Speech I/II
Mr. Hill()Room: 1614
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 2:30-3:00
HOT Lunch Tutorial: Monday“A” and Thursday “B”
Phone # for Main Office: (919) 577-1444
Course Objectives:
- Explain the qualities that make someone an effective communicator
- Build and deliver assigned speeches (at least 10) of various lengths and for various audiences and purposes
- Employ effective organizational strategies by understanding and using traditional patterns of organization and effective introductions and conclusions, by determining speaking purposes and topics, and by practicing effective outlining techniques
- Evaluate how body language, appearance, paralanguage, and environment affect communication
- Learn how to critically and fairly evaluate your own speeches as well as the speeches of your peers
- Analyze and appraise your communication skills
- Demonstrate knowledge of research strategies as they affect speech writing
- Demonstrate an understanding of speaking to inform and persuade
- Gain confidence in yourself as a competent public speaker
Expectations: This course is designed to ensure success to students who work hard and follow the rules. I strongly believe that all of you can and will be stronger students by the end of the semester. In order to do so, you must follow these expectations:
Classroom Expectations and Conduct:
Have respect for self, others, and tradition.- Refrain from talking; listen while others are speaking
Arrive on time.-Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings
-Make up missed work in a timely fashion.
Work responsibly to succeed.-Put forth your best efforts on all assignments.
Keep a positive attitude.-Read, listen, and think with an open mind.
Safety first.-Move carefully about the room during learning activities.
*Due to the nature of this class, it is especially necessary that wefoster a respectful, productive and safe learning environment for everyone in the class; anything that hinders our ability to do so will not be tolerated. If you fail to conduct yourself appropriately, you may receive one or more of the following consequences: detention, phone call(s) home, removal from class, referral to administration.
Grading Policy:
Major Assessment:50%
(includes unit tests, speeches, class seminars and projects)
Minor Assessment:35%
(includes daily work, quizzes, reports, class discussions and journals)
(includes assigned overnight assignments and various class work)
Class Supplies (underlined items are required daily)
Composition Notebook-JournalPencil
Loose-leaf paperBlue/Black ink pens
Three-ring binder (2”)Notebook dividers
Poster boardPost-its
You will not be assigned a textbook for this class. We will be using speech textbooks in class occasionally, and you are expected to take care of and respect them as school property.
Classwork/Homework: Be assured you will be doing something that is graded every class. Taking days off will put you behind quickly.
Turning in Assignments: All assignments (unless otherwise directed) will be turned into the class period’s inbox in the classroom. All graded work will be distributed from the class period’s outbox. Do not place assignments to be graded anywhere on my desk, under the door, etc. If they are not placed into the inbox by the due date, they are considered late. Unless otherwise specified, students must submit a hard copy of every assignment in order to receive a grade.
Academic Integrity:There are firm expectations of academic integrity at HSHS, and it is essential to your success that you understand and adhere to them. Plagiarism is most definitely cheating. This first week of school, we’ll discuss what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
By writing your name on your paper, you affirm with academic integrity that the work is your own original work and not copied or plagiarized knowingly from another.
Late work:You are expected to adhere to established due dates for all assignments. In the unlikely event that an assignment is late, it will receive up to an 8 point deduction for each day it is late for a total of 5 days per HSHS policy. After this 5 day period, the highest possible score for any assignment is a 60. After receiving an interim, students have no more than two weeks to submit late assignments. After these two weeks, no late work will be accepted.All essays are due on the assigned due date. If you are absent, submit the assignment the day you return.
Interim Reports & Reporting Grades:
Teachers will distribute interim reports based on the following dates:
- Quarter 3: February 15, March 8
- Quarter 4: May 3, May 24
DUE BY Friday of the first week of class
This sheet needs to be filled out, reviewed and signed by both student and parent, and returned to me. If, at any time, you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. The best way to reach me is by e-mail (). We have read and understood the contents of Mr. Hill’s syllabus.
______Student Name (PRINT) / ______Student Signature
______Parent/Guardian Signature / ______Parent/Guardian Signature
STUDENTS – Please PRINT the following information clearly.
With whom do you live?______
When is your birthday?______How old will you be on your next birthday? ______
What is your e-mail address?______
What is your favorite subject?______Least favorite? ______
What are your hobbies?______
What is your greatest strength as a student?______Greatest challenge? ______
Who has influenced you most in your life?______
What are two goals you have for this class? 1)______2)______
In what extra-curricular activities are you involved?______
Who would you like to sit near in class?______Why? ______
Who do you prefer not to sit near in class?______Why? ______
Tell me something interesting about you that not many people know.______
PARENTS – Please PRINT the following information clearly.
Home Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Best time to call: ______
Work Phone: ______Best time to call:______
Cell Phone: ______Best time to call: ______
Parent’s e-mail: ______
Is there anything that you would like me to know about your child (documented medical condition, IEPs, family situations, etc.)?
Class Expectations Understanding and Agreement
Due Friday of the first week of class
- Follow all school rules and policies.
- Raise hand to be called upon.
- Respect physical and intellectual property of yourself and others.
- Be in seat and ready to learn when the bell rings.
- SHOW respect to teacher and peers.
- Complete all assigned work with sustained effort and focus.
- Work from bell to bell and not pack up early.
- Keep phones off and put away.
- Do not bring food or drinks into class.
- Ask questions when you do not understand.
- Make every effort to not cause or engage in class disruptions.
- Be attentive to teacher and peers when they are speaking.
- Submit all assignments complete and on time.
- Attend assigned tutorials.
- Bring all necessary materials to class each day.
- Complete learning assignments to the BEST of your ability.
- Be kind, friendly, and positive.
Student Name ______Student Signature ______
Parent Name______Parent Signature ______
Date ______
Syllabus Understanding and Agreement
We have read and do agree to Mr. Hill’s syllabus terms and conditions.
I look forward to learning and working all of you this semester!!!