The purpose of action research in teaching and learning is to refine one’s pedagogy (instructional strategies) in order to improve student learning. Student learning is measured affectively, cognitively, and behaviorally based on clearly defined student learning outcomes. For the purposes of the NWIC Teaching andLearning Initiative, action research is a classroom based experience where the faculty member evaluates instructional strategies intended to improve student learning.

Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the Teaching and Learning Team. The Team may have suggestions to include prior to approval of the proposal. Research projects are usually for one quarter and faculty will receive a contract for $250, with $100 paid upon approval of the proposal and the remainder upon completion of the project. For larger research projects, you may request a stipend amount between $250 and $1000, with justification.

To submit a proposal for a faculty action research grant, please submit the following information.

Project Title: ______

Faculty Name: ______

Email Address: ______Phone Number: ______

Name and brief description of the course in which you plan to conduct the research:

The teaching and learning issue or learning outcome that you would like to improve and why:

Brief description of the pedagogical strategy you will employ:

Steps will you take to implement the strategy:

Steps you will take to measure student learning improvement:

Amount requested and justification if you are requesting to be funded for more than $250.

The product of your research project will consist of a written report as well as a presentation of your findings to the faculty and academic administration. The report includesyour decision as to whether to continue to use the methodology or strategy either as is or in a refined manner.

By my signature, I agree, upon approval by the Teaching and Learning Team, to conduct the research described, to prepare a final report, and to present to the faculty.


Faculty member signatureDate


Faculty member signatureDate

(if co-teacher)

Review by the Teaching and Learning Team Review - Please do not write below this line


[ ] approved

[ ] not approved Date ______Initials ____

Submitted for contract: Date ______Initials ____

Final written report completed:Date ______Initials ____

Oral presentation to faculty completed:Date ______Initials ____


Revised 12/9/2009