“humanity’s divine duty”

Ecclesiastes 12:13 – 14

§  Throughout Ecclesiastes Solomon admonishes his readers to refocus on and to reconnect with God who exist “above the sun.” ______


§  In First Corinthians 6:19, the Apostle Paul tells us that we don’t own our lives, that our lives and


§  Therefore, we are stewards of our lives and one day, we must give an account to God of what we have done with His gift of life. ______


– in our text –

§  The Bible teaches that when we fear God and keep His commands, we are prepared for the coming Judgment Day. ______


§  For our lives to truly count, humanity must take away three things from the Book of Ecclesiastes as our divine duty.

The Relevant Question > “What are humanity’s divine duties?”

1 – ______(v13)

§  Here, Solomon offers these piercing words to hear the end or the conclusion of the whole matter.



§  Solomon commands us to biblically fear and ethically respect God and to obey His laws and His commands. ______


§  To take God seriously, to honor, revere and worship God and to do what God says. ______


§  It is a fear that recognizes our sinfulness and drives us to acknowledge the grace of God. ______



§  The person who fears the Lord will pay attention to His Word and obey it. ______



§  An unholy fear makes people run away from God, but a holy fear brings them to their knees in loving submission to God. ______



2 – ______(v13)

§  Here, Solomon again admonishes us to keep the commandment of God. ______



§  God, our Creator, created life and God alone knows how life should be managed. ______


§  When Solomon looked at life “under the sun,” everything was fragmented and Solomon saw no pattern, but ______


§  Everything else is vanity, pride, heartache, futility, and emptiness. ______


3 – ______(v14)

§  Life is spent living and learning that “after death” there is a judgment or a “final exam.” ______


§  Everyone is answerable to God for everything, whether obvious or concealed; good or evil. _____


§  Since we know Jesus Christ as our Savior, then our sins have already been ______



§  God is our ultimate Judge, our sovereign Judge. There is nothing that shall escape His judgment.



§  There is a phrase in Latin called “Coram Deo,” which means ______


§  Our Divine Duty is to respect the Lord and obey His commandments, no matter what may come into our lives. ______

