Mexico Institute
Mexico Institute
We are pleased to invite you to a seminar on
Energy in Mexico:
Oil as a Comparative Advantage and a Strategic Resource?
Woodrow Wilson Center
5th Floor Conference Room
Friday, July 13, 2007
9:00 – 10:30 am
With Speakers
Luis de la Calle, Managing Director and Founding Partner, De la Calle, Madrazo & Mancera, S.C.
Jose Luis Alberro, Director, Law and Economics Consulting Group (LECG)
Pamela Starr, Analyst, Latin America, Eurasia Group
Moderated by Roger W. Wallace, Co-Chair, Mexico Institute Advisory Board and Vice President, Pioneer Natural Resources
Mexico is one of the world's leading suppliers of oil but there are growing signs that Mexico's oil reserves may be on the decline. The Mexican government will need to develop creative solutions if oil is to serve as a strategic resource to address the country's development needs. Panelists in this seminar will both assess the prospects for reform of the energy sector and suggest creative approaches for the future.
Please RSVP acceptances only to Kate Brick at or