Bert Lynn Middle School
Mrs. Katie Banim, Director
September, 2013
Dear Chorus Parents and Students:
Welcome back to the Lynn Chorus Program! I hope everyone had a wonderful, restful summer and is ready to make this year another wonderful one here at Bert Lynn.
This year in addition to preparing music for concerts and festivals, we will be focusing on learning musical elements as they relate to the music, reading notes and rhythms, exploring music history and theory, and mastering individual vocal techniques and performance practices. I would like each student to gain advanced competence vocally and discover an enthusiasm for continuing their musical education next year, either here at Lynn or in high school. We will also continue our incorporation of Common Core Standards into our curriculum to align with current educational practices of advancing critical thinking skills.
I will continue to encourage each student to give their best to the program through practice and study. Parents, you can help by making sure any assignments are completed by regularly checking Parent Connect.
The attached pages will explain classroom expectations and grading procedures, which I hope you will find informative. Please take the time to review these and discuss them with your student, and sign and return the last page. If you have any questions now or at any time during the school year, please feel free to contact me either by email or telephone. Thank you in advance for all your support of your student and the program this year!
Musically yours,
Mrs. Banim
Director of Music
Lynn Middle School
5038 Halison Street
Torrance, CA 90503
(310) 533-4495 Ext. 8670
Specific Materials Needed for Chorus:
- A Pencil – you must have a pencil in class every day!
- Your Voice! (Easy, huh?)
Classroom Expectations
1. Always be respectful of everyone and everything in the room.
Everyone in this class is important to the success of the chorus. Please do not talk while the director is teaching or while anyone else is talking or performing. Please put all music and any other equipment (instruments or stands) away neatly after class and pick up all items before you leave. Never touch any instruments in the classroom without permission, including the percussion instruments and piano.
2. Be responsible.
Be on time. Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings. Please get your music out immediately and have a seat on the risers. You may be marked tardy if you are not ready.
Be prepared. This includes having a pencil in the classroom at all times. This is a participation-based class, so please make sure you can participate!
3. Focus.
Do not consider rehearsal time spent by other members of the group as unimportant to you. Rehearsal is not the time to do homework, chat with your friends, etc. It is time to accomplish the goals of the ensemble, and your full attention and dedication should be put towards attaining those goals. Greater familiarity with the entire composition will aid you in knowing your part. Expect frequent stops and repeats during rehearsal as this is necessary and a sign of progress. Don’t complain because it’s not going to change!
4. Absolutely no GUM, FOOD, or DRINKS are allowed in the room.
Not only is gum not allowed in my classroom, it is not allowed at Bert Lynn. Any student chewing gum in class will receive an after school detention without a warning. Water bottles will be allowed, but Gatorade, etc. is not allowed.
Classroom Discipline Procedures for basic rules
1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Conference and/or detention with student
3rd Offense: Parent contact and/or detention
4th Offense: Referral to Office for possible removal from program
Grading in Chorus is based on a total points system. Points will be given for the following categories:
1. Rehearsal 100 points/semester
2. Written assignmentsvarious
3. Performances100 points/performance
This is a performance-based class, so attendance is MANDATORY to all practices and performances. As a member of the Bert Lynn Music Corps, you are making a commitment to all rehearsals and performances. We will be performing at numerous events outside of school throughout the year, including a winter concert in December, the West Area Choral Festival and TUSD Middle School Choral Festival in March/April (Advanced Chorus Only), and the Spring Concert. There may be additional performances as requested throughout the year. In addition the Advanced Chorus will attend the Forum Festival Judges Invitational in April, and the Beginning Chorus will attend a regular Forum Festival in May. Both are fun and competitive event and theme park visit. Below is the schedule of performances as they stand right now. Please understand that these dates can change. I will make certain that parents are notified well in advance of any and all upcoming performances. And you can always check current information on our website at
Bert Lynn Chorus Performance Schedule
Students will be informed of exact times, places, and schedules closer to the concerts. Most performance will be in the evenings, unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, December 10 (TENTATIVE) – Winter Chorus Concert – 6:30 PM Torrance High Auditorium
Monday, March 31 – West Area Choral Festival – West High Pavillion
Friday, April 25 – Forum Festival Judges Invitational for Symphonic Band, Concert Band, and Advanced Chorus
Friday, May 23 – Forum Festival for Beginning Band and Beginning Chorus
June 3 (TENTATIVE) – Spring Chorus Concert – 6:30 PM Torrance High Auditorium
Any student with an unexcused absence to a performance will lose 100 points. Please schedule trips/vacations around these dates.
Performance Attire
Performances are our “tests” and a big chance to show off to our parents and audience. Therefore, it is expected that students dress appropriately for performances by wearing dressy clothes for the main Winter and Spring Concerts. For the ladies, that means dresses/skirts, or dressy slacks (please watch the skirt length). And for the gentlemen, a shirt and tie and dress slacks are expected. Absolutely no jeans or shorts, T-Shirts or sweatshirts are allowed for performance. Also please follow the guidelines for appropriate dress for school and avoid halter tops, off the shoulder/low-cut tops, bare midriffs and short skirts. For other performances, including the judged festivals we attend, we will wear our Music Corps polo shirts (same one as last year) with black pants (no jeans this year). Remember, we want to give a mature performance that showcases the best of Bert Lynn students, so it is important to always look as good as we intend to sound!
Because we get very little funding from the school and district, fundraising is an integral part of making sure we have enough money to run this program. Therefore, we are asking each Chorus student make a contribution through fundraising and/or donation to pay for their individual Forum Festival costs, which includes the festival fees, theme part ticket, and transportation.
Suggested Contribution Amounts:
Advanced Chorus (Period 3) $130
Beginning Chorus (Period 5) $80
Any additional funds raised will go towards program expenses including purchasing sheet music (about $100 per song), instrument repair (including the piano!), instrument replacement, etc. In addition, we often get asked to pay for performance space outside of the school, since our program is too big to perform here at Bert Lynn. We are planning multiple fundraisers throughout the year to help offset costs, starting with the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk (see attached). I highly encourage all students to participate to the fullest extent possible to help provide for this excellent program! Please feel free to make a donation any time.
Extra Credit (Hey….GOOD STUFF!)
Students may earn extra credit in this class for various outside of school learning. This would include (but not limited to):
- Attending a public musical performance of any kind. Students need to write a one page summary of what they saw and heard, and what they liked and didn’t like. Please include a program or parent note verifying attendance of the performance.
- Performing (vocal or instrumental) outside of school – Church, recitals, etc. Please have your parents simply write a note to Mrs. Banim for credit.
- Preparing an appropriate level solo from music available on SmartMusic, and record and send it electronically to Mrs. Banim.
Please sign and return to Mrs. Banim by Friday, September 13 (10 points)
By signing below I verify that I have read and understand this Course Outline and accept the duties and responsibilities of supporting my Child with the participation in any or all groups in the Bert Lynn Music Corps. We have read and understand all rules and requirements for the Bert Lynn Music Program, and will make every effort to have a successful and enjoyable year.
Print Student’s Name______
Parent’s E-mail______
(I like to communicate with parents through email. If you provide an email for me, I will email you any communications that I send home with the students. Please feel free to email me questions and concerns at any time throughout the year. It’s the best way to get a hold of me!)
Student’s Signature______Date______
Parent’s Signature______Date______