City of Duluth
3167 Main Street
Duluth, Georgia 30096
Duluth Public Arts Commission Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2014
City Hall, Community Room
Meeting Minutes
G.G. Getz - Chairman
Ashley Lynch
Vanessa Boggs
Michael Robbins
Cynthia Brown
Randy Wilbur
Katrina Stone
Ben Stone (guest of Katrina)
Councilmember Marsha Anderson Bomar
Mayor Nancy Harris
Not Present:
Laura Blatterman
City Representatives:
Kim Jackson
James Riker
Chairman G.G. Getzcalled the Meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Marsha Bomar made a motion to approve the July 9, 2014 minutes. Vanessa Boggsseconded the motion. All committee members present voted in favor.
Minute for the Arts. Chairman Getz asked for members to share their recent Art experiences. Ashley led with the Fold fest that will be held at the North Atlanta Trade Center this weekend. Michael went to Suwanee Park and looked at the Sculp”tour.” He was interested in their program, they rent the art and at the end of the agreement decided and buy 1 piece each year. Vanessa also talked about the Folk fest this weekend and recommended everyone should attend. Cindy attended the GA Cup Twilight bike race in downtown Duluth. Randy went to Blueridge and went to 3-4 specialty art shops from the region. He loved what they have done with the city. GG went to see Mary Poppins at the Aurora Theater. Ben has been on the intranet looking into architecture work. Katrina went to the Zoo on Sunday with her family and was looking at the landscape art and how the zoo flowed. Marsha showed a 3 minute Stantec video that talked about public art in airports. It was showing that art could be useful as landmarks and also as functional art pieces that make themselves useful. Mayor Harris wanted to thank everyone that attended Twilight for DFAL. They raised $11,000 for high school scholarships that go to students that will be studying the arts. James went to the GA Shakespearian play and was pulled on stage. The play was 1 Man, 2 governors. Kim went and saw the 75th anniversary showing of “Gone with the Wind” at the Fox Theater.
Presentation of Results from member evaluations of the RFPS. There were 6 proposals for the Public Art Master Plan; submitted by
- Bonnie Hall Fine Art
- Designing Local
- Plato Strategies
- Public Art Collaborative
- Sizemore Group
- Urban Rock Design
Reviewing the RFPs The committee had an open discussion on the submitted RFPs. The decided on 3 finalists
- Designing Local
- Public Art Collaborative
- Urban Rock Design
Schedule DPAC discussed the next steps to take in the process. James will check the 3 finalist’s references and once that is completed we will try and schedule skype interviews. James will try and schedule all 3 on the same date, first choice 9/3 and 2nd choice 8/26. If we keep to this schedule we can present DPAC choice they can be presented to council at the next voting meeting. For the interview there will be a panel asking the questions made of; GG Getz, Marsha Bomar and Vanessa Boggs. The entire council will send their top 3 questions to ask at each interview to Kim Jackson. Kim will compile the questions and we will have a set list to ask. We will start at 5pm with the interviews; they will be 1 hours with 15 minutes in between each one. They will have a few minutes for opening remarks, then we will ask our questions and then they will have time for closing remarks. DPAC would like to make a decision that night once all the interviews are completed.
Future Meeting Dates The committee recognized that future DPAC meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be held onSeptember 10th
There being no further business, Marsha Bomar made a motion toadjourn the regular session of DPAC Meeting. Vanessa Boggs seconded the motion. All voted in favor. The Regular Session of DPAC was closed at 8:33 p.m.