Regional State Administrative Agency, Southern Finland, POB 150, 13101 Hämeenlinna
Animals in scientific procedures – Ella team
presenting officers of Animal Ethics Committee PERSONAL LICENCE APPLICATION
Application number: date
The Finnish Act on the protection of animals used in scientific procedures (497/2013) sets down the rules for using animals for experimental purposes. All persons carrying out procedures on animals, designing procedures and projects, taking care of animals and killing animals must be adequately educated and trained. The Finnish law regulates the competence of a person to design procedures and projects, whereas the other competences remain to be assessed by the persons responsible in an establishment.
The person is competent to design procedures and projects, when he or she has an appropriate academic degree and he has completed a course including the following items (according to the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on the protection of animals used in scientific procedures (564/2013), § 18):
1. national legislation regulating the acquisition, breeding, care and use of animals used for scientific purposes
2. ethical issues concerning the scientific use of animals
3. principle of replacement, reduction and refinement
4. anatomy, physiology, reproductive biology, reproduction, genetics, gene technology and breeding of animals
5. animal behaviour, care, environment and enrichment
6. species specific methods of handling and procedures
7. welfare and health of animals, prevention of diseases and hygiene
8. recognition of pain, suffering and distress of most common species used for scientific and education purposes
9. anaesthesia, pain relief and euthanasia
10. grounds for euthanasia, removal from the project or cessation of procedure during the project
11. design of procedures and projects
The person responsible for the overall implementation of the project must ensure that all the persons involved have the relevant education and training.
Please, send this application as an email to: , and also send a copy of your training course certificates. Tell the details of the subjects included in the course, if they are not clearly said in the certificate.
1. Date of application
2. Name and contact
3. Invoice address
4. Academic degree
5. Laboratory animal course: when and where performed
6. Details of the course, if not evident in the certificate
7. If the course did not include all the topics listed above (1-10), please tell how you have got the knowledge demanded. List the courses completed.