Mrs. Zagala-8th grade Science
I am excited to have each student in class this year. As you may know, in 8th grade Science, we will be preparing for the 8th grade Science STAAR test. This test covers a vast amount of information, so we will be working hard to learn a lot of information in a short period of time! I am excited about the school year, and to see the progress each student will make. I am providing class information for both students and parents below:
I know most students have already purchased class supplies. For 8th grade Science, students will need to bring a 3-ring binder to class each day. The notebook will be divided into units w/page dividers I provide as class progresses. All notes, work, and graded labs, quizzes and tests should be placed in the binder in the appropriate unit. The purpose for keeping the binder is to keep up with past assignments for review and to keep up with current assignments not yet completed. I will check student binders once a six weeks as a quiz grade (two daily grades).
Science students have consumable textbooks, which means students are allowed to write in the book itself. These books are each students’ responsibility to bring to class daily as well.
Grading will follow the Palmer Middle School policy-tests are 55% of your average six weeks, and daily grades make up 45%. I will count quiz grades as two daily grades.
Absences/Late Work:
When a student is absent from class, they will find missed assignments at the front of the class in a basket marked with their class period. It is the students’ responsibility to pick up this work upon returning to class and to complete it promptly. Students are allowed one day for every day they are absent to make up missed assignments.
I will not accept late assignments. If a student does not turn in an assignment when it is due, they will receive a zero for the assignment.
Discipline procedures will follow the Palmer Middle School handbook.
Additional Information:
I will post information weekly on my webpage. You can access my webpage through the Palmer ISD website. The web address is: http://www.palmer-isd.org/Page/577 or, you may enter my name, Laura Zagala under the Staff tab. Then, choose my website address at the bottom of the next screen. On the left side of my webpage you will find a weekly lesson plan 2017-18 tab, and a copies of assignments 2017-18. I will post vocabulary and notes as well as other information and assignments so students may access these outside of class each week.
Conference Information:
My conference period is 2nd period each day from 8:45-9:30 and my e-mail is . Please feel free to contact me at any time for any questions/concerns you may have.
Please sign and remove the bottom portion of this form and return to me by Monday, Aug. 2thd for a 100 daily grade.
Thank you,
Laura Zagala
8th grade Science teacher
I have read and understand information/procedures for 8th grade Science.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Name: ______