Dear Families, Week of October 7, 2013

I hope that this weather is treating you all well! I know that many of you are not sure whether or not to put your child in shorts or a winter coat! Although, it may get a little warm outside these past few days, our classroom always tends to be much colder than the other rooms and even colder than outside. Please remember to send in a sweatshirt or jacket with your child in case he or she gets cold. Also, if you have not already so, please remember to send in those art smocks and extra clothes for our classroom.

This week we are learning a variety of things. We will learn about Bats, some interesting facts about them and complete a project along with bat writing. Students will practice tracing, cutting and gluing skills. In Math, we will be continuing to practice our numbers and graphs, we worked on bar graphs not too long ago, and now we will be learning about pie graphs. We will be completing a class eye color pie graph and comparing our data found. We are also going on a nature walk around the school building. During our nature walk, we will collect leaves found in a bag and complete tree bark rubbings. Inside, we will do leaf rubbings as well. We then will complete our very own trees, all made from rubbings with a crayon. Students will learn many important facts about trees and leaves. Language arts will be fun this week because we are continuing with rhyming. We will continue to read silly rhyming stories and practice rhyming skills. We will complete a class matching game with many rhyming words we found in the class story. At the end of the week we will be learning about who Christopher Columbus was and why he is so important. He is so important that we honor him by not having school next Monday!

On Monday I will be sharing with students items that were in my All About Me bag, Mrs. Eskay will be sharing her bag on Tuesday. Students will have the opportunity to really learn more about us and hopefully give them some ideas of what to place in their bags. Students are required to bring back their paper bag filled with cool things that tell a story about them. They will present to class and students will be able to ask questions and comments. Again, we are presenting our bags thisThursday, October 20th. Please feel free to send your child’s bag early if you would like. I cannot wait to hear about each and every student!

As always, Show and Tell is each and every Friday, send your child in with one item that he or she may be interested in sharing with the class!

**Remember, if your child chooses to purchase a snack or ice cream during lunch, it costs .50 to 1.00**


Mrs. Granata