Read pages 538 – 541 and answer the following questions.
- Who was Mao Zedong?
- Who was Jiang Jieshi?
- How did Mao’s use of money compare to Jiang’s?
- What might have been the strongest reason for Jiang’s defeat?
- How did the Cold War contribute to Jiang’s survival?
- How did Chinese promises to the Tibetan people resemble the Soviet Union’s promises to the countries of Eastern Europe?
- When did the civil war in China resume?
- When did the civil war end?
- What advantages did Nationalist forces have?
- What advantages did Communists forces have?
- Where is Nationalist China located?
- Where is the People’s Republic of China located?
- How did the superpowers react to the existence of 2 Chinas?
- How did Mao transform the economy of China?
- How did nationalizing industry further the Communist goal of social equality?
- What was the significance of Mao’s role as head of both the Communist party and the national government?
- Why did the Great Leap Forward fail?
- Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution?
- Why were intellectuals targeted in the Cultural Revolution?
- Explain the reasons for the formations of communes and Red Guards in Communist China.
For the following, use the following word bank.
Dalai Lama
People’s Republic of China
Soviet Union
Mao Zedong
Great Leap Forward
Cultural Revolution
Jiang Jieshi
Red Guards
- Country that suffered WWII casualties second only to those of the Soviet Union:
- Communist Chinese Leader who held a stronghold in northwestern China:
- Leader of Nationalist forces that dominated southwestern China:
- New name for China under Mao Zedong:
- Island to which Nationalist forces retreated:
- Country that provided aid to Communist China:
- Country taken over by China in a brutal assault in 1950 and 1951:
- Tibetan religious leader who fled to India when China took control of Tibet:
- Mao’s plan for large collective farms:
- Large collective farms where peasants worked the land together and life was strictly controlled:
- Militia units formed when Mao attempted to revive the revolution in 1966:
- Major uprising in China who goal was to establish a society in which all were equal and intellectual and artistic activity was considered dangerous: