Issue on Settler Colonialism. Winter 2010.
- “The Apostate,” Minnesota Review. Spring 2009.
- “When Characters Lack Character: A Reading of Pamela Lu’s Pamela,” PMLA 123 (5): 1494-1502. Fall 2008.
- “Death in Black and White: A Reading of Marc Forster’s Monster’s Ball,” Signs, special issue on visual culture 31 (3) (Spring 2006).
- “The Last Word on Racism: Toward a New Critical Race Theory,” SAQ (South Atlantic Quarterly) 104 (3) (Summer 2005).
- “Everyday Mo(u)rning,” Theatre Journal: Special Issue on Tragedy, 54 (1)(March 2002).
- “Bill T. Jones, Tupac Shakur and the (Queer) Art of Death,” Callaloo 23 (1) (Winter 2000).
Essays in Edited Volumes:
- “Is There an Audience for My Play,” Shakesqueer, ed. Madhavi Menon (Duke University Press, 2011).
- “’No Atheists in the Fox Hole’: Toward a Radical Queer Politics,” A Companion to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (Blackwell, 2007).
- “An/Other Case of New England Underwriting” with Jennifer D. Brody in Crossing Waters, Crossing Worlds, Tiya Miles and Sharon Holland, eds.
- “'If you know I have a history, you will respect me:' A Perspective on Afro-Native American Literature,’” in When Brer Rabbit Meets Coyote, Jonathan Brennan, ed. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003).
- “(Pro)Creating Imaginative Spaces and Other Queer Acts: Randall Kenan’s A Visitation of Spirits and its Revival of James Baldwin’s Absent Black Gay Man in Giovanni’s Room,” in James Baldwin Now, Dwight McBride, ed. (New York University Press, 1999).
- “Querying Feminism and Killing the Self in Consolidated’s Business of Punishment,” in Beyond the Binary, Timothy Powell, ed. (Rutgers University Press, 1999).
- “The Communities and World(s) of Beloved" with Michael Awkward, in Toni Morrison, Nellie Y. McKay, series ed. (MLA Publications, 1997).
- "[White] Lesbian Studies," in The New Lesbian Studies. Bonnie Zimmerman, ed. (The Feminist Press, 1996).
- "To Touch the Mother's Country: Siting Audre Lorde's Erotics," Lesbian Erotics: Practices and Critiques, Karla Jay, ed. (New York University Press, 1994).
- "Humanity is Not a Luxury: Some Thoughts on a Recent Passing,"Tilting the Tower, Linda Garber, ed. (Routledge, 1994).