June 17, 1975

Orem City Council met in regular session,Tuesday, June 17, 1975, at 7:30 p. m. in the Council Chambers. Members present were: Mayor James E. Mangum, Chairman Councilmen: Merrill Gappmayer, Harley Gillman, and Glen Zimmerman; Earl Wengreen, City Manager; Barry Bartlett, Assistant City Manager; Frank Butterfield, City Attorney; Jack Jones, Public Works Director; Randy Deschamps, Community Development Director; Alan Homer, Finance Director; Russ Brown, City Engineer; Arnold Long, Fire Chief; and Kathy Siems, Secretary. Mr. Larson and Mr. Walker were excused.

Others present were as listed:

Jack Mervis Wage Hearing

Chester Graff 1200 South Hearing

C. Wilford Larsen 1200 South Hearing

E. Billings Patten 1200 South Hearing

Richard Gappmayer Property Owner

Anne W. Gappmayer Property Owner

Lynn Tilton Daily Herald

Dick Christensen Burrows Smith & Co.

Dennis Cambridge Orem-Geneva Times

Alan Dixon Wage Hearing

Julie Anna Dixon Wage Hearing

Alvin M. Washburn 1200 South Hearing

Kent Scott 1200 South Hearing

S. L. Siemer Property Owner – 500 West

Maureen Tuetter 1200 South Hearing

Diane Ferre 1200 South Hearing

Ruby O. Thalmann 1200 South Hearing

Marie H. Russon 1200 South Hearing

Gwen S. Bench 1200 South Hearing

Reed M. Bench 1200 South Hearing

C. Irwin Moon 1200 South Hearing

Beth Moon 1200 South Hearing

Mina D. Brown 1200 South Hearing

Jay & Glenda Shelton 1200 South Hearing

Donald P. Wilbur General Interest

Walton Zobell 1200 South Hearing

Glen S. Healy 1200 South Hearing

Norma Long General Interest

Beatrice Pyne 1200 South Hearing

Beth Fountin General Interest

Leah M. Highee General Interest

William B. Highee 1200 South Hearing

Dewey R. Seeley 1200 South Hearing

H. Grant Butler 1200 South Hearing

Mrs. Melvin J. Petersen 1200 South Hearing

Mrs. LaVerl Turnbow 1200 South Hearing

LaVerl Turnbow 1200 South Hearing

Arthur Reid Thorn, Inc.

H. H. Croft Dunn Const.

A. T. Schellenberg Geneva Rock Prod.

Ted Martindale Steve Kay Plumbing

Wayne S. Airmet Paulson Const.

Carol Theobald General Interest

Jerry L. Foster General Interest

Steven R. Campbell Pol. Sci. Class

Karla Holm Pol. Sci. Class

Ryan Ohara General Interest

Carla J. Peterson General Interest

Tony Ferguson General Interest

Dale K. Judd Bid Opening

Aldo Bussio Bid Opening

Steve Penrod General Interest

Allen Cox Bid Opening

The meeting was opened with prayer by Frank Butterfield.

Mr. Zimmerman moved that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as corrected. Second was made by Mr. Gappmayer and carried.

Mr. Wengreen reported that the Council must submit to the office of Revenue Sharing in Washington a report of planned use of Revenue Sharing funds by the 24th of June, and that this report must be signed by the Mayor.

Mr. Gappmayer moved to authorize the mayor's signature and approve the Revenue Sharing Planned Use Report for fiscal year 1976 as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gillman and carried.

Mr. Gillman commendted on the Council of Governments meeting, stating the City should perhaps consider budgeting some money to help support UCCODAR becuase he thought the Countil of Governments s had approved such funding at 23e, per capita. Mayor Mangum stated that the City has not approved such budgeting as the amounts requested were too high. Mr. Zimmerman also noted that the Council decided that Orem would not be getting its share of return from what it would cost.

Mr. Gillman reported that Joe Reedhead, Nebo School Superintendent, pointed out problems in planning school sites such as the effects of subdivisions, bussing, public trends, etc., on

the school district; therefore, the school district should be kept informed on new developments in the City.

Randy Deschamps pointed out that the Planning Commission presently sends a copy of the final plans of every subdivision to the school district.

Mr. Gappmayer asked what amount is budgeted for the Art Advisory Board.

Mr. Wengreen stated that $2,000 has been programmed on the, budget for 1975-76.

Mr. Gappmayer reported that special funds are to be made available by the State on a matching fund basis for involvement in Arts.

Mayor Mangum stated he has referred letters on the use of such funds to the BI-Centennial Commission and Art Committee. Mr. Wengreen noted that the city has received a report showing these funds are available to communities to support the arts. Orem submitted a request to the Chairman of the Board which suggested using $1,000 for the summer programs put on each year, and he thought the Mayor had received a letter stating they had programmed $1,000 for Orem City.

Mr. Gappmayer stated that the city’s intended use of the funds must be requested by letter to the Utah State Institute of Fine Arts; Max Weaver would present the proposal to the Board so suggestions should be made to him.

Mr. Zimmerman wanted to know if $300 had been put into the budget for the Safety Committee; and, after checking, Mr. Wengreen reported that nothing has been specifically programmed for that Committee.

Mayor Mangum then opened the Public Hearing on 1200 South Special Improvement District "P" by giving a short summary of what has occurred thus far concerning advertising of the Special Impro¬vement District, meetings held, and he explained that basically the only change from the original plans are that several smaller areas are now involved and the acquisition costs of property have been taken out of the district's costs, but replaced by additional asphalt in the same total amount. However, the assessment cost per front foot are the same. He then gave the floor to Russ Brown, City Engineer, to answer questions.

Since there was only one citizen present from the area of 500 West, this area was discussed first. Mr. S. L. Siemer spoke in protest of the Special Improvement District stating he had not been approached with the petition--he knew nothing until he received a notice from the City, and was under the understanding that 100% agreement was required.

Mayor Mangum explained that the wishes of the majority would prevail, and Russ Brown pointed out that one of the procedures advertised in the notice was that citizens had until 5:00 PM on June 17, 1975 to file a written protest. None have been received from the 500 West area. The Mayor also asked if there was anyone present to protest or discuss the improvements as proposed on 400 West from 800 to 900 South and from 210 West to 400 West on 900 South. No one was present and no protest were received.

Russ Brown stated that discussion on 1200 South Special Improvement District "P" by answering questions previously raised concerning the change from the property acquisition to the assessment of asphalt, the difference in estimates on previous figures due to reappraising on what it would cost each person per foot for blacktop, questions on the property acquisition itself, when payments will be made for right-of-way ( which will be right after the District is created). He also stated payment forfirght-of-ways is computed on the basis of what property the City hasn't previously used--therefore, the area of the deed and area purchased may be differ in some cases. Also, the trade off of asphalt for property is not always equal, depending on the history of the property. Collectively, however, the trade off balances out.

Jack Mervis asked if it was possible to have a partial Improvement District, or if all areas must participate. Mayor Mangum answered stating deletions can be made in the 4 areas involved. Russ Brown further commented that though deletions can be made, additions cannot be made, and all protesting areas have been marked on their maps.

Citizen Harvey Cardwell asked why he is paying more now than was originally stated, and giving the City access to more property. He is in favor of the District, but feels the figures will not offset each other, causing hardship to some property owners.

The Mayor pointed out that mr. Cardwell would be one of the individual exceptions explained by Mr. Brown earlier, and Mr. Brown stated that to his knowledge no additional property is being acquired from Mr. Cardwell as the City has not changed their alignment.

Tony Ferguson asked whether he was right in understanding that the people will trade land that the road will be on for the asphalt and then curb and gutter will be paid by the property owners separately.

Mayor Mangum explained that the City will purchase the right-of-way from the property owners. Discrepancies arise in that they will purchase only from that point which is not presently blacktopped. The cost of the blacktop as advertised (curb, gutter, sidewalk) will be charged back to property owners. Russ Brown also stated that under law the assessment to property owners must be uniform-the only way to eliminate the problem of some being paid for more land than others s would be for everyone to give the City the land.

Mr. Ferguson then questioned why in a meeting with property owners on 400 North held just prior to the present Council Meeting, the assessment amount quoted there was several dollars less than not stated.

Russ Brown explained that the lesser figure was for curb and gutter only, while the District figure-is for curb, gutter and sidewalk.

Jay Shelton asked who has to pay for the removal of, for example, a driveway; and what will grading cost the property owner?

Mr. Brown answered by stating anything the owner wants (shrubs, rose bushes, etc.) must be removed at the owners expense if they want to retain them. Everything else will be hauled off with the exeption of ditch pipe which will be salvaged and become property of the owner. Partial cost of grading is also included in the assessment with the City paying about 59%.

Ivan Burr wanted to know what kind of pipe is being put into the ditches.

Russ Brown answered that 24" concrete reinforced pipe will be used. Rubber gaskets will also be used.

Harvey Cardwell asked if jogs would be allowed in the sidewalk, or if it would conform to the contour of the roadway down both sides.

Russ Brown stated that normal street contours would be allowed.

Mayor Mangum then asked for a show of hands of those opposed to Special Improvement District "P". There were only two who raised their hands. (Jay Shelton and Georgette Zubeck)

Mr. Gappmayer commented that if anyone had deeds that needed to be notarized, bring them to Frank Butterfield and he will take care of it.

Mr. Brown noted that construction bids would be opened in 30 minutes, and anyone interested should stay.

Mr. Dick Christensen, from Burrows and Smith explained the procedures taken to complete the District, pointing out that there will be a Board of Equalization and Review meeting where complaints can be made, after which assessments will be made.

Mr. Gappmayer then moved to create Special Improvement District "P". The motion was seconded by Mr. Zimmerman and carried.

A public hearing on wages and salaries for City Elected Officials was held. The Mayor began by stating the issue had been advertised for both elected and appointed officials, but only the elected officials salaries would be considered this week. He then opened the issue to discussion.

Mr. Gillman commented that he felt $125/month plus $125 for expenses does not cover the mayor's expenses; even the proposed $500/month will not cover these expenses.

Mr. Gappmayer stated that the type of government we have in Orem is the finest form of

government we could have. The city is run by citizens who care about the community--not by professional politicians. They are not paid wages that permit them to leave their jobs; however, they should be compensated for a portion of their expenses. Therefore, by raising the Mayor's salary we can keep interested people in that position without personal lose on the part of those interested in being Mayor.

There was a question raised on the Mayor's current salary. The proposed new salary would be $500/month without an expense account. Any expenses incurred above this amount would have to be itemized.

Mr. Jack Mervis said he feels the City needs a full-time Mayor--that we have reached the stage where our Mayor is putting in full-time work at a part-time job. He feels the City could afford a full-time Mayor, as we are presently paying a fantastic price for our government in the salaries of the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Secretaries, etc.; amounts that could be used for the Mayor's salary.

Tony Ferguson pointed out that there are many cities that manage to get along with just a mayor, or just a manager, or a City Council. Orem has all three; maybe these are getting in the way of each other.

Mr. Zimmerman explained that many cities who changed from the Mayor/Council form of government are not satisfied and are trying to change back. He cited Logan City as an example. He also pointed out the benefit of the City Manager stating that in 3 1/2 years on the councz he (Mr. Zimmerman) has just begun to learn what there is to know, while a full time Manager is able to keep acquiring knowledge over the years. Therefore, it would not be in the best interest of the City to have only a full-time Mayor who is replaced every 4 years, just when he is scratching the surface of knowledge concerning his job. Mr. Gillman pointed out that a survey conducted by BYU shows the Council/Manager form of government to be the most efficient form of government.

Mr. Gappmayer further explained that the Mayor must be compensated for his duties so he is able to leave his business for the time he spends in the capacity of Mayor.