Meeting was convened by Committee Chair, Earl Babbie. All members were present except Len Gordon*, who had passed away shortly before the PSA meetings. (Sharon K. Araji, 2016; Earl Babbie, 2015; Don Barrett, 2016; Fumiko Hosokawa, 2017; Gary Cretser, 2018; Chuck Hohm, 2018).
Guests at the meeting were Dr. Glenn Goodwin from Pitzer and 2 Oregon State University students, Kay’yn Anderson and Elizabeth Gonzalez. Lora Bristow, PSA Executive Director took notes for the PSA.
Agenda Items
1)First order of business was recommendation for new committee members. Following discussion, it was agreed to submit the names of Ginny Mulle (Nothern) to replace Len Gordon (Southern). As Dr. Mulle is currently not a PSA member, but is planning on joining, Earl Babbie will fill the vacancy of Dr. Gordon, until Dr. Mulle is available. The two other names recommended were Dean Dorn (Central) and Bob O’Brien (Northern). Chair Babbie indicated that he would submit these names to Dennis Downey, Chair of the Committee on Committees.
2)Chair Babbie called for volunteers or nominations for next year’s committee chair. Dr. Araji indicated that over the course of last year, Len Gordon had inquired about her becoming committee chair. However, she noted that Don Barrett had sent the committee an e-mail (March 30, 2015) concerning the structure of the committee, inquiring about whether we might follow a caucus model. She noted that if the committee chose this direction, she would not be interested in volunteering or being nominated for the Chair position, as it would be more time intensive than the committee’s current activities. She moved that the committee hear from Don Barrett before considering election of a Chair. Dr. Babbiecalled on Dr. Barrett to explain the caucus model.It was explained that this model would be more proactive in reaching out to retirees such as creating lists that would need continuous updating. He also suggested that the committee might create some type of newsletter. After discussion, no action was taken to move the current activities of the committee—organizing PSA sessions, hosting a reception and conducting the annual committee meetings—to a caucus model.
3)Chair Babbie asked, given the above discussions, if he could informally nominate Dr. Araji for committee chair. She agreed, and as no one else volunteered or was nominated, she was elected as 2015-16 Committee Chair. (Her chair duties end at the close of the 2016 committee meeting).
4)Next item of business was suggestions for sessions at the 2016 PSA meetings in Oakland. There were volunteers for 3 or more sessions.
- Elephant in the room: Bullying and mobbing in the academy—Sharon K. Araji, Don Barrett, Gary Cretser (Type of session to be determined)
- Aging and identity—Fumiko Hosokawa (Formal session)
- Alternative careers for sociology majors; translating sociological skills into real world applications--Chuck Hohm (several sessions and/or workshop)
- Other sessions may emerge, as Lora Bristow, PSA Executive Director attended part of the meeting and indicated that there is no limit on the number of sessions a committee can submit.
Other Business
Chuck Hohm voiced concern that the page that traditionally listed the Past PSA Presidents was missing from this year’s program. Lora Bristow provided an explanation as to how this happened. Dr. Hohm requested that it be returned to next year’s program.
Chair Babbie adjourned the meeting. Sharon Araji thanked Earl for his contributions to the committee and serving as Chair for 2014-15.
Sharon K. Araji, Volunteer Note Taker
*Memories of Dr. Len Gordon, Committee Member and Past PSA President were read Wednesday evening at the session on leisure that Dr. Gordon had organized for the 2015 PSA meetings in Long Beach. Many committee members were in attendance.