Objective: Incentivize the improvement of housing facades in neighborhoods thereby improving property values and community aesthetics. The intent is to focus improvements to create synergy.
Program Summary:
Focus Corridor – The City will solicit property owners in a specific area to improve residential properties. The corridor(s) will be selected by the City. All other criteria of the program will apply. Awards will be granted on a competitive basis within the focus corridor. Properties outside the defined corridor will not be eligible for this program phase. The City anticipates two funding cycles, one for Fall 2017 and one for Spring 2018.
- This Pilot Program is structured as a 50/50 matching grant up to $250 for improvements to the exterior of single family homes located within a specific corridor.
- The intent of this Pilot Program is to:
- Encourage property owners to make visible improvements to their homes; and
- Enhance the character and appearance of the community
- Grant recipients will be reimbursed for 50% of the cost of eligible expenses up to $250 upon satisfactory completion of the work. Recipients will have to supply copies of paid invoices or receipts.
- The deadlines to submit an application for the Housing ImprovementGrantare August 31, 2017and March 15, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. The grants will be awardedon a competitive basis.
- Applicants will have 90 days from the award of the grant to complete the work and request reimbursement.
- Eligible applicants include property owners and tenants with property owner consent.
It is the intent of the City to learn from this Pilot Program in the hopes of creating a City-wide Housing Improvement Grant Program. The Program may either be renewed or discontinued at the discretion of the City Council.
Eligible Projects:
Exterior painting
Restoring, replacing, or adding windows
Repairs or improvements to exterior siding
Cleaning, repointing, or removing paint from exterior brick
Eligible properties:
Single family homes
Owner occupied
Rentals with landlord consent
Ineligible Projects/Properties
Multi-family (triplex and above)
Interior improvements
Equipment purchases
Application Procedure:
- The application will be available on the City’s website (
- The deadlines to submit an applicationareAugust 31, 2017,for the first round and March 15, 2018, for the second round, both at 5:00 p.m.Please include all relevant information with your application, including:
-Pictures showing the property’s current condition. Pictures must include the area that is to be improved. No grants will be awarded without photographs.
-A detailed description of the work to be completed and estimated costs.
-A completed application signed by a responsible party committing to the work being completed within 90 days. For improvement to non-owner occupied homes, a completed Owner Consent Form is required.
Applications may be submitted by mail, in person, or by email to the address listed on the application form. If applying by mail or in person, please submit the application to:
City of Klamath Falls
Administrative Office
Housing Improvement Grant
500 Klamath Avenue
Klamath falls, OR 97601
Grant Awards
Grants will be awarded on the following criteria:
Overall improvement to the aesthetics of the home
Match above and beyond that required by the program
Longevity of the improvement
Ex.New paint will rank higher than cleaning siding etc.
The City will reimburse up to 50% of the project cost to a maximum of $250. Pictures showing the completed work and copies of paid receipts must be submitted for reimbursement. At the discretion of the City, an onsite inspection may be conducted. All work must be done to a satisfactory manner and complete at the time of reimbursement.