Confidential Case Report
Please fill in the blanks or check the answer for each field
Last name / First / MI
Address / City / Zip
County / State / Phone number(s) / / /
Date of birth / Age / Gender / M F / Parent/Contact
Race / White Black/Af. Am Amer. Indian Asian Alaska Native Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Other Unk
Ethnicity / Hispanic Non-Hispanic Unk
Occupation / (check all that apply): child student volunteer unemployed retired
Refugee or recent immigrant? / Y N U / If yes, how long has the patient been in the USA?
Onset date: / Symptoms: / none abdominal pain chest pain cough hemoptysis fever urticaria (hives)
Date resolved: / ongoing
Y / N / U / Details
Seen by physician (including ED)? / Physician/ED: / Phone: / Date:
Hospitalized? / Health facility: / Medical Record Number:
From: / To:
Died? / Date of death:
Pregnant? N/A / Due date:
Treated? / Treatment: / Start: / End: / Not finished
Immunocompromised? / If yes, explain:
Co-infected? / If yes, disease:
Lab name/phone:
Laboratory tests performed: / Y / N / U / If yes, complete questions below:
Imaging / Date performed: / Test type: US CT X-ray MRI other:
Lab result: positive negative inconclusive pending
Antibody / antigen detection / Collection date:
Test type: ELISA IFA immunoblot other:
Specimen source: serum cyst material other:
Lab result: positive negative inconclusive pending
Diagnostic puncture / Collection date:
Specimen source:
Lab result: positive negative inconclusive pending
Examination of tissue / Collection date:
Specimen source: hydatid fluid cyst wall material other:
Lab result: positive negative inconclusive pending
PCR / Collection date:
Specimen source:
Lab result: positive negative inconclusive pending
Reporter name: / Phone: / Reported by:
hospital/ICP clinic/MD office lab other:
Date results reported to clinician: / Date reported to public health:
Received by whom at LHD: / LHD open date: / LHD Investigator:
Have patient answer questions on following pages for the exposure period only:
Date 5 years before disease onset: / Date 1 year before disease onset:
Any contacts ill with similar symptoms? / Y N U / If yes, list below. If no, skip to TRAVEL HISTORY.
Note: Echinococcosis is not transmitted person-to-person; identify ill contacts who may have had same/similar exposure as patient.
u Last name: / First / MI: / Age: / Sex: / M F
Relationship to case: / Onset date: / New case initiated? à NETSS ID:
Contact info same as case? Y N Address: / Phone:
Last name: / First / MI: / Age: / Sex: / M F
Relationship to case: / Onset date: / New case initiated? à NETSS ID:
Contact info same as case? Y N Address: / Phone:
Last name: / First / MI: / Age: / Sex: / M F
Relationship to case: / Onset date: / New case initiated? à NETSS ID:
Contact info same as case? Y N Address: / Phone:
Last name: / First / MI: / Age: / Sex: / M F
Relationship to case: / Onset date: / New case initiated? à NETSS ID:
Contact info same as case? Y N Address: / Phone:
TRAVEL HISTORY (1-5 years before onset)
Travel outside USA? / Y N U / Did case have visitors from out of state or outside the USA? / Y N U
Travel outside Utah, but inside USA? / Y N U / If yes, did visitors bring food to share? / Y N U
Travel outside county, but inside Utah? / Y N U / If yes, details:
If case answered yes to any of above travel questions, then fill in boxes below. If no, skip to ANIMAL EXPOSURE.
Travel Location: / From: / To:
Mode of Travel: / plane car cruise ship other: / Others in group ill? / Y N U If yes, list above.
List other details including:
§ Flight number / other identifiers
§ Accommodations & dates
§ Sources of food / water while traveling
§ Other relevant details
Travel Location: / From: / To:
Mode of Travel: / plane car cruise ship other: / Others in group ill? / Y N U If yes, list above.
List other details including:
§ Flight number / other identifiers
§ Accommodations & dates
§ Sources of food / water while traveling
§ Other relevant details
Skip to FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS on pg 3 if patient was outside the country for entire exposure period.
ANIMAL EXPOSURE (1-5 years before onset)Have contact with animal waste/manure? / Y N U / Specify dates/details:
Have contact with any animals (including farm animals, pets)? Y N U If yes, answer questions below.
If no, skip to WATER EXPOSURE.
Check all that apply: / dog sheep cow goat pig horse camel moose fox
other (specify):
Any of above animals sick (diarrhea)? Y N U / Specify dates/details:
Details of any animal exposure: new pet?
WATER EXPOSURE (1-5 years before onset)
Drink from, swim/play in or have exposure to any of the following water sources:
well / secondary/irrigation water (e.g. canal) / natural water (e.g. river, lake, stream, pond, spring)
hose/sprinkler / bathtub/bathwater in which animals/pets have bathed / other (specify):
none If none, proceed to FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS.
If yes, details of any water exposure (dates, locations, etc):
Date / Action
Provide client education (see disease plan).
Notify Epidemiology of any high-risk exposures likely to cause additional illness.
Notify UDAF if animal/herd investigation is warranted.
Notify Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) if wildlife investigation is warranted.
Notify UDOH if suspect exposure occurred outside health district or if potential cluster/outbreak situation exists.
Complete CDC outbreak form, if appropriate.
Other follow-up:
LHD status: Confirmed Probable Suspect Not a case Pending
UDOH status: Confirmed Probable Suspect Not a case Pending
Did this case occur as part of an outbreak? Y N U (³ 2 cases of Echinococcosis associated by time place) / Outbreak name:
LHD interview date: / Interviewed: Client Parent/Guardian Sig. oth. HC provider Friend Other:
Unable to contact/interview / LHD Reviewer: / LHD closed date: / Date submitted to UDOH:
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