Plymouth, Wisconsin




Mark Rhyan, President

Tim St. Clair, Vice President

Sally Isley, Clerk

Pam Holzhaueser, Treasurer

Jerry Prahl, Member

John Klemme, Member

Sue Feick, Member


PART A (District Section)

Section I

Personnel Roster...... ………………… A-5

District Responsibilities...... ……………… A-15

Section II Policies, Practices and Procedures

A. Board Policies...... ……………….. A-16

B. Administrative Practices and Procedures...... ………… A-16

1. General Procedures and practices governing the faculty...... …... A-16

2. Emergency closing of school...... ………….. A-17

3. Severe storm warning emergencies...... ………… A-17

4. In-service training...... …………….. A-17

5. Student Grades………………………………………………………….. A-18

6. Requisition of supplies and equipment...... ……….. A-18

7. Travel time...... ………………. A-19

8. Budget………………………………………………………………….. A-19

9. Grants...... ………………… A-19

10. Absence and sick leave...... …………… A-19

11. Pupil injury and sickness...... …………… A-20

12. Staff meetings...... ……………… A-20

13. Staff lounges...... ………………. A-20

14. Liability insurance...... …………….... A-20

15. School lunch program and kitchen regulations...... …….. A-20

16. Non Smoking Law...... ……………... A-21

17. Buildings, equipment and custodial service...... ………. A-21

18. Field trips, banquets, etc...... …………… A-22

19. Long distance phone calls...... …………… A-23

20. General Guidelines for Postings and Announcements...... ……. A-23

21. Gifts to teachers...... ………………. A-23

22. Code Blue Procedures………………………………………………….. A-23

23. Code Red Procedures…………………………………………………… A-25

24. Latex Sensitivity ………………………………………………………. A-25

Section III Student Promotion and Retention

A. Philosophy …………………………………………………………………… A-26

B. Guidelines for Decision Making ……………………………………………. A-26

C. Timelines...... …………………. A-26

D. Recommended Alternative Educational Strategies(Exhibit A)...... …. A-27

E. Documentation of Consideration of Retention (Exhibit B)...... …... A-28

Section IV Teacher Evaluation

A. Teacher Evaluation Procedure...... …………… A-30

Section V Audiovisual and Computer Practices & Procedures

A. Media and Technology Repair Procedure…………...... A-30

B. Media and Technology Purchasing Procedures...... …………. A-30

C. Media and Technology Supplies...... ……………… A-31

D. Media and Technology Equipment Inventory...... ………….. A-31

E. Media and Technology Software Inventory...... …………… A-32

F. Preview/Purchase Process of Audiovisual and Computer Software Materials. A-32

G. Selection Process of Audiovisual and Computer Software Materials...... …. A-33

H. Classroom Use of Instructional Materials...... ………… A-34

I. Use of School Facilities and/or Equipment...... ………. A-34

Section VI Manual of Acceptable Communication

A. Purpose……………………………………………………………………….. A-35

B. District Responsibilities……………………………………………………… A-35

C. Access to the System…………………………………………………………. A-35

D. District Limitation of Liability……………………………………………….. A-36

E. Due Process…………………………………………………………………... A-36

F. Search and Seizure…………………………………………………………… A-36

G. Copyright and Plagiarism…………………………………………………….. A-37

H. Academic Freedom, Selection of Materials and Students Rights…………… A-37

I. District Web Site…………………………………………………………….. A-37

J. District Acceptable Communication Practice……………………………… A-37

Section VII Summer School

A. Schedule...... …………………. A-39

B. Curriculum...... ………………… A-39

C. Teacher and Aide Employment...... ………….. A-39

D. Teacher Absences...... ……………… A-39

E. Duties...... ………………….. A-39

F. Lesson Plans...... ………………… A-39

G. Use of Instructional Materials and Equipment...... ………. A-39

H.  Report Cards...... …………….. A-39

Section VIII Non-Discrimination

A. Notice of Non-Discrimination Policy...... …………. A-40

B. Grievance Procedure...... ……………… A-40

Section IX Harassment

A. Harassment & Sexual Harassment Policy...... A-41

Section X Youth Suicide Prevention Resources & Services

A. Youth Suicide Preventions…………………………………………………… A-43

Section XI School Closings………………………………………………………..A-45

PART B (Elementary Section)

PART C (Riverview Section)

PART D (High School Section)




Reinke, Clark Superintendent

Dassow, Carrie Assist. Super., Dir. of Curric. & Instr

Gamoke, Anne…………………………………………… Director of Pupil Services

Miller, Jon…………………………………………………. Business Administrator

Anderson, Anna Administrative Assistant

Roberts, Jane Administrative Assistant

Wegner, Barb Administrative Assistant

Williams, Amy Administrative Assistant


Bell, Amy………………………………………………….. Audiologist

Briggs, Michael Coordinator of Technology Support

Dunham, Diane……………………………………………. Hearing Impaired

Ellis, Peggy……………………………………………….. Director of Pupil Services Secretary

Endres, Therese……………………………………………. Interpreter

Hyland, Kristine Occupational Therapist

Kaestner, Diane Physical Therapist

Kaiser, Gary………………………………………………... Computer Technician

Kronberg, Todd Police Liaison Officer

Logan, Edel Occupational Therapist

Marten, Jennifer……………………………………………. PEGASUS

Morris, Jennifer…………………………………………….. Occupational Therapist

Murray, Kathy Community Education Director

Nelson, Char…………………………………………….. Director of Pupil Services Secretary

Niehueser, Richard…………………………………………. Building & Grounds Superintendent

Peschke, Mary……………………………………………… Nurse

Roelse, Tina Nurse

Rooker, Kristin…………………………………………. Food Service Supervisor

Sinclair, Denise…………………………………………….. Visually Impaired

Williamson, Sue Psychologist/Section 504 Coor.

Wolf, Ray Psychologist

Zolp, Kurt………………………………………… Computer Tech./Network Support


Mella, Dan Principal

Harney, Pam Assistant Principal

Behr, Sarah………………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Bourniville, Susan……………………………………… Custodian

Cadman, Cathy…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Doebert, Sandy Teacher Aide

Gilliam, Shirley Secretary

Gradinjan, Lynn…………………………………………… Guidance Secretary

Guenther, Ellen……………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Haese, Patti Teacher Aide

Kruschke, Vickie…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Loehr, Gwen………………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Lorenz, Burnell…………………………………………… Custodian

Meyer, Patricia…………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Meyer, Heidi……………………………………………….. Custodian

Mueller, Robert Head Custodian

Payne, Kathy……………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Pfrang, Margaret…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Rank, Mary………………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Reinhart, Jennifer………………………………………….. Technology Secretary

Risler, Tammy……………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Rosenthal, Wendy Custodian

Schram, Kathy……………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Scott, Cindy Teacher Aide

Steeno, Laurie……………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Zimmermann, Rochelle Secretary

Armstrong, Thomas Social Studies

Azzalino, James Technology Educ.

Billar, Jennifer……………………………………………… Alternative Educ./Health

Birenbaum, Shelly…………………………………………. ED/Options

Briggs, Michael TV Productions

Budrecki, Dena Head Librarian

Cleary, Lucas ……………………………………………… English/Hi-Lights

Coley, Dave Mathematics

Damp, Andrew Business Education

Daniels, Jack Mathematics

DeJean-Newton, Janet …………………………………….. English

Doebert, Kathy Art

Duff, Jason Social Studies

Dunbar, Ken ……………………………………………… Science/Teacher Coach

Eldin, Ez ………………………………………………….. Arabic

Feick, Brad English

Frey, Eunice Music

Gatyas, Cheryl…………………………………….. Physical Education

Goes, Stephan…………………………………………. CD

Graf, Carl…………………………………………………. Psychologist

Grahn, Gale Social Studies

Granberg, Kay ………………………………………………Math

Gritt, Greg Tech Education

Gritt, Kamie Physical Education

Groblewski, Jane Spanish

Grosshuesch, Jay Chemistry

Hahn, Marlyn Horticulture & Biology

Hannes, Kay Learning Disabled

Hansen, Charles Guidance
Hansen, Sarah……………………………………………… English

Henriksen, Tina Biology

Holdridge, Tracy LD

Hummitzsch. Megan…… English

Johanning, Nancy…………………………………………... Music

Jordan, Catherine Mathematics

Kiszely, Stephan Social Studies/English

Knaus, Dan Physical Education

Koebel, Laura Spanish

Krebsbach, Dawn Mathematics

Krzyzaniak, Paul Physics/Science/Math

Lamb, Daniel Social Studies

Lechnir, Lucas………………………………………… Phy. Ed. & Health

Loehr, Jenny……………………………………………. Science Teacher Coach

Litt, Gale…………………………………………………… Family & Consumer Ed.

Lund, Connie Family & Consumer Ed

Maki, Sarah English

Mier, Donald Agriculture

Meinen, James ED

Munson, Darren Mathematics

Nicholson, Sandra German/Spanich

Pieper, Carrie Science

Ramaeker, Court Spanish

Richards, Scott Social Studies

Rickmeier, Megan………………………………………… Guidance

Ross, Jeremy……………………………………………….. Mathematics

Ross, Stacey Alternative Education/

Salibi, Chuck Math/Science

Schulz, Mike Chorus

Sebranek, Jason Instrumental Music

Sherman, Jake ………………………………………………Technology Education

Sinor, Jessica………………………………………………. CD

Slagle, Michael Science/Athletic Director

Stielow, Maggie……………………………………………. Guidance

Strong, Mary English/Quit Qui Oc

Sturtz, Jenna……………………………………………….. Science

Timler, Jodi LD

Waugh, Karen English

Winkel, June Business Education

Zimmermann, Lynne………………………………………. CDS Music Teacher


Scudella, Chris Principal

Mueller, Tracy Dean of Students

Abler, Libbie……………………………………………….. Secretary

Bermke, Stacey…………………………………………….. Food Service

Calhoun, Lori………………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Fink, Gerald Custodian

Griffin, Judy……………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Haese, Patricia…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Henschel, Katrina…………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Hoopman, Debe Secretary

Kapellen, Edie……………………………………………… Food Service

Kloppenburg, Lynn………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Krahn, Diane Teacher Aide

Krebsbach, Debbie…………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Krupp, Jeanine Teacher Aide

Krupp, Patricia Custodian

Laning, Linda………………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Lensmire, Cheryl Custodian

Matz, Rebecca…………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Ruh, Dana……………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Perman, Mary Food Service

Reischl, Patricia Custodian

Seefeldt, Richard……………………………………………Head Custodian

Seich, Bonnie………………………………………………. Food Service

Severn, Nancy Teacher Aide

Skelton, Nicki…………………………………………… Food Service

Ubbelohde, Annette……………………………………….. Custodian

VanAnsten, Tonia……………………………………...... Interpreter

Wieser, Mary………………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Barrington, Jessica German Cultures/PEGASUS Batzner, Joshua……………………………………………. Grade 5

Billar, Beau Technical Education

Brooks, Eileen Vocal & General Music

Cain, Butch……………………………………………….. Grade 5

Counselman, Donna Grade 7

DePagter, Paul……………………………………………… Grade 8

Diederichs, Diane LD

Dykstra, Judy Grade 8

Ebben-Svitavsky, Victoria…………………………………. Special Education

Gannon-Ward, Abbie ……………………………………… Grade 8

Graening, Lynn…………………………………………….. Study Skills

Gumm, Michael Grade 8

Hoppman, John Grade 8

Jones, Lisa ED

Kaehler, De Anna MC

Keys-Dulmes, Lisa………………………………………… Art

Kiekhoefer, Jennifer Speech/Language Pathologist

Knoener, Rita……………………………………………… Grade 6

Kohler, Matthew Grade 6

Krueger-Grapentine, Gina Physical Education

Langjahr, Aniya…………………………………………… Grade 6

Larsen, Tom Art

LeMahieu, Sandra Library

Lembrich, Taylor Grade 6

Ludvik, Christine Adaptive PE

McFarlane, Gordon Guidance

Mertens, Connie Jo Grade 8

Mey, Brad………………………………………………….. Grade 6

Miller, Lisa………………………………………………… Special Education

Mueller, Branden ………………………………………….. Instrumental Music

O’ Brien, Candi…………………………………………….. Special Education

Olig, Sandy Grade 6

Overby, Julie……….….……….…….…….……….…… Grade 7

Peterson, Noel Physical Education

Peterson, Daphne………………………………………… Special Education

Petrie, Jeff………………………………………………… Grade 5

Pollock, Jordan…………………………………………….. Spanish

Richmond, Tim…………………………………………….. Grade 5

Rortvedt, Kathryn Grade 5

Rupp, Sara……………………………………………… Grade 7, Science

Salkowski, Doreen Grade 7

Schroeder, Kelly……………………………………… Grade 7, Language Arts

Sell, Sue Family & Consumer Ed./Health

Shutter, Brad………………………………………………. Physical Education

Tripp, Joanna Grade 8

Unger, Therese………………………………………… Guidance

Weyker, Linda……………………………………………… CD

Williamson, Sue……………………………………………. Psychologist


Flood, Amy Principal

Awe, Sue ………………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Dellger, Patty………………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Erbe, Clare Secretary

Griffin, Judy Teacher Aide

Hoitink, Sylvia Teacher Aide

Holschbach, Terry………………………………………… Teacher Aide

McFarlin, Kelly …………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Miller, Karen…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Nicolaus,Penny…………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Perman, Mary Food Service

Petrie, Linda Custodian

Reilly, Cheryl Custodian

Schneider, Diana…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Steinke, Sheri Teacher Aide

Wiese, Nicole……………………………………………… Food Service

Babiarz, Erin……………………………………………….. Grade 4

Bennett, Karen…………………………………………… Title One

Carlson, Joan………………………………………………. Grade 1

Costello, Melissa………………………………………….. Library Media Specialist

Grimes, Lisa………………………………………………. Four Year Old Kindergarten

Hughes, Faye Guidance

Ingersoll, Shari Kindergarten

Keys-Dulmes, Lisa Art

Kreple, Mary……………………………………………….. MC

Logan, Edel………………………………………… Occupational Therapist

Marsh, David Grade 3

Ott, Pamela Grade 2

Rabe, Donna Grade 1

Randall, Dawn……………………………………………… ELL

Scheible, Kay Grade 2

Scudella, Sandra Vocal Music

Sedlaceck, Jim Phys. Education

Shaffer, Susan Grade 4

Sippel, Rebecca……………………………………………. Four Year Old Kindergarten

Steiger, Betty……………………………………………. Speech

Vanderkin, Mary Grade 3

White, Ben ………………………………………………… LD/CD


Mather, John Principal

Abbott, Karee Food Service

Binversie, Barb…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Butters, Melissa……………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Conlin, Michelle Teacher Aide

Galba, Phyllis………………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Gatzke, Paula………………………………………………. Food Service

Goodlet, Loretta Teacher Aide

Hansen, Karen Teacher Aide

Hanson, Kay………………………………………………... Teacher Aide

Kline, Christine……………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Nicolaus, Jamison Custodian

Orvis, Kristin………………………………………………. Interpreter

Roehre, John Custodian

Schicker, Cheryl Teacher Aide

Sippel, Cindy………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Vorpagel, Joan Secretary

Waller, Beth……………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Wilde, Karen……………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Arentsen, Andrew…………………………………………. Grade 4

Berg, Kim………………………………………………….. OT

Borth, Jennifer...…………………………………………….Title One

Butters, Barb……………………………………………… Grade 3

Chrisman, Candy………………………………………….. Title 1

Endres, Therese……………………………………………. Interpreter

Gafney, Diane…………………………………………….. Physical Therapy

Jens, Linda Grade 1

Keys-Dulmes, Lisa Art

Koene, Sharon……………………………………………… Kindergarten

Kohlmann, Julie Grade 3

Krueger, Gwen ED

Lee, Sarah Grade 4

Lilly, Ruth Kindergarten

Ludvik, Christine Phys. Education

Nee, Mike Grade 4

Schilling, Victoria…………………………………………. Speech/Language Pathologist

Schmidt, Mary Grade 2

Schneider, Donna………………………………………… Grade 1

Sedlaceck, Jim Phys. Education

Taylor, Shelly Library

Terens, Saralie Guidance

Thaldorf, Barbara Grade 2

Thiel, Lisa CDS

Vanderkin, Shelley…………………………………………. Grade 1

Walvoord, Chris…………………………………………… Grade 2

Wieneke, Franceen Four-Year Old Kindergarten

Zimmerman, Lynne Vocal Music


Hunt, Todd Principal

Abraham, Roger Custodian

Beger, Laurie Teacher Aide

Eder, Deborah Custodian

Flaig, Kelly ……………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Gilhuber, Dana…………………………………………….. Food Service

Klecka, Michelle…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Kolpin, Chris……………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Laack, Sue Teacher Aide

Lensmire, Rose…………………………………………… Food Service

Lorenz, Cindy Teacher Aide

Nelson, Char Secretary

Nicolaus, Penny…………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Novak, Amy………………………………………………. Teacher Aide

Pfeil, Shelly………………………………………………… Teacher Aide

Presley, Diane……………………………………………... Teacher Aide

Rhude, Jill………………………………………………….. Teacher Aide

Rortvedt, Kristin………………………………………….. Food Service

Struve, Shelly Teacher Aide

Wilde, Karen Teacher Aide

Boldt, Ginger……………………………………………….. Early Childhood

Brown, Lori Grade 3

Costello, Melissa………………………………………….. Library Media Specialist

Doebert, Kathy…………………………………………….. Art

Dunbar, Ken……………………………………………….. Instructional Coach

Eernissee, Janel ………………………………………… Kindergarten

Finley-Jurk, JoAnne Grade 1

Gnadt, Margaret Grade 4

Hapeman, Sarah…………………………………………. Reading

Henkel, Sheila Grade 1

Hughes, Faye Guidance

Hyland, Kris Occupational Therapist

Kaestner, Diane Physical Therapist

Kolpin, Amy Grade 2

Krzyzaniak, Lisa Reading

Langhout, John Grade 4

Loehr, Jenny………………………………………………... Instructional Coach

McKerrow, Lorena Grade 3

Michlig, Sarah……………………………………………… Special Education

Murphy, Jacqeline Grade 2

Smith, Sue Kindergarten

Sedlacek, Jim………………………………………...... Phys. Education

Shutter, Brad Phys. Educ &Adaptive PE

Terens, Saralie Guidance

Vorpagel, Marilyn LD

Woelfel, Judith Four-Year Old Kindergarten

Zimmermann, Lynne………………………………………. Music

Zipperer, Nancy Speech


Rooker, Kristin…………………………………………. Food Service Supervisor

Bubb, Karen……………………………………………… Cook

Gatzke, Paula………………………………………………. Cook

Goetsch, Susan Cook

Hall, Dawn Cook

Hicks, Patty Cook

Holzmann, Gayle……………………………………………Cook

Koenigs, Donna Cook

Meerstein, Judith Cook

Ziegler, Susan Cook


Adams, Kurt Maintenance/Groundskeeper

Bain, Brian Maintenance/Electrical

Clements, Curt Maintenance/HVAC

Lorenz, Bernie………………………………………………Maintenance

Niehueser, Richard………………………………………….Supervisor of Building & Grounds


For a variety of reasons different people, staff and administrative personnel, have been given district wide job related responsibilities of a rather specific nature. Some are evidenced in our district organizational chart, others are obvious because of what we teach.

The following list is being published to recognize those in charge and to help everyone know where to turn for specific leadership.

Director of Community Education -Murray, Kathy

Director of Media & Technology -Mike Briggs

EAP Coordinator -Tina Roelse

Director of Pupil Services -Anne Gamoke

Equity Coordinator -Chris Scudella

Health & Nursing Services Coordinator -Mary Peschke/Tina Roelse

LVEC (Local Voc. Ed. Coordinator) -Sue Sell

AODA Coordinator -Chris Scudella

School Performance Report -Jay Grosshuesch

Section 504 Coordinator -Sue Williamson

Suicide Prevention Coordinator -Saralie Terens

Summer School Directors -Tracy Mueller

-Chris Scudella

-Pam Harney

Teen-Parent Contact -Saralie Terens

Clark Reinke


Carrie Dassow

Assistant Superintendent, Director of Curriculum & Instruction

The mission of The Plymouth School District remains:

To encourage everyone to see and be his/her personal best through successful learning experiences...become your best.



A. Board Policies

A complete copy of the Board Policies is on file in the office of the principal of each building. Staff members are encouraged to become familiar with sections of the board policies which affect the employment relationship.

  1. Administrative Practices and Procedures

1.  General procedures and practices governing the faculty

a.  Changes in names and addresses are to be reported to the Board in writing and filed in the Superintendent's office within ten days thereafter.
b.  Each teacher shall keep the records required by the Board, the Superintendent, and by the Principal.
c.  Teachers will attend all meetings called by the Principal and Superintendent. In cases of absence through illness or other unavoidable occurrence, an explanation shall be sent to the Principal or Superintendent.
d.  The school district carries workman's compensation insurance for employees including teachers. In case of injury within the scope of employment, the employee should immediately report such injury in writing to the Superintendent's office.
e.  Money shall not be solicited from pupils without the sanction of the District Leadership Team.
f.  Teachers shall not receive agents during school hours without consent from the Principal or Superintendent.
g.  Teachers will recognize the following special observance days by appropriate activities in their classrooms, unless a general program is given by the school.

September 16 Mildred Fish Harnack Day