NERC (CASE) PhD studentship available:
Effects of over-winter dietary provisioning on health and productivity of garden birds
Supervisors: Jon Blount1, Stuart Bearhop1 & Dan Chamberlain2
1Centre for Ecology & Conservation, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, PenrynTR10 9EZ, UK
2British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Thetford, NorfolkIP24 2PU, UK
At least 60,000 tonnes of peanuts and birdseed are provisioned in UK gardens per year. This is an enormous resource, yet we have virtually no understanding of its impacts on wild bird populations. It seems likely that large numbers of birds depend on this resource for their over-winter survival. But in addition, dietary provisioning may have longer-term benefits for health and productivity. Indeed, previous research by our group shows that over-winter provisioning can improve breeding performance several weeks or months later. Using a combination of field experiments on birds and analyses of long-term datasets held by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), this study will (i) test the effects of over-winter dietary provisioning on health and productivity of birds the following spring; and (ii) assess the importance of specific nutritional factors (energy and antioxidant supply) driving these effects. We are seeking to recruit a PhD student to undertake a 3-year study in this novel and important area of research, which will combine behavioural and physiological ecology, and conservation biology.
Applicants must have (or be predicted to obtain) a 1st class or high 2:1 class degree in biology or a related subject, and excellent academic references. We will be particularly interested to receive applications from those who have experience in any of the following: fieldwork on birds, handling and ringing birds, biochemical lab work. The student will be based at the Centre for Ecology & Conservation (CEC) at the University of Exeter’s new multi-million pound campus in Cornwall. The CEC has superb office and lab facilities, and houses a large, dynamic research group. S/he will also spend time being trained in the analysis of avian field data at the BTO, Thetford, one of the foremost ornithological research institutions in Europe.
Applicants should send a covering letter explaining their suitability for this post, and their CV including the contact details of two academic referees. This should be sent to Ms Shelly Windsor (Postgraduate Secretary, Academic Support Unit, Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, Penryn TR10 9EZ, UK) to arrive no later than Friday 9th March 2007. If you have not always lived in the UK refer to the NERC website to check your eligibility.
Informal enquiries are welcome in the first instance (Dr. Jon Blount, tel. 01326 371877, ; Dr. Stuart Bearhop, tel. 01326 371835, )
CEC website:
BTO website: