Minutes of the Disability Independent Advisory Group
The Summit Centre, Kirkby-in-Ashfield
14th April 2010
Richard Morley NAVO
Pete Edwards (Chair)DIAG
Zoe FenwickNAVO
Liz HopkinsParent
Joe PidgeonNottinghamshire County Council, ASCH
Elspeth MallowanRCAN
Lisa BellengerNottinghamshire County Council
K DaveyInterpreter
Lesley TurnerArthritis Care
Jane TittertonPlaces for People
Mel WhittlePlaces for People
Laura JohnsonPlaces for People
John RossAshfield Links
David WightNottinghamshire Healthcare Trust
Mark PriceDisability Notts
Michelle BondDisability Notts
Pete BoothNottinghamshire Advocacy Alliance
Holly HarkettNewark Pod
Sharon WalkerSouthwell Care Project
Melissa DoddsSouthwell Care Project
Jane SimpsonHeadway
Maggie ElseNottinghamshire County Council
1.0Welcome and apologies
1.1Apologies had been received from Raschel Sanghera, Barbara Worrall, Rita Sharpe, Mike manning, Linda Sobolewski, Julie Andrews, Neil Pike, Pam Annable, Gary Bird, Alan Knighton.
1.2Pete Edwards welcomed everyone to the meeting, which had been convened in this format following the small numbers who had registered intended “market-stall” style annual meeting. It was pleasing to see so many people in attendance and showed there was a clear need for a forum of this nature.
1.3Pete Edwards went on to outline the history, purpose and achievements of the group formed after a conference at the Gateway Hotel in June 2008 with over 40 people attending. The meeting agreed to set up a group that could establish a strong voice for people with disabilities and enter in to a long term relationship with the County Council to improve services. One year ago the DIAG was formed with the aim “to improve services for vulnerable and marginalised groups and individuals who live, work in or visit Nottinghamshire” . Since its beginning DIAG has met 4 times and Written terms of reference for the group (included in your pack) which recognise the social model of disability and established the principle of 60:40 representation of people with disabilities and officers; agreed guidance for consultation, so that officers understand how to get the best from engaging with the group; identified key priorities to be addressed which are: transport, social care (including the new personalisation agenda) community safety, and employment; Been involved in consultation with the County Council on a number of key issues including the Right to Control, User Led Organisations, Sustainable Communities Strategy, Equalities strategy and scheme and Disability Hate Crime.
3.0Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising
3.1The minutes of the previous meeting were held over until the next meeting.
4.0Terms of reference
4.1A further draft of the terms of reference had been drawn together. Following further consideration it was agreed (1) that the first paragraph containing references to “physical impairment” be deleted and (2) a reference to the inclusion of children and young people as a priority would be added. It was further agreed that the Terms of reference and guidance for consultations would be circulated amongst members of the group.
5.0Priorities of the group’s members
5.1 Pete Edwards invited people present to let the group know why they had come, their own priorities and if representing an organisation, the role of their organisation .
5.2Places for People offers a support service for people with disabilities with funding from “Supporting People”. They have a County and city role. Managers with a strategic role might be better representatives at the meeting. The group’s identified priorities make sense and there are other forums which the organisation takes part in, like, user forums, but none are so broad as DIAG.
5.3Headway supports people with brain injuries. Jane Simpson had a regional co-ordination role but there is also a local Nottinghamshire group. A priority for the organisation is hidden discrimination. They have conducted research which they would be willing to share with the group. They take part in a forum of organisations which support people with other forms of neurological conditions and would make other forum members aware of the existence of DIAG.
5.4Arthritis care supports individuals with arthritis. Lesley Turner has a regional role and there are groups in Newark and Nottingham. Hidden discrimination is also a major issue for them.
5.5Advocacy Alliance supports people with mental and physical impairment. There is an issue with jargon in minutes and documentation which is a barrier. Pete Edwards agreed and indicated that discussions had taken place about the use of Easy Read.
5.6John Ross at Ashfield Links is attending as an individual as much as representing the Forum. Some concerns about the group as he has attended similar meetings in the past which start out with good intentions but dwindle away. Access is still a major issue and he had a long struggle to organise dropped kerbs in Ashfield. So far the group seems good and he hopes the group can be successful. There is a role for local authorities in the group.
5.7Notts Healthcare Trust has an equalities structure and David Wight is the disability champion. His role is to see that the Trust meets its objectives.
5.8 Nottinghamshire CountyCouncilwas represented by a number of officers working on a range of issues including supporting hard to reach minority groups, the commissioning of services, user led involvement, inclusion
5.9Liz Hopkins, a parent of children with disabilities, raised the issue that children and young people were not identified as a priority and were often handled, unsuccessfully, through the school system . She saw her role as banging the drum for young people. After some discussion it was agreed to invite an appropriate person from Young People’s Services to the group (Action – JP)
5.10NAVO had a role in supporting the families and Young People Forum and Zoe Fenwick felt that there were links which could be made to the benefit of both forums.
5.11Disability Nottinghamshire has similar aims to DIAG and provides advice and advocacy in respect of any aspect of disability to people with disabilities and impairments, their carers, friends and families. There was a real need for organisations to work together and network better.
5.12Newark Podand Southwell care project is a new organisation that provides a wide range of independent living services for adults.
5.13RCAN’s Elspeth Mallowan is working on rural transport initiatives and aims to develop a greater level of sophistication in transport services in the County in terms of provision, accessibility, quality, training and safety. Recent budges changes had a negative impact on services. There was a need of a mobility strategy for people with disabilities. A draft rural strategy was being launched next week.
5.14Nottinghamshire County Council’s Inclusion, Diversity and Engagement team issupporting the process of developing IAGs. There was a statutory responsibility laid on public bodies to consult, engage and involve. Officers will increasingly refer to the group.
5.15Communication was identified as an issue, with discussion about how best to extend the participation of individuals and organisations. An invitation to join the Ning Nottinghamshire IAG networking site would be sent out. A suggestion was made about organising open day “drop-in” events.
6.0Election of Officers
6.1As this was the annual meeting it was a requirement to appoint a chair for the period of one year. There was a need to begin the process of establishing the group as an independent entity and to raise funds to develop its work.
6.3Pete Edwards relinquished the chair. Richard Morley invited nominations. A nomination was received for Pete Edwards. There being no further nominations Pete Edwards was re-elected unopposed.
6.2Richard Morley was nominated and elected as Secretary. The posts of Vice Chair and treasurer were held over until the following meeting pending the development of job descriptions. It was suggested that the Treasurer’s role might be split in to funding and finance.
7.0Date and agendas for future meetings
7.1It was agreed that a balance needed to be struck between responding to requests to consult, developing our own priorities and responding to the needs of members of the group. Requests for consultation would be managed by the Chair and secretary. Issues to be placed on the agenda by members would be made in advance to the secretary. The group’s identified priorities would be developed by systematically identifying key individuals from the County Council to present on their service area.
7.2The date of the next meeting was agreed as Wednesday 28th July from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. with the venue to be confirmed.