In Attendance – Board members Daniel Zappala, Don Watkins, Mark Thompson, Will Jones (for Kimberly), Tim Irwin, Gary Gygi, Brian Braithwaite
Others in Attendance – Brian Gwilliam, Aaron Palmer, Rich Nelson, Brad Freeman, Brian Gwilliam, Steve Swenson, Jeanie West, Travis Flygare, Spencer Edwards, Rod Mann, Tom Hathorne, Landon Flack, Nancy Jones, Casey Baird, Paul Hill, Sheldon Wimmer, Brandt Godwin, Dave Bunker
Invocation – Tim Irwin
Gary Nominated Tim Irwin as Chair and Kimberly Bryant as co-chair Seconded by Mark. Brian nominated ?died for a second. Voting was unanimous
Report on amending Interlocal Agreement – Rich reported that all three cities have approved the two year change to the agreement. (Send to Board!!!)
Report on the True- Committee has requested that staff look at other Districts that have formed a district to find out the pros and cons. Possibly be ready to bring to the board this fall but would not be ready to bring it to a public vote in November. Tim requested that regular reports of their findings would be given to the Board.
Utah Valley Dispatch – Aaron let the Board know that Highland City approved paying the assessment for the building of a new Dispatch facility. Alpine and Cedar Hills have also made payment.
Police Budget – Lone Peak Community for Hope – group that is addressing the rash of suicides and attempted suicides. There have been 3 in the last two days. Board expressed concerned and support for this group. Discussion ensued regarding another group called Community for Hope that is more of a national group. Brian showed through a graph how the population is growing along with call volume. Chief is proposing a 3% merit, moving 2 part time employees to a full time position. He reminded the board that last year they approved one more position that will be hired this month. The budget reflects this position. He also reported that they have retired one of the canines and will not replace him. Medical benefits are estimated to increase 7% but for the first time in many years there will be no increase in Retirement costs. Proposing that they purchase a new motorcycle since the existing one is a 1997. Discussion ensued regarding the use of a motorcycle in the fleet. Brian presented a new vehicle plan. Financing the vehicles cost approximately $6,150/year for 5 years. Brian Braithwaite asked what it would cost to have a personal camera. Board supports that these devices should be part of the budget. Marks question??? Finance through property tax??
Before Brad began Tim encouraged that each board member meet with Brad to go over his matrix plan. On an individual basis helps to answer questions regarding what the Fire Department does. Brad highlighted his personnel changes that did not change the budget. He was able to hire 4 full time employees by eliminating some part time employees. The part time idea is great except that all of the other departments are utilizing this idea and the pool is dwindling and many aren’t willing to work holidays etc. Took two full time employees and made them battalion chiefs on salary which does not pay overtime and yet they work two shifts, they also serve as fire marshal, talked about the grants that Tom has gotten, worked it so that we got a state of the art zoll defibrillator. Grants to replace air packs, showed an extraction device. Grant for wildland gear..grant for bendix radios. Public Service – started a new program called cadet program. Spend time talking to the students about drugs, suicides, saving people’s lives 5th grade…for them, the police program runs for the 6th graders. Parents are invited to the graduation and they go over what the students have been taught. The students know they are always welcome at the fire stations to talk etc. The Ashly Cox Memorial Emergency Canyon Phone is going to be installed in the spring. Will inivite the donators and officials at a ribbon ceremony. New website designed by a new firefighter, Landon Flack. This will save money! Class A uniforms have been purchased, they are Red-card trained. Brad went over the areas that will increase budget. 3% merit, uniform, ……..Budget will only go up $56,000? Cities will only see a $36,000 increase divided by the 3 cities according to our formula. Average households were paying $254/household this budget will lower the household by $2.00. Gary congratulated the chief in keeping his budget as low as possible. Will suggest that they start setting aside a rainy day fund. Mark stated that for the money he receives he runs an excellent service. Discussion ensued regarding the ambulance runs and the lowered collection rate.
Laurie presented the administration budget – Increase to hire a part time position to help with the segregation of duties. Will carry over the membership fees for UASD to next budget year. If the proposed EMP coordinator is approved the $6,000 to fund that will
Emergency Coordinator – Brad introduced Sheldon Wimmer who is a retired Federal Burual of Land Management and knows the ins and outs of getting help in a emergency. Is willing to be the contact for the District mostly dealing with the Alpine Highland since Cedar Hills has their own specialist. Job description might be in order…discussion ensued. Sheldon passed out a draft of those things that he could help with. Will made motion Brian seconded for $5,000.
Minutes – Tim, mark seconded
Brian addressed the board regarding the personal cameras because of the issues happening in the country related to law enforcement. A bill is before Legislation that is studying whether these devices will be mandated. Discussion ensued.