S Corporation Name
Board of Directors Meeting
Reason for Meeting (Designate “Annual” “Quarterly” or “Special Meeting”
A meeting of (Corporation Name) shareholders was held on (Date) at (Place) at (Time).
Directors and Shareholders present were:
List shareholders, directors and office or position held. Also list how they attended such as by proxy, via telephone or in person.
Directors and Shareholders not present were:
List shareholders, directors and office or position held.
The shareholders present included (# of members present), which constitutes a quorum and meeting proceeded at (Exact Time; i.e. 10:00 am MST).
The President (name) called the meeting to order and the Secretary of the Corporation (name) recorded the meeting minutes.
Prior meeting minutes of (Date of Prior Meeting) were approved by all members.
List here what old business from prior meetings was tabled to discuss, any decisions made and whether actions were approved with a quorum vote.
Financial Report – The shareholder responsible for corporate financials should discuss the latest financial reports and give copies to all in attendance.
Election of New Officers – Here, if any officers term has ended, the quorum will elect, vote and assign new officers along with a designated term. Clearly state the names, title, and length of terms agreed and voted upon.
Development Report – Items here include new developments on the horizon, actions or research needed, along with discussion on development action items approved in a prior meeting and how well those actions have done or if those decisions are poor and need revisiting.
NOTE: Continue to List out every action item or discussion held in the meeting along with quorum votes, what was approved, and who first and seconded the motion.
The next meeting of (Corporation Name) will be held on (Date) at (Place) at (Time).
With no other items to discuss, the meeting was closed at (Exact time).
Minutes submitted and approved by:
Corporate Secretary Date