RIP: We remember with love and thanksgiving:
- Peter Dowse, who hasrecently departed this life; and
- Pat Coe (9th) and Percy Simpson, whose Anniversaries fall at this time.
For healing and other needs:Michael Donellan;Alan Grayston; Douggie Scott-Kerr.
Long term sick:Kayode Bello; Sam Hanson; Jacqueline Hibbert; Emma Hay; Charlie Shirren.
Our Church Families:Lyndon, Barbara, Heidi, Samuel, Lara & Aimee North.
We celebrate the birthdays of:Elizabeth Bello & Georgina Muxlowe (7th); Surghee Yun (8th); Victoria Undugoda (9th); Dorothy Dowse (10th); Ann Varley (13th).
The Parish: our fellow Churches Together in South Harrow and other neighbouring churches: St. Paul’s St. Alban’s Churches;Elmfield, St. Gabriel’s & St John Fisher RC Churches; Rayners Lane & S.Harrow Baptist Churches; and Roxeth Free Church.
The Church, Ourselves and the Nation: Lead us heavenly Father, lead us. As our journey along the path to elections continues keep us always behind you and your love for each and every one of us, both here and in the other elections taking place nations wide.
The Persecuted ChurchChinaon 18th April,five Christians from Xinjiang Province, China, were jailed for 3-5 yearsfor participating in the planning of a Bible study. The sentencing occurred against the backdrop of thedetention of dozens of Uyghur Muslimsfor ‘illegal religious activities.’.
Capital Vision 2020 pray that we would learn to be ambassadors for Christ in our moulding of culture; teach us, Lord, to be generous in grace and love.
Prayer of the Week
Christ, you are risen from the dead. We are risen in you.
May our life never deny this eternal life, this peace and hope and joy.
Praise and glory to the God of life who is stronger than all kinds of death.
Please send any items for next week’s STARLINK to Robert Crowhurst
by midday this Wednesday, preferably by email ();
or otherwiseby hard copy to 131, Exeter Road.
1957 - 2017
89 Malvern Avenue Harrow HA2 9ER. 020 8422 3633
Registered Charity No. 1131727
Star Link
Sunday, 7th May 2017 EASTER IV8.00am: Holy Communion
9.45am: Parish Communion
with Prayers for Healing
& Go MAD on Sundays
Please come to the Hall after the Service for Coffee, Tea & Fellowship
6.30pm: Choral Evensong
Monday - Friday
9.00 am Morning Prayer [cw]
Wednesday: 9.30am Holy Communion
Saturday: 8.30am Barnabas Fellowship / 8.00 am Holy Communion
9.45am Parish Communion & Go Mad
Acts 7: 55-60; I Peter 2: 2-10
StJohn 14: 1-14
Today's Collect
LMIGHTY God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life:
raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.Amen.
Readings:Acts of the Apostles 2: 42-47page 1094
I Peter 2: 19-25page 1218
Gospel: StLuke 10: 1-10page 1076
Post-Communion Prayer
ERCIFULFather, you gave your Son Jesus Christ to be the good shepherd, and in his love for us to lay down his life and rise again:
keep us always under his protection, and give us grace to follow in his steps;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.
PETER DOWSE ripPeter’s funeral will be at 1.30pm in the Church on Thursday, 11th May. It will have been preceded by committal at Breakspear Crematorium at 12.30pm, to which all are also invited.
STAR FRIENDSthe following dates may be of interest:
- Tuesday, 30th May:Dennis Hart will be visiting us and speaking about his life as Fleet Street journalist;
- Thursday, 1st June:we are planning n outing to Brighton – cost £20
- Tuesday 12th Septemberan outing to the Cotswolds – taking in Moreton-in-Marsh and other places – cost £16
If you are interested in the outings, please speak to Pam Storey or Maureen Pattison.
MONEYthe OLD £5 notes are no longer legal tender.For a limited time, you can take them to your bank BUT PLEASE do not put them in your Stewardship envelopes, cash collection, wall safe or votive candle stand, as it will make our banking more complicated than it already is. Thanking you for your help with this. Wendy Godwin
CHRISTIAN AID WEEKChristian Aid week is Sunday 14th– Saturday 20th May.
CHURCH SOUND SYSTEMyou may be aware that the PCC has authorised the replacement of the Church sound system. The current system is 23 years old. The refurbishment will involve the installation of smaller (distributed) speakers so that amplified sound is brought closer to everyone, wherever they are seated in the Church. New amplifiers and a new hearing loop will also be installed. The radio microphone system will be replaced to ensure clearer and more reliable operation. The new system will cost approximately £23,000. There will be an opportunity to contribute to the cost of this project later in the year. If you are interested in the details please have a look at the folder located on the Sides-persons’ table at the back of Church. Keith Nicholls
1950’s NIGHTget ready for our 50’s night on Saturday 20th May. Tickets are now on sale for £7.00 – see Paul Hart or Gill Moore. There will be a live band playing rock ‘n’ roll and all your other favourite 50’s music. And a quiz on all things from the fifties! Get your 50’s gear out, bring your own food and drink.
FOLK MASS COMMUNIONto complement the 50s Night, the next day (Sunday 21st) our 9.45am Parish Communion service will be based on a 1950’s Folk-Mass music Communion service (can we have as many people in the church as we did then?) If you want to be in the small group leading the singing, please speak to me today. Robert Crowhurst
WHERE WERE YOU?all members of St Andrew’saged 60 and overwere around in 1957 when our church was built. We have many photos of St Andrew’s in that year, may we have a photo of you for our 50’s night? St Andrew’s hasn’t changed but it will be fun to see how many of us are recognisable. Susan McLeod
FLOWER & MUSIC FESTIVAL, 14TH – 17TH JULYcan you support this event? Perhaps you could supply greenery, donate in memory of a loved one, act as a steward. More details about how you can support it are on the tableby the entrance to the church – we need yourhelp!
Diary dates
2017 – Diamond Jubilee Year
Thursday 25thAscension Day
Sunday 4thPentecost
Sunday 11thGuest Celebrant: the Very Revd John Hall,
Dean of Westminster
Saturday 17thMessy Church
Saturday 24thGrandLego Competition & Toy Exhibition
Sunday 25thYouth Day
Friday 14th-Flower &
Monday 17thMusic Festival
Saturday 16thMessy Church
Sunday 24thHarvest festival
Tea and Old Time Music Hall
Saturday 14thHarrow Deanery Choirs’ Festival
Saturday 28thJubilee Dinner
Sunday 29thDedication Sunday
St Andrew’s Diamond Jubilee Year is 4 months old !!
Did you know that there are Roxbournejubilee Facebook and WhatsApp groups where you can find out more about the events taking place during the Jubilee year ?