Option E1: Part a. Inventory of Educational Effectiveness Indicators

Category / (1)
Have formal learning outcomes been developed? / (2)
Where are these learning outcomes published? (please specify)
Include URLs where appropriate. / (3)
Other than GPA, what data/evidence is used to determine that graduates have achieved the stated outcomes for the degree? (e.g., capstone course, portfolio review, licensure examination) / (4)
Who interprets the evidence? What is the process?
(e.g. annually by the curriculum committee) / (5)
What changes have been made as a result of using the data/evidence? / (6)
Date of most recent program review (for general education and each degree program)
At the institutional level: / No
For general education if an undergraduate institution: / Yes / First Class/Academics/General Education/Learning Objectives for General Education /
  1. Rubric-based grading of ENG101/102 final essays
  1. English dept.
  1. Changes in composition teaching strategies, such as work-shopping in problem areas, required Writing Center attendance for at-risk students
/ Spring 2007
List each degree program:
1. Accounting / Yes / AIC website: / General Business strategies plus diagnostic exam in Advanced Accounting / See General Business, plus instructor analysis of exam results / Tightened Continuing Education implementations of courses as a response to disparate results between day and evening students. / Spring 2011
2.American Studies / There is no plan since there are no majors at present (we have had no majors in at least 7 years) Continuation of the major is under review / There is no plan since there are no majors at present. Continuation of the major is under review / There is no plan since there are no majors at present. Continuation of the major is under review / There is no plan since there are no majors at present. Continuation of the major is under review / There is no plan since there are no majors at present. Continuation of the major is under review / Spring 2007
3. Biochemistry / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Benchmark assignments; Student Senior Seminar presentations and papers / Departmental faculty, annually / Changes include addition of written lab reports to General Chemistry, moving the Scientific Literature course from the senior to the sophomore year, adding peer editing of written work in Organic Chemistry, changing the Senior Research to fall to allow students to continue their work in spring / Spring 2007
4. Biology / Biology / First Class Curriculum Maps / MFAT, pre- and post-test BIO201 students, writing samples; laboratory practicals, seminar presentation / Informal analysis by course faculty; formal rubrics under development; rubrics have been developed for instructor analysis of course-embedded writing / Intentional scaffolding of writing through major has resulted in observed improvement of student writing in the Senior Seminar. / Spring 2007
5.Chemistry / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Benchmark assignments; Student Senior Seminar presentations and papers / Departmental faculty, annually / Changes include addition of written lab reports to General Chemistry, moving the Scientific Literature course from the senior to the sophomore year, adding peer editing of written work in Organic Chemistry, changing the Senior Research to fall to allow students to continue their work in spring / Spring 2007
6. Communication / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Portfolio-style assessments using in-house rubrics of work products in courses and department-sponsored activities (such as the Yellow Jacket); a pre- and post-course evaluation is performed for students in the gateway journalism course / Products are evaluated by the faculty experts in the specific areas. Efforts are in progress to use TK-20 to hold and allow for analysis of student portfolios. / Department is in transition; entire curriculum is under review based on student performance as well as industry needs and directions. / Spring 2007
7.Criminal Justice / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Benchmark assignment in Comparative Criminal Justice Systems course; Comprehensive exam in Senior Seminar (beginning FA13) / Departmental faculty, annually / Added case study in CRJ351 to assess breadth of CJ knowledge, increased information literacy and writing in CRJ200, added pre- and post-tests in newly required course CRJ351 / Spring 2007
8.Economics/Finance / Yes
Note: merging of separate goal sets is in progress / AIC website: / Comprehensive research project / Departmental faculty / Added quantitative methods, specifically technology tools, integrated through courses / Spring 2011
9. English / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Student portfolios / Each reviewed by pairs of faculty / Changes in composition sequence—see General Education / Spring 2007
10. General Business / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Capstone business plan; general exam over core curriculum
(covers all majors) / Exam and business plan evaluated by course instructor / Requirement change from Quantitative Methods to Project Management based on student performance. / Spring 2011
11. Health Care Management / No / The department is in transition, with only an adjunct faculty member. An assessment plan is in development with a few core business faculty and the dean. / The department is in transition, with only an adjunct faculty member. An assessment plan is in development with a few core business faculty and the dean. / The department is in transition, with only an adjunct faculty member. An assessment plan is in development with a few core business faculty and the dean. / The department is in transition, with only an adjunct faculty member. An assessment plan is in development with a few core business faculty and the dean. / Spring 2011
12. History / Yes / First Class Institutional Effectiveness/Assessment/ Assessment Forms by UG Dept. / The plan is outdated and in the process of being revised; faculty on sabbatical. / The plan is outdated and in the process of being revised; faculty on sabbatical. / The plan is outdated and in the process of being revised; faculty on sabbatical. / Spring 2007
13. Human Biology / No / The Biology Dept is in the process of developing an assessment plan, using the biology major assessment plan as a template. / The Biology Dept is in the process of developing an assessment plan, using the biology major assessment plan as a template. / The Biology Dept is in the process of developing an assessment plan, using the biology major assessment plan as a template. / The Biology Dept is in the process of developing an assessment plan, using the biology major assessment plan as a template. / Spring 2007
14. Interdisciplinary Science / No / The Biology and Chemistry departments are in the process of developing an assessment plan. / The Biology and Chemistry departments are in the process of developing an assessment plan. / The Biology and Chemistry departments are in the process of developing an assessment plan. / The Biology and Chemistry departments are in the process of developing an assessment plan. / Spring 2007
15. International Business / Yes / AIC website: / Capstone business plan; general exam over core curriculum / Departmental faculty / No substantive changes have been made. / Spring 2011
16. International Studies / Yes / The plan is outdated and in the process of being revised; faculty on sabbatical. / The plan is outdated and in the process of being revised; faculty on sabbatical. / The plan is outdated and in the process of being revised; faculty on sabbatical. / The plan is outdated and in the process of being revised; faculty on sabbatical. / Spring 2007
17. Liberal Studies / Not separate; depends on upper-division concentration / No assessment plan has been developed. The upper-division concentrations are in areas with majors, so assessment is done at that level. / No assessment plan has been developed. The upper-division concentrations are in areas with majors, so assessment is done at that level. / No assessment plan has been developed. The upper-division concentrations are in areas with majors, so assessment is done at that level. / No assessment plan has been developed. The upper-division concentrations are in areas with majors, so assessment is done at that level. / Spring 2007
18. Management / Yes / AIC website: / See General Business; Embedded course projects are also used to specifically address the major. / Department, using internally developed rubrics / Replaced Quantitative Business Methods course with Project Management course, based on review of student work. / Spring 2011
19. Marketing / Yes / AIC website: / Culminating project; portfolio; internship feedback / Departmental faculty / Added social responsibility content to intro course; changed the culminating workshop project process by providing scaffolding and check-points through the semester; integrated technology through program. / Spring 2011
20. New Media / Yes / First Class curriculum maps / Portfolio-style assessments using in-house rubrics of work products in courses and department-sponsored activities (such as the Yellow Jacket); a pre- and post-course evaluation is performed for students in the gateway journalism course / Products are evaluated by the faculty experts in the specific areas. Efforts are in progress to use TK-20 to hold and allow for analysis of student portfolios. / Department is in transition; entire curriculum is under review based on student performance as well as industry needs and directions. / Spring 2007
21. Political Science / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Portfolio assessment, includes literature review and research plan / Departmental faculty (one person) / Has built more research into 200-level classes / Spring 2007
22. Psychology / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / Cumulative assessment test; papers in History & Systems (capstone) course / Annually by departmental faculty / Added 200-level Foundations course and revised capstone to History and Systems; modified Experimental Psychology course / Spring 2007
23. Sociology / Yes / First Class Curriculum Maps / The entire curriculum is under review, beginning with review and revision of objectives, due to total faculty turnover / Departmental faculty, annually / This is the first year of the new plan; no changes have been made yet / Spring 2007
24. Sports & Recreation Management / Yes / AIC website: / The plan is in development with new faculty. / The plan is in development with new faculty. / The plan is in development with new faculty. / Spring 2011
25. Theater Arts / No / Assessment plan is in development – major began in Fall 2013. / Assessment plan is in development – major began in Fall 2013. / Assessment plan is in development – major began in Fall 2013. / Assessment plan is in development – major began in Fall 2013. / New major
BSN in Nursing / Yes / Nursing Student Handbook

/pub/nursing_student_handbook_2012-2013.pdf / Must meet required course grades and successfully pass clinical in final courses. A senior capstone pilot is being tested spring 2013 / Nursing faculty as part of the Curriculum and Evaluation Committee during annual May Workshops / Combining of Nur 101 and Nur 102 to increase hands on application of information related to dosage calculations. Increased minimum grade requirement in all pre-requisites to C+ to match minimum grade requirements in courses for the major – see attached Systematic Evaluation Plan for further details / April, 2013
MSN in nursing / Yes – see

msn/outcomes / On MSN website see previous column / Practicum / MSN Curriculum Committee / The curriculum was revised to include new recommended key courses in Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Physical Assessment for all MSN students / Visit due in Fall 2013 – with report in spring 2014
1. MSOT / Yes / OT Student Handbook /
  • Fieldwork pass rate
  • Licensure Exam pass rate
  • Post-Fieldwork student focus groups
  • Employment rate
/ Annual Program Review (OT Faculty) / The faculty members are currently conducting an annual review of key program performance indicators. As part of this evaluation process, the program has identified pass rate for the NBCOT exam as an area of concern. The factors that may be contributing to low pass rates are identified as:
  • Instructional Methods
  • Assessment Methods/Practices
  • Student profile
  • Core Faculty Resources
The Program is currently formulating a plan to address the above factors. / May-June, 2013
1. Master of Business Administration / Yes /
Excel based report Director of MBA Program: Assessment Dearing Model-MBA Program / 1)Capstone course incorporating the creation of a business plan for a business start-up or resolve a significant business issue in a currently operating business.
2)ETS MBA Master Field Test / 1)Course instructor and Director of the MBA Program.
2)Director of the MBA Program. / 1) Eliminated International Comparative and Consultancy courses.
2) Added course in Organizational Behavior.
3) Revised course curriculum for Management Principles & Processes, retitling the course Strategic Management.
4) Increased subject matter topics in Managerial Finance, Managerial Economics, Marketing Management, Operations Management and Human resources Management.
5) Increasing Marketing topic content to include ROI and additional traditional marketing strategies to supplement strong social media component.
Projects Under Evaluation;
1) Examining possibility of creating an online Excel tutorial program for all graduate business students.
2) Evaluation MBA Bootcamp online course alternative. / June 2011
2. Master of Science in Accounting & Taxation / Yes /
Excel based report Director of MBA Program: Assessment Dearing Model-MBA Program / Capstone course incorporating a major research project and case portfolio (Effective Fall 2013). / Course instructor and Director of the MBA Program. / Revised Accounting Issues / Capstone learning outcomes and course deliverables to include a major research project and course case portfolio. / June 2011
3. Master of Public Administration / Yes /
Excel based report Director of MBA Program: Assessment Dearing Model-MBA Program / Capstone course incorporating a major project addressing a significant governmental / non-profit organizational issue or Masters Thesis (Effective with Spring 2013 program revisions. / Course instructor and Director of the MBA Program. / Review of program by faculty and local business / governmental leaders indicated lack of coverage in areas of economics, finance, quantitative methods and capstone experience. Revised MPA curriculum effective Fall 2013. Further evaluation using new curriculum required. / June 2011
1. M.A. Clinical Psychology / Yes /
psychology_ma / Successful completion of in course activities and course requirements
Positive evaluation of student on core competencies at completion of practica.
Successful completion of psychological assessments and reports.
Successful completion of major case study at completion of practica / Faculty
Site supervisor and Dept Chair
Dept Chair / Increased use of technology and additional student feedback
Hiring of adjunct prof to assist with practica supervision
Use of Doctoral Program Assistants to assist Professors in providing more feedback to students
Feedback to students regarding assessment, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations / June 07
June 07
June 07
June 07
2.M.S. Forensic Psychology / Yes /
psychology_ms. / Successful completion of in course activities and course requirements
Positive evaluation of student at completion of externship
Successful completion of externship Journaling indicating responsibilities, reflections and incorporating knowledge and theory acquired through placements and course work / Faculty
Dept Chair and Site-supervisor
Dept. Chair / Added Developmental Psychology course to curriculum
Initiated self-review for student to identify strengths and areas for improvement
Added Developmental psychology course to curriculum and strengthened placement/externship
requirements and duties of site supervisor. / June 07
June 07
June 07
3.Ed.D. Educational Psychology / Yes /
psychology_edd / Successful completion of in-class activities and requirements
Successful completion of student portfolio of NASP core competencies and requirements
Completion of first year of study with minimum GPA of 3.25
Passing of Doctoral Comprehensive Exam assessing all core competencies.
Student completes research proposal and dissertation of publication quality that is psychological in nature and that reflects the goals of the program. / Faculty
Dept Chair
Dept Chair
Dissertation Committee and Human Subjects Committee / Revised courses: Theory and Practicum in Diagnostic Assessment I and II and Diagnostic Psychoeducational Assessment.
Assists students with eligibility for certification as school psychologist
Registrar and VP informs Chair of at risk students
Feedback to Professors on areas of weakness determined by scores on the exam
Human Subjects review streamlined.
Revised oral defense procedure. Inquiry conducted first by dissertation committee members then open to others in attendance. / June 07
June 07
June 07
June 07
June 07
1. Doctor of Physical Therapy / Yes / / National licensure examination / DPT Assessment Committee, Curriculum Review Meeting, Faculty Retreat
All annual / The DPT program sponsors an examination review course annually. / May 2012
MEd/CAGS / Yes: the Ed Dept’s ‘Goals and Objectives.’ / On First Class under Institutional Effectiveness, Assessment icon / All benchmark projects, portfolio reviews, practicum experiences, and licensure pass rates. / Program Directors review student work samples and revise syllabi; final reflections from practica are reviewed by supervisors; meet as dept annually / Extensive review of syllabi in line with state requirements. New assignments and benchmark activities have been added. / 9/27/13
1. Ed.D in Teaching and Learning / GPA, Dissertation Completion,
Competency review / Outcomes are retained in Program Records with copies AIC Administration

Handbooks / All students have a portfolio review at the end of each term and at the end of their program.
Competency essays / A faculty committee with the first core advisor review the portfolios / Syllabi updated, matrix for portfolio developed
On-line tutorials for research / Not yet reviewed formally
2. Ed.D in Educational Leadership and
Supervision / GPA, Dissertation Completion,
Competency review / Outcomes are retained in Program Records with copies AIC Administration

Updated Handbooks / All students have a portfolio review at the end of each term and at the end of their program.
Competency essays / A faculty committee with the first core advisor review the portfolios / Syllabi updated, matrix for portfolio developed
On-line tutorials for research / Not yet reviewed formally
3.Ed.D in
Professional. Counseling
and Supervision / GPA, Dissertation Completion,
Competency review /
Updated Handbooks / All students have a portfolio review at the end of each term and the end of their program. Competency essays are used and outcomes from students who receive state counseling licensure or the Approved Clinical Supervisor credential from the National Board of Certified Counselors / Faculty committee
Appropriate Board / Syllabi updated, matrix for portfolio developed
On-line tutorials for research / New (2012), not yet reviewed formally
4. Ed.D in Individual and Institutional Development / GPA, Dissertation Completion,
Competency review / / All students have a portfolio review at the end of each term and at the end of their program.
Competency essays / A faculty committee with the first core advisor review the portfolios / Successful completion of course activities and course requirements
Portfolio review each term and year
Positive evaluation of student on core competencies via competency essays in each course..
Completion of Dissertation and publication of such / New (2012), not yet reviewed formally
5. Ed.D in Psychology / GPA, Completion,
Competency review /
Updated handbooks / All students have a portfolio review at the end of each term and at the end of their program.
Competency essays
Completion of Dissertation and publication of such / Faculty and
Dissertation Committee with strong scholarship credentials / Successful completion of in course activities and course requirements
Portfolio review each term and year
Positive evaluation of student on core competencies via competency essays in each course..
Completion of Dissertation and publication of such / New (2012), not yet reviewed formally
6. MA in Counseling Psychology / GPA, Internship completion
Competency review /
Updated Handbooks / Portfolio review at the end of each term and the end of the program/ state counseling licensure results and success on the National Counseling Exam/ NBCC certification rates / Faculty
Appropriate Board / Program handbooks have been updated and enhanced as appropriate. Syllabi have been modified as well. No information yet from Boards as we have not yet had a graduate. / New (2012), not yet reviewed formally

Institutions selecting E1a should also include E1b.