Date(s) & Periods this lesson covers: August 30, 2011 1,3,4,5,6
Student Friendly Objective Explanation:
Assessment(s): Should be created prior to planning strategies. Attach with test items for monitoring, final assessment and any necessary rubrics.
Tiger Challenge (2-3 Minutes): The students will be assigned an “Invention Chart” created that traces the Industrial Revolution through 2000. The teacher will discuss the Tiger Challenge and ask the students to create a “Brain Map” that traces Industrial Expansion from 2000 through today. See Tiger Challenge titled Evolution of Communication Advances.
Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes): “What inventions support your daily existence? What inventions can still be traced to modern America that were part of the Industrial Age?
Activity 1: Modeling “I Do” (10-20 Minutes) The teacher will use the Inventions Power Point to guide the students through the “leaders” during the Industrial Age. The students will use a Thinking Map to develop their daily notes. The mini-lesson will incorporate modeling and guided practice in 1 step.
Activity 2: Guided Practice “We Do” (10-20 Minutes)
Thinking Map on the Industrial Leaders---the students will compile daily notes using the Power Point and assignment.
Activity 3: Independent Practice “Student Directed” (10-20 Minutes) The students will use their completed “Thinking Map” on the industrial leaders to rank the inventions and inventors. The students will be ask to rank the “MOST” important inventor and invention using a system of 1 to 5. They will be asked to justify their responses.
Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes): The students will be asked to complete a series of sample SATP questions that review the importance of each Industrial leader. / Assessment:
Brain Map on Industrial Leaders and Closure
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Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
The students will be asked to draw an illustration or “develop” a quote that they feel BEST represents the industrial leaders. They will be asked to share their responses.
Resources: Text and notes
Assessment: Closure assignment using SATP2 sample questions on covered content.
Intervention Strategies:
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Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
The students will be placed in groups of 3 to develop a mnemonic device to support understanding of key inventors. For example: What is the “ARM” of inventors?
A= Andrew Carnegie & Steel
R= Rockefeller& oil
M= Morgan and banking
The students will be asked to share their responses.
Resources: Thinking Map
Assessment: Closure assignment
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Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Mnemonic devices
Intervention Strategies are to be used for those students who are finding it difficult to comprehend the material or just don’t GET IT.
Enrichment Strategies are to be used for those students who find the material to grasp and need more challenging activities.
NOTE: ALL handouts and printed activities should be attached
Date(s) & Periods this lesson covers:August 31, 2011 1,3,4,5,6
Student Friendly Objective Explanation:
Assessment(s): Should be created prior to planning strategies. Attach with test items for monitoring, final assessment and any necessary rubrics.
Tiger Challenge (2-3 Minutes):
Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes):
Activity 1: Modeling “I Do” (10-20 Minutes) The students will complete a guided note activity that reviews the Haymarket Square Riot, Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike, labor conditions, etc. The teacher will use a Power Point to guide the discussion of key points from the time period.
Activity 2: Guided Practice “We Do” (10-20 Minutes) The students will be assigned a “Labor” activity that requires analysis of posters from the Industrial Era. The teacher will use their responses to guide a shared inquiry discussion
Activity 3: Independent Practice “Student Directed” (10-20 Minutes) The students will complete a reading activity that reviews the Haymarket Square Riot, Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike. The
Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes): / Assessment:
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Intervention Strategies:
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Intervention Strategies are to be used for those students who are finding it difficult to comprehend the material or just don’t GET IT.
Enrichment Strategies are to be used for those students who find the material to grasp and need more challenging activities.
NOTE: ALL handouts and printed activities should be attached
Date(s) & Periods this lesson covers:September 1, 2011 1,3,4,5,6
Student Friendly Objective Explanation:
Assessment(s): Should be created prior to planning strategies. Attach with test items for monitoring, final assessment and any necessary rubrics.
Tiger Challenge (2-3 Minutes):
Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes):
Activity 1: Modeling “I Do” (10-20 Minutes)The teacher will use a Power Point that addressed labor, labor conditions and the use of labor membership to improve working conditions within the United States. The students will take guided notes and responded to factual and interpretative questions connected to the power point.
Activity 2: Guided Practice “We Do” (10-20 Minutes)The students will examine a cartoon on the use of monopolies, trust and vertical integration. The teacher will use the cartoon to review the students using economic terms and to teach students how to analyze political cartoons/test taking skills. The students will complete a chart comparing the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor. The students will be asked to participate in a class discussion based upon the assignment.
Activity 3: Independent Practice “Student Directed” (10-20 Minutes) N/A
Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes): The students will be asked to complete a Venn Diagram on the American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor. The teacher will discuss the similarities and differences. / Assessment:
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
The students will be asked to use their text to research the leaders of each group. They will be asked to create a chart that list 5 adjectives that describes the leaders’ philosophy. Example: Gospel of Wealth and/or Social Darwinism
Resources: Text
Intervention Strategies:
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Intervention Strategies are to be used for those students who are finding it difficult to comprehend the material or just don’t GET IT.
Enrichment Strategies are to be used for those students who find the material to grasp and need more challenging activities.
NOTE: ALL handouts and printed activities should be attached
Date(s) & Periods this lesson covers:September 2 1,3,4,5,6
Student Friendly Objective Explanation:
Assessment(s): Should be created prior to planning strategies. Attach with test items for monitoring, final assessment and any necessary rubrics.
Tiger Challenge (2-3 Minutes): Test review
Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes):
Activity 1: Modeling “I Do” (10-20 Minutes) The teacher will conduct a brief review using Socratic Questions addressing Robber Barons, Industrial Giants, economic terms, labor and the immigrant experience. The students will respond using colored index cards to swiftly review.
Activity 2: Guided Practice “We Do” (10-20 Minutes) N/A
Activity 3: Independent Practice “Student Directed” (10-20 Minutes) The students will be given a “key terms” assignment that starts the unit on the Gilded Age until all students have completed their assessment on the Industrial Era.
Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes):
The teacher will guide a discussion reviewing key concepts from the Industrial Era and Opening of the West topics in review for the Mid-term exams starting September 6, 2011 / Assessment:
25 question Industrial Era quiz using SATP like questions
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Resources: Text book, Power-points,
Assessment: Assessment attached
Intervention Strategies:
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Socratic questioning engaging students through the ask, pause and call method using colored index cards and/or Popsicle Sticks
Assessment: 25 questions Industrial Revolution Quiz
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Intervention Strategies are to be used for those students who are finding it difficult to comprehend the material or just don’t GET IT.
Enrichment Strategies are to be used for those students who find the material to grasp and need more challenging activities.
NOTE: ALL handouts and printed activities should be attached
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None / Assessments
Date(s) & Periods this lesson covers: August 30, 2011 1,3,4,5,6
Competency(s)/Objectives: 5A Evaluate the factors to and the effects of Industrialization on the political, economic and landscape during the 19th and 20th Century. (DOK 3)
Student Friendly Objective Explanation: The students should know who came to the United States during the Industrial Era. The students should be able to describe what the immigrant experience was for women, Europeans, minority groups, etc. The students should be able to describe how immigrants impacted the economy, job availability and culture.
Assessment(s): Should be created prior to planning strategies. Attach with test items for monitoring, final assessment and any necessary rubrics.
Tiger Challenge (2-3 Minutes): The students will be assigned an bell activity on “the immigrant experience.” See attached
Anticipatory Set (3-5 Minutes): What would you use to describe how Louisiana and Mississippi coastal individuals might have felt when they were relocated due to Hurricane Katrina.
Activity 1: Modeling “I Do” (10-20 Minutes) The teacher will guide students through “note taking” using guided notes and visual stimulants. The students will take notes and discuss the various group of immigrants.
Activity 2: Guided Practice “We Do” (10-20 Minutes) The students will complete an activity to identify push/pull factors that caused an immigration explosion
Activity 3: Independent Practice “Student Directed” (10-20 Minutes) . The students will complete a LAST WORD activity. The students will be asked to identify what was the “MOST” important pull factor into the United States and to justify their response. They will write the response on the front side of a folded sheet of paper. On the back of the paper they should write why that response is important to them. The “why” statement should be a personal response. They will be asked to pair share.
Closure/Exit Slip (3-5 Minutes): The students will be asked to rank the top 3 push factors and pull factors for immigrants. They will be asked to identify the group that most benefitted and was most harmed by the Industrial Revolution. The teacher will guide a short discussion and list the concepts on the board. / Assessment:
The LAST WORD activity
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Resources:Text, Power Point. handouts
Assessment: Summarization of Key Concepts/justification skills (Closure)
Intervention Strategies:
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Resources: The Last Word activity, text, Power Point
Assessment: The Last Word
Underline Appropriate Heading
Instructional Strategies for: (List the student(s) name(s) and strategy or strategies used)
Intervention Strategies are to be used for those students who are finding it difficult to comprehend the material or just don’t GET IT.
Enrichment Strategies are to be used for those students who find the material to grasp and need more challenging activities.
NOTE: ALL handouts and printed activities should be attached
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