Friday, December 16, 2011

12:00-2:00 PM

Joan Stout Hall 120

Members Present Representing

Eric Fivecoats Pro-Tech Industries

John Parkin Parkin Engineering, Inc.

Tom Syfrett Parsons Brinckerhoff

Pattie Wenholz Express Fire Systems

Ron Lermo Meister Machining & Design

Nick Edgar, Committee Chair Timberline Product Design

Rich Schoof Mairkin Design

Members not Present

Tony Graham SEH America, Inc.

Susan Mangin, Vice Chair

Thomas Johansen Farrell & Johansen Architects, P.C.

Doug Pruitt Architects Barrentine Bates Lee

Eric Ramme Mackay Sposito

Clark College

Keith Stansbury CADD Department Head/Professor

Tina Barsotti Professor, Engineering

Dedra Daehn Director, Academic Services & Innovation

John Maduta Advising Divisional Manager-Professional

Technical Programs

Mr. Nick Edgar, committee chair, called the meeting to order at 12:08 PM with introductions.

Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

In the minutes dated June 17, 2011, the top section of names are titled “Members Present” and the second section of names should have been titled “Members Not Present”, but it read “Members Present”. The secretary will make this correction. Also, on Page 2, there is a reference to “AA4, room 226”, but it should read “AA4, room 206”. This correction will also be made. A motion was made to approve the minutes with these two changes. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Advisory Business:

Ms. Dedra Daehn spoke to the committee about the updated Advisory Handbook that has been posted on the Advisory Webpage. She talked about a few of the changes that has been incorporated into this version of the handbook.

Work Plan:

Ms. Daehn discussed the 2010-2011 Work Plan with the committee and asked the chair person to discuss the work plan items with the committee and then decide which items will remain on the work plan and if new items will be added. Mr. Edgar said that since most of the following items on the agenda were directly or indirectly related to work plan items, he will review the work plan at the conclusion of the agenda items discussions.

Clark Cutting Programs:

Professor Stansbury talked about potential budget cuts and presented a list of CTE programs by rankings and it put CADD program at the bottom of the list. The committee discussed for a few minutes of the potential of the CADD program being cut and what steps it can take to ensure the program does not get cut. At this time, the committee concluded that they would take a “wait and see” attitude as the budget cuts will not come until the end of this academic year.

Remodel 206 & 204:

Professor Stansbury talked about the various new equipment that have been purchased for the CADD classrooms, such as new monitors – 21” flat panels, and secondary 19” flat screen will be set up to start winter quarter. CCW will have evening CADD classes. AA4, 101 lab will be turned into another classroom and will not be an open lab starting winter quarter. The college will also remodel 204 and 206 – 206 is the current CADD classroom and 204 is adjacent to the west of 206. The committee discussed in great details the various options on remodeling of 204 and 206. Professor Stansbury said that what they need in addition to the remodels is an output room to place the plotter, etc. that will be accessible from both 206 and 204. His current proposal is to take about 4 feet from both 204 and 206 to make one 8 foot long room that is accessible from the hallway as other departments will need to access the plotter, etc. The committee asked Professor Stansbury to send out the lay-out file to them electronically. The actual renovation will not begin until summer of 2012.

New Courses:

Professor Stansbury passed out information on MTEC 111, statics, and MTEC 112, strengths of materials. Professor Barsotti said that Major Ready Pathways for Engineering Technology is set up for State of Washington. After some discussion, a motion was made to adopt the two MET statics and strengths of materials classes. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Financial Aid Impact:

Professor Stansbury said that if the certificate has too many credits, and majority of the courses do not lead to an AA degree, the students will not be eligible for financial aid.

He said that for the winter quarter meeting, he will have his whole transfer degree finalized for final approval by the advisory committee. Professor Barsotti said that the advisory committee has to approve the creation of a two year degree. For the AAS degree, AutoCADD will be removed and CADD 250 will be broken down to two classes. A motion was made that we recommend proceeding with the three two-year degree curriculum – Associate of Applied Science in Mechanical CADD, Civil CADD and Architectural CADD.

Expand CADD 250 to two classes, ENGR 2 credit transfer to ME 216. A motion was made to approve the curriculum for Engineering Tech. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Next Meeting Date:

Monday, March 26th, 2012, noon.