Graduate Studies Committee
Minutes of October 11, 2011
Members present: Owen Doonan, Craig Finney, Leilani Hall, Richard Moore, Bruno Osorno, Jared Rappaport, Jennifer Romack, Abraham Rutchick, Merril Simon, Jackie Stallcup, Mary-Pat Stein
Excused: Mary Woodley
Executive Secretary: Mack Johnson
Guests: Andrew Ainsworth, Nagwa Bekir, Beverly Cabello, Cathy Costin, Deborah Cours, Darrick Danta, Marilynn Filbeck, David Gray, Judy Hennessey, David Horne, Rob Kent, Henrik Minassians, Juana Mora, Shannon Morgan, Ravi Roy, Sheri Tarver-Behring
Staff: Hedy Carpenter, Gloria Roberts
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the September 13th meeting were approved.
III. Announcements
Hedy Carpenter reported that 81 graduate students submitted the Thesis Support application. She also reported that several faculty submitted the application for the Distinguished Visiting Speakers Program and 47 applications were funded. Carpenter announced that that the 13th Annual Advancement to Graduate Education (AGE) Conference would be held on Saturday, November 12, 2011 at the USU. She also announced that the electronic thesis dissertation would be launched in Spring 2012 for all departments. Mack Johnson will send an email to departments alerting them that hard copy thesis will no longer be available.
IV. Curriculum Review
A. College of Education
Educational Psychology and Counseling
1. Course modification proposals in EPC 639A-F-Fieldwork in Early Childhood, EPC 659DB-Fieldwork in Counseling Services, and EPC 659EC-Fieldwork in Counseling Services to change the course classification were approved.
2. New course proposals in EPC 690A, EPC 690B, EPC 690C-Advanced Fieldwork and Professional Development were approved.
Elementary Education
1. Course modification proposal in EED 579-Student Teaching Seminar to change course title, course abbreviation, course description, requisites, and basis of grading was approved.
2. New course proposal in EED 579A-Student Teaching Seminar was approved.
Secondary Education
1. Course modification proposal in SED 514-Computers in the Instructional Program to change the course classification was approved.
B. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
1. Course modification proposal in ANTH 476A-E-Field Study to change the course classification, course title, and course abbreviation was approved.
2. New course proposals in ANTH 494AA-ZZ-Anthropological Field Studies and ANTH 494PC-Anthropological Field Studies: Pimu-Catalina Island were approved.
1. Course modification proposal in GEOG 402/L-Physical Geography Techniques and Lab to change the course classification and course description was approved.
2. Course modification proposals in GEOG 404A-Field Studies Anglo America, GEOG 404IP-Field Studies Corsia, and GEOG 404KA-Field Studies Historical to change unit value, course classification, course title, course abbreviation, course description, subject abbreviation number, and requisites were approved.
3. Course modification proposal in GEOG 404BC-Field Studies Latin America to change course classification, course title, course abbreviation, course description, and requisites was approved.
4. Course modification proposals in GEOG 404JA-Field Studies Cultural, GEOG 404TA-Field Studies Urban, GEOG 404UA-Field Studies Physical, and GEOG 404ZB-Field Studies Selected Topics to change unit value, course classification, course description, subject abbreviation number and requisites were approved.
5. Course modification proposals in GEOG 404VC-Field Studies Geomorphology, GEOG 404YC-Field Studies Cartography to change the course classification, course description, and requisites were approved.
6. Course modification proposal in GEOG 409/L-Computer Mapping and Lab to change unit value, course classification, course title, course abbreviation, course description, and requisites was approved.
Pan African Studies
1. New course proposals in PAS 696-Directed Graduate Research, PAS 697-Directed Comprehensive Studies, and PAS 698-Graduate Thesis were tabled until the November 8th GSC meeting.
1. Course modification proposals in PSY 512-Contemporary Problems in Child Psychology and PSY 540-Advanced Social Psychology to change course title, course abbreviation, course description, and to reactivate the course were approved.
2. Course modification proposal in PSY 591A-Seminar in Cognition to change course title, course abbreviation, course description, basis of grading, and to reactivate the course was approved.
3. Course modification proposal in PSY 591B-Seminar in Emotion and Motivation to change course abbreviation, course description, and to reactivate the course was approved.
4. Course modification proposals in PSY 612-Contemporary Problems Child Psychology, PSY 690A-Seminar in Sensation and Perception, PSY 690B-Seminar in Conditioning and Learning, PSY 691A-Seminar in Cognition, and PSY 691B-Seminar in Emotion and Motivation to change course title and course abbreviation were approved.
5. New course proposals in PSY 500-Seminar in Professional Development and PSY 519-Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders were approved.
6. Program modification proposal to increase total units in the program from 34 to 35 units, requiring faculty sponsorship/internship for student admission, requiring a year-long professional development/internship course, adding 500-level courses as choices, and redistributing units for the M.A. in Psychology, Option in General Experimental Psychology was approved.
Public Administration
1. New program proposal for the Graduate Credit Certificate in
Environmental Sustainability Planning in the Public Sector was approved with two abstentions.
2. New program proposal for the Graduate Credit Certificate in Essentials of Public Administration for Public Sector Professionals was approved.
3. Program modification proposal to add the Geographic Information Systems and Technology (GIS&T) graduate certificate and Health Administration graduate certificate as options/tracks to the Master of Public Administration program was approved.
Social Work
1. Course modification proposals in SWRK 501-Human Behavior and Social Environment, SWRK 510-Generalist Social Work Theory and Practice I, and SWRK 601-Advanced Social Work Practice with Urban Families I to change course description were approved.
2. Course modification proposals in SWRK 502-Human Behavior and Social Environment II and SWRK 602-Advanced Social Work Practice with Urban Families II to change course description and requisites were approved.
3. Course modification proposals in SWRK 535-Research Methods for Social Knowledge and Practice and SWRK 698-Graduate Project to change course title, course abbreviation, and course description were approved.
4. Course modification proposal in SWRK 635-Advanced Skills in Program Evaluation and Research with Urban Families to change course title, course abbreviation, course description, and requisites was approved.
V. Discussion Items
Merril Simon reported that Richard Gregory, Director for the Ed.D. program had a discussion with the Chancellor’s Office (C.O.) regarding the UDWPE. He discovered that the C.O. does not allow waivers for the UDWPE, but there are substitutions that some campuses have developed. Simon reported that a subcommittee would discuss the possibility of developing an objective measure rather than requiring the UDWPE for doctoral and master’s students. The subcommittee will review the UDWPE data results for graduate students so they can determine if there is a high percentage of students passing the exam on the first attempt. David Gray and a representative from the College of Health and Human Development will serve on the UDWPE subcommittee.
Deborah Cours distributed and discussed the data collected from the MBA program titled CSUN MBA: Request for Substitution of GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment for UDWPE.
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:37 p.m.