The Emma B. Ward SBDM Council met on Wednesday, January 15, 2014, with the following in attendance: T.J. Spivey, Kim Ruble, Heather Snodgrass, David Siria and Bobby Murphy. Lourdes Oster participated via speaker phone.
The meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m.
Opening Business
The meeting agenda was approved with a motion by T.J. Spivey and a second by Heather Snodgrass.
The minutes from the November and December meetings were approved with a motion by Kim Ruble and a second by David Siria.
Good News Reports:
1) Mr. Bobby Murphy reported that his transition has been smooth and that he has had lots of support.
2) T.J. Spivey commented on the fact that the school building survived the brutal cold weather without mishap.
Public Comment – The CSIP has been finalized and posted on the school web site.
Student Achievement
1) MAPS testing has begun. Data will be provided at the February meeting.
2) Scrimmage testing will take place the end of February or early March. Mr. Murphy will ask teachers for input on the best time for this.
3) DIBELS data was reviewed. It was requested that a break down by grade level be brought before the Council.
Monthly Review:
1) Report cards will be sent home 1/16/14.
2) This week’s faculty meeting was postponed due to conflict with the SBDM meeting.
3) There will be no school on Monday, January 20 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).
4) We have had a bus evacuation drill and a fire drill this week. There will be a tornado drill and an earthquake drill on 1-22-14.
5) There will be Board Member Recognition on 1-27-14.
6) Instructional Rounds will take place 1-29-14.
7) Citizen of the Month will be held 1-31-14.
8) February 3 will be used as a make-up day for students. It was originally a professional development day for teachers. The professional development day will be made up at the end of the year.
Council reviewed an RTA Grant. David Siria made a motion, with a second by T.J. Spivey, to approve the grant with the following changes:
1) A change to Table 1 (yearly/annual data need to be flipped).
2) A spelling error under Table 6 (page 7).
3) Part 2 – Tables need “percentiles” explicitly stated.
4) Part 5 – Need to express total need of funding and their respective sources.
Committee Reports
Council reviewed some November committee minutes. Also reviewed the December Budget Committee minutes and January School-Wide Literacy Committee update.
David Siria made the motion to adjourn, Heather Snodgrass seconded. Meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm.