6th Grade Earth Science
Dear students,
The sixth grade science Georgia Performance Standards guide curriculum and instruction of our class. Each standard specifically lies out what I am supposed to teach you and, in turn, what you are supposed to learn. With that being said, it is very important that you not only master each standard we go over, but continually review each standard throughout the school year, as this will greatly help you on the GMAS.
You will be responsible for bringing a composition notebook, which will be your “Science Journal/Interactive Notebook” and will be housed in our classroom. Your journal must include the full standard (numbers, letters, and words) written at the top of the starting pages highlighted in the table of contents. Handouts (foldables, diagrams, matrices, ect.) will be given out throughout the school year and must be completed and glued onto the designated areas of the notebooks as stated in the table of contents. A sample will be provided to you in class.
We will work on our science journals in class throughout the school year, though some work may be required at home. Your science journals will be turned in for a test gradeand quickly returned to you to help you review for the GMAS. It is very important that you work on your journal as you master the standards to eliminate more work towards the end of the school year! A list of the standards will be glued in your journal.
Again, it is my goal that your science journal will give you a visual review of each science standard we cover in class. Please let me know if you have any questions throughout the school year, and I look forward to seeing your progress and final product!
Mrs. Reddick
We have read and understand the expectations for my science journal for the 2015-2016 school year.
Parent Signature* Student Signature
*Once Mrs. Reddickchecks off this was signed, please keep it for your records.
Unit / Page # / Standard and Description of Assignment1 / 1-3 / S6E5b. Investigate the contribution of minerals to rock composition.
- Mineral Property Foldable, Key Concepts, Mineral vs. Rock Vinn Diagram
5-7 / S6E5c.Classify rocks by their process of formation.
- Types of Rocks Foldable, 3 Types of Rock Examples, Uses of Each Rock
9-11 / S6E5d.Describe processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth.
- The Rock Cycle Explanation, Rock Cycle Cut and Paste Diagram
13-15 / S6E5g.Describe how fossils show evidence of the changing surface and climate of the Earth
- Types of Fossils Foldable, 6 Questions and Answers about Fossils, Reflection Prompts
2 / 17-19 / S6E5d. Describe processes that change rocks and the surface of the earth
- Weathering cut and paste, Gravity and Erosion Foldable, Weathering and Erosion Key Concepts
21-23 / S6E5h.Describe soil as consisting of weathered rocks and decomposed organic material.
- Soil Component Sizes, The Soil Profile, 3 Soil Key Concepts
25-26 / S6E5i. Explain the effects of human activity on the erosion of the earth’s surface.
- Human Impact Foldable, Human Impact Article (4 Notes)
29-31 / S6E5j.Describe methods for conservingnatural resources such as water, soil, and air.
- 6 Ways to save the Soil Foldable, 12 Ways to conserve Water, 8 Ways to Conserve Air
3 / 33-36 / S6E5a. Compare and contrast the Earth's crust, mantle, and core including temperature, density, and composition.
- Layers of the Earth Diagram, Layers of the Earth Matrix, Layers Question Sheet
37-40 / S6E5e. Recognize that lithospheric plates constantly move and cause major geological events on the earth’s surface.
- Three Key Concepts, Evidence of Pangea, Faults/Plate Boundaries
41-43 / S6E5f. Explain the effects of physical processes (plate tectonics, erosion, deposition, volcanic eruption, gravity) on geological features including oceans.
- Feature Cut and Paste, Volcano parts, Earthquakes Bill Nye and parts identity
4 / 45-47 / S6E3a. Explain that a large portion of the Earth’s surface is water, consisting of ocean, rivers, lakes, underground water, and ice.
- Types of Water, Water type percentages, 7 key concepts
49-51 / S6E3b. Relate various atmospheric conditions to stages of the water cycle.
- Water Cycle definition cut out, Water Cycle through Earth’s spheres, Key Vocabulary
53-55 / S6E3c. Describe the composition, location, and subsurface topography of the world’s oceans.
- Ocean Floor Features, Ocean Floor Cut and Paste, Ocean Floor Foldable
57-59 / S6E3d. Explain the causes of waves, currents, and tides.
- Ocean Motion Concept Map, High Tide v Low Tide, Spring Tide v Neap Tide
5 / 61-63 / S6E4a. Demonstrate that land and water absorb and lose heat at different rates and explain the resulting effects on weather patterns.
- Land Breeze v Sea Breeze
65-68 / S6E4b. Relate unequal heating of land and water surfaces to form large global wind systems and weather events such as tornados and thunderstorms.
- Earth’s Wind Systems, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes
69-71 / S6E4c. Relate how moisture evaporating from the oceans affects the weather patterns and weather events such as hurricanes.
- Hurricane Reading and Questions, A hurricane’s life, Weather Safety Foldable
6 / 73-75 / S6E1a. Relate the Nature of Science to the progression of basic historical scientific models (geocentric, heliocentric) as they describe our solar system, and the Big Bang as it describes the formation of the universe.
- Models of the Universe Foldable, Matrix, Timeline
77-79 / S6E1b. Describe the position of the solar system in the Milky Way galaxy and the universe.
- Position of the Universe
81-83 / S6E1c. Compare and contrast the planets in terms of size relative to the earth, surface and atmospheric features, relative distance from the sun, and ability to support life.
- Inner/Outer Planet drawing, Planet Comparisons
84-87 / S6E1e. Explain that gravity is the force that governs the motion in the solar system.
- 5 Key Concepts, Earth’ s Gravity Cut Out, 6 question foldable
89-91 / S6E1f. Describe the characteristics of comets, asteroids, and meteors.
- X comparisons, Vinn Diagram, MMM (Meteor, Meteoroid, Meteorite)
7 / 93-95 / S6E1d. Explain the motion of objects in the day/night sky in terms of relative position.
- Rotation v Revolution, Earths Position, 3 Key Concepts
97-99 / S6E2c. Relate the tilt of the earth to the distribution of sunlight throughout the year and its effect on climate.
- Seasons Diagram, Seasons Cut Out, Seasons Spinner
101-103 / S6E2a. Demonstrate the phases of the moon by showing the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun.
- Phases of the moon viewed from earth, Key Concepts
105-107 / S6E2b. Explain the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun during solar and lunar eclipses.
- Eclipse Spinner, Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse
8 / 109-111 / S6E6a. Explain the role of the sun as the major source of energy and its relationship to wind and water energy.
112-115 / S6E6b. Identify renewable and nonrenewable resources.
- Vinn Diagram, Matix, 3 Key Concepts
Extra Enforcement / 116-120 / S6E4 Students will understand how the distribution of land and oceans affect climates and weather
- Climate v Weather Vinn Diagram, High v Low Pressure Systems, Types of Air Masses Weather Fronts
122-151 / Answers to Essential Questions
152-166 / Key Vocabulary