OPTION 7: ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATED SYSTEMSTEXT: Chapter 7 Robotics and automated systemsSuggested time: 80 periods

Syllabus outcomes:

5.2.1describes and applies problem-solving processes when creating solutions

5.2.2designs, produces and evaluates appropriate solutions to a range of challenging problems

5.2.3critically analyses decision-making processes in a range of information and software solutions.

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
  • definition of robots and robotics
  • define and describe robots and robotics
/ 7.1 Robotics
  • definitions
/ Classifying robots [CD-ROM]
Androids and cyborgs [CD-ROM]
Robot sites [Web]
  • historical perspective of robotics
  • investigate the image of robots from Hollywood and the scientific community
  • how we see robots
/ History of robots [Web]
“I, Robot” Movie [Web]
Research and present a report on the portrayal of robots in popular fiction (movies/TV/novels)
  • the contribution of Asimov to the concept of robots, leading to the Laws of Robotics
  • examine the work of Asimov and discuss the concept of the Laws of Robotics
  • the laws of robotics
/ Isaac Asimov’s robots [Web]
Book review of one of Asimov’s robot stories

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
Types of robots
  • industrial such as a welding arm
  • develop and conduct a study of industrial and domestic robots
/ 7.2 Types, purpose and uses of robots
  • types of robots
/ Industrial and domestic robots [Web]
Research and present a report on industrial and domestic robots
  • domestic such as toys

Purpose of robots
  • repetitive or dangerous tasks
  • explain the purpose of robots and the roles they perform
  • purpose and use of robots
/ Research and present a report on the social effects of factory robots displacing human workers
Mars robot explorer [Web]
  • operating in remote locations

Uses of robots
  • exploration
  • investigate and evaluate the use of
  • uses of robots
/ Identify uses of robots from news reports (e.g. bomb disposal), magazine articles and other sources
Challenge: Create the specifications for robotic device to be designed/constructed in the following units
  • assembly
/ robots in a range
of situations
  • maintenance and repair
  • design and construct a robot for a particular purpose

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
Function of robots
  • technical aspects of robotics such as the number of degrees of freedom
  • investigate the technical aspects of the real-world use of robots
/ 7.3 Function of robots
  • robot technology
/ Robotics [Web]
If Lego Technics (or similar product) is available, construct a robot and program it with some basic actions
  • hardware to control robots such as sensors, actuators and computer control
  • explore the use of robotics in a range of situations and investigate the use of hardware and software
  • hardware for robots

  • software programs to control robots
  • examine and discuss the need for sensors, actuators and computer control
  • use software to control the actions of the robot constructed
  • software for robots

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
Automated control
  • definition of automated control
  • define and describe automated control
/ 7.4 Automated control
  • control systems
  • automated systems
/ Investigate: The role played by Henry Ford in introducing automation and assembly production in industry
  • historical perspective of automated control
  • research the origins of automation and the growth of its use with industrialisation

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
Sensing devices
10.2 Data forms
  • analogue and digital data
  • converting analogue data to digital
10.3 Data coding
  • how computers store data

  • traffic lights
  • examine and discuss the types of sensors used in a range of situations
  • critically analyse the effectiveness of a sensing device used in a particular situation
/ 7.5 Sensing devices
  • types of sensors
  • sensors used in robots and automated systems
/ Collision avoidance systems in cars [CD-ROM]
Automated security systems [CD-ROM]
Challenge: Select suitable sensor systems for robot design task
See also Unit 7.9
  • navigation systems in cars

  • security systems

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
Actuators and controlling devices
11.2 Hardware components
  • input/output ports
  • microprocessors

  • motors to open and close doors
  • examine and discuss the types of actuators used in a range of situations
/ 7.6 Actuators and controlling devices
  • actuators
  • control devices
/ Challenge: Select suitable actuator and control systems for robot design task
See also Unit 7.9
  • a microprocessor
  • discuss the use of controlling devices
  • demonstrate the operation of an automated system using Lego or similar

  • use of feedback to the controller
  • investigate feedback to vary the operation of an automated system
  • design, produce and evaluate a solution

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
Project development
  • processes and techniques
  • design, produce and evaluate a simple project for a real-world application either separately for this option, or integrated with other options
/ 7.8 [Jaconline] Practical skills and project
  • practical skills – robot arms
  • project – Mars robot explorer
  • Learn the controls for the robotic arm simulator
  • Set mission objectives and create the mission program for the Mars Robot Explorer simulator

7.9 [Jaconline] Practical skills and project – sensors and actuators
  • practical skills – using BugWorks
  • project – BugWorks missions
  • Learn the tools and controls for the BugWorks simulation program
  • Use the BugWorks simulation program to complete set mission objectives

Students learn about:Syllabus Outcomes


Students learn to:

/ Core content / Option content / Option activities
Additional Content: Innovations in robotics
  • investigate and report on an innovation in robotics
/ 7.7 Innovations in robotics [CD-ROM] /
  • robots in medicine
  • robots in the military
  • innovation project

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