Cedar Heights
As part of any athletic program at Cedar Heights there are certain rules and behaviors that will be expected of you. Most importantly, we will always ask that you push yourself to be the very best possible and that you work together with your teammates and coaches to create a successful program and reach your goals. The following are some things you should be aware of:
Each athlete must have a registration form, emergency card and a completed physical on file in order to participate in any capacity. All fines must be cleared and an ASB sticker purchased in order to participate in our programs.
Each athlete will be required to follow the rules and guidelines established by the Kent School District. An athletic handbook must be read by parents and athlete and signed before competing in any interscholastic match. Each football participant must attend the concussion management presentation by the athletic director and return the signed concussion form.
Any violation of the Kent School District athletic handbook (drug, alcohol or tobacco use, etc…) will result in probations and/or suspensions from Cedar Heights’ athletic programs.
Each athlete must have earned a 2.0 GPA or better and passed 5 out of 6 classes from the term prior to the season. If they do not meet this standard they will miss the first contest and will have weekly grade checks. If their weekly grade check shows they are meeting the standard for that week, they are eligible to compete that week. If their weekly grade check shows they remain below a 2.0 GPA, the athlete is ineligible for the week and must attend after-school study table 3:10 – 3:45 p.m. prior to practice. Grade checks will continue throughout the season for each week’s eligibility.
A “Three Strikes You’re Out” policy will be utilized for all unexcused absences. An unexcused absence is: Any absence from school that is unexcused or any absence from practice where a note is not brought the next day. After school detentions and suspensions (In-School and Out-Of-School) are unexcused absences as well. A parent note or phone call prior to the absence is appreciated. The following sanctions will be enforced at all levels:
1st Unexcused Absence – warning and parent note home
2nd Unexcused Absence – one competition suspension and contact with parent
3rd Unexcused Absence – removal from program
Special circumstances will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
All uniforms, gear and lockers need to be appropriately cared for. If they are damaged or not turned in, the athlete will be fined accordingly.
Each athlete must ride the bus to away games but may go home with their parent if they sign out with the coach. In order to ride home with someone else’s parent, a note from both sets of parents must be pre-approved by an administrator prior to the contest.
A positive attitude, commitment to the team and appropriate conduct are extremely important attributes we expect from every athlete at Cedar Heights. You are expected to follow all rules of your coach, every teacher and the school, and be a positive role model both on and off campus. You are expected to be at every practice and contest.
Win or lose, we will shake hands with our opponents with respect and dignity.
Parents – Cedar Heights recognizes the vital role parents play in our program. We cannot be successful without your positive support. We hold your relationship with your athlete in the highest regard and will do everything to make this season a fun and positive learning experience for all involved. It is paramount that athletes, parents and coaches work together to make sure our programs are successful. Please allow the coaches to do their job and coach your athlete. Please refrain from coaching your athlete during games or practices.
The coaches will be happy to discuss your athlete’s situation within the program. Please set up an appointment that allows you to get together with the coach at an appropriate time (not at practices or games). Any questions about how your athlete can improve are appropriate. Questions about playing time, coaches’ game strategy, or other athletes are not.
Each program will have specific rules or expectation based on the sport and its surrounding issues. Please see attached.
We look forward to providing the best possible experience for your student athlete here at Cedar Heights and thank everyone involved for making each program a success.
Chris ArringtonHeidi MaurerJulie Lynch-Allen
Athletic DirectorPrincipalAssistant Principal
Mitch Moore
Head Football Coach
253 373-6031
Cedar Heights
Coach Experience
Coached 4 years in Corvallis (7th and 8th grade Football)
-Lead teams to championship game in our league 3 times
Coached 3 years 8th grade football team at Cedar Heights
-Finished 2014 season 6-0 (League Champions)
To help develop all participants in their football skills
To make sure all participants have fun
To put all participants in a position where they and the team can be successful
All athletes maintain a GPA above a 2.0 (C average)
All athletes conduct themselves with model behavior in class, practice, in/out of school, and at games
All athletes are ready for every practice at the scheduled time and are dressed with appropriate gear
All athletes and/or parent/guardian will let a coach know if an athlete is going to be late or miss a practice (DO NOT tell a friend to tell coach)
All athletes need to have a physical, registration paperwork, and emergency card on file with the AD (Mr. Arrington)
All athletes must attend a handbook/concussion management meeting and return the signature pages before they may participate in practice.
*Failure to follow expectations can result in athletic probation, loss of playing time, or removal from program.
We take injuries very serious. Football is a very physically demanding sport and requires every athlete to be in good physical condition. If any athlete is injured during practice or a game they will be given a “return to play” form. This will need to be signed by a doctor before an athlete can participate in practices or games.Concussion or concussion-like symptoms count as an injury. If an athlete is unable to complete 2 practices in the same week due to physical reasons* (hurt/sore, headache, etc) this will be considered an injury and the athlete will need to get a “return to play” form signed.
*Any pre-existing medical conditions will be worked on a case-by-case basis
Playing time
As long as an athlete meets our expectations they will find playing time. I cannot guarantee a set amount of playing time or playing a specific position. For athletes who did not play as often in the game there is a 5th quarter to help every athlete improve on their skills. There will be a limited participation game on Tuesday October 10th for athletes who did not play as often in previous games.
Coach Moore @ 253-373-6031 or e-mail at
2017 Pre-Season and Early Season Football Schedule:
In addition to having a completed physical, and the online registration, players must attend a Pre-Season Meeting and return the signature pages before they may participate in practice. The athletic director will conduct the first session before the first day of school on Monday, August 28 @ 3:30 and a make-up session after school on Thursday, August 31 (1st day of school).
All athletes interested in playing football should plan on attending the Cedar Heights pre-season conditioning. Wear
T-shirt, shorts and shoes (football shoes are optional). Meet on the football field unless a different location is noted.
Mon Aug 28- 3:30p Pre-Season Handbook meeting risk/concussion meeting - bring paperwork(Mandatory)
conditioning 4:00 – 5:30t-shirt, shorts(Not Mandatory)
Tues Aug 29- conditioning 4:00 – 5:30t-shirt, shorts(Not Mandatory)
Wed Aug 30- 8th graders draw equipment 3:30- 5:30(Not Mandatory)
(No 7th Graders need to attend)
Conditioning participants must have a physical, and a completed online registration turned in to the Athletic Director prior to participation. Bring your own water.
Thurs Aug31- 1st practice 3:20-5:15 t-shirts, shorts
2nd chance to attend the risk/concussion meeting
Fri Sept 1- 2nd practice 3:20-5:15 t-shirts, shorts
Tues Sept 5- 3rd practice 3:20-5:15 t-shirts, shorts
7th/Late 8th graders draw equipment
From Tues Sept 5until end of season- Practice is after school daily 3:20-5:15 Full Equipment (unless otherwise noted)
8th Grade 2017Game Schedule
Games start 3:45
Thurs Sept 21CH @ Northwood (17007 SE 184 St, Renton, WA 98058)
Wed Sept 27Meeker @ CH
Wed Oct 4Meridian @ CH
Tues Oct 10Mill Creek @ CH
Wed Oct 11 CH @ Mattson (@ Kentwood High School,25800 164th Ave SE, Covington, WA 98042Start time 6:30p)
Wed Oct 18Mill Creek @ CH(620 Central Ave N, Kent, WA 98032)
Wed Oct 25CH @ Maple View(Old Tahoma High School, 18200 SE 240th St, Covington, WA 98042)
7th Grade 2017 Schedule
Games start 3:45
Thurs Sept 21 Northwood @ CH
Wed Sept 27CH @ Meeker (12600 SE 192nd St, Renton, WA 98058)
Wed Oct 4CH @ Meridian (23400 120th Ave SE, Kent, WA 98031)
Tues Oct 10CH @ Mill Creek (limited participation)(620 Central Ave N, Kent, WA 98032)
Wed Oct 11Mattson @ CH
Wed Oct 18CH @ Mill Creek (620 Central Ave N, Kent, WA 98032)
Wed Oct 25Maple View @ CH
Cedar Heights
Football Contract
Please read the rules and expectations in the attached packet for the Cedar Heights football team. Please detach this portion, sign it, and return it to Coach Moore ASAP. Players will not be eligible to compete or receive football gear until this contract is submitted.
My student/athlete and I have read and fully understand the football contract. We will do our best to commit ourselves to the guidelines and expectations of the Cedar Heights football program.
You will be issued approximately $400 worth of football equipment. It isyourresponsibility to return this equipment at the end of the season. If you fail to turn in your equipment you will be fined. If you quit, you must return the equipmentin personwithin 5 days to your head coach:
Head Coach-Mitch Moore Asst. Coaches- Mr. Swan, Mr. Arrington, Mr. Anderson
Leaving your equipment in your locker does not constitute a turn-in.
Make arrangements with your coach to get your gear turned in on time.
I have read the information above and agree to pay for any equipment I fail to return.
Student/Athlete (print name) Grade Level
Student/Athlete (signature) Date Signed
Parent/Guardian (signature) Date Signed
Parent/Guardian (print name)
Phone Number