The Atomic Composition:
Particles Mass (u) Rel. Charge Abs. Charge_____
Proton 1.00728 +1 +1.609 x 10-19 C
Neutron 1.00866 0 0
Electron 0.00055 -1 -1.609 x 10-19 C
(1 u = 1.6605 x 10-24 g = 1.6605 x 10-27 kg)
Atom contains protons and neutrons that form the nucleus, and electrons occupying the space outside the nucleus. The number of protons (referred to as the atomic number) determines the identity of the atom; neutrons provide nuclear stability and together with protons, they account for most of the atomic mass. The atom contains a vast empty space where electrons are supposed to be present. Electrons may be transferred from one atom to another during chemical reactions, which converts neutral atoms into cations and anions. Although electrons are associated with the chemical properties of elements, it is the manner in which electrons are arranged in the atom (called the electron configuration) that actually characterizes the chemical property of an atom.
7.1 Electromagnetic Radiation and Wave
Much of our understanding of the electronic structure of atoms comes from observations of how matter interacts with light. Light, also known as electromagnetic radiation, is a form of transverse wave that is characterized by the wavelength (l), frequency (n), and velocity or speed (c), such that, c = ln. In a given medium the speed of light is constant, and the speed of light in a vacuum is 2.9979 x 108 m/s. Since the speed c = ln is a constant, the frequency (n) and the wavelength (l) are inversely proportional to each other. Frequency (n) has the unit s-1 or hertz (Hz), where 1 s-1 = 1 Hz; while the unit for wavelength ranges from picometer (pm) for g-radiation to km for TV and radar. The maximum height of a wave on the y-axis, measured from the axis of propagation, is called the amplitude, which oscillates between a positive maximum (peak) to negative minimum (trough) along the y-axis as the wave propagates horizontally along the x-axis. Along the axis of propagation the wave has zero amplitude, and this is called the nodes.
Consider an orange light with l = 6.00 x 102 nm, which has a frequency equal to:
l = 6.00 x 102 nm x (1 x 10-9 m/1 nm) = 6.00 x 10-7 m
n = c/l = (2.9979 x 108 m/s)/(6.00 x 10-7 m) = 5.00 x 1014 s-1 (Hz)
1. A radio station broadcasts on a frequency of 88.5 MHz. What is the wavelength of this radiation in meters and nm, respectively? (c = 2.9979 x 108 m/s)
(Answer: l = 3.39 m; 3.39 x 109 nm)
2. What is the frequency of light with a wavelength of 656 nm and 410. nm, respectively?
(Answer: n = 4.57 x 1014 Hz; n = 7.31 x 1014 Hz
3. (a) Which has the higher frequency, a red light or blue light? (b) Which has the longer wavelength, a red light or blue light? (Answer: (a) blue light; (b) red light)
7.2 The Nature of Matter
Before the 20th century, matter and energy were treated as two separate entities that do not intermingle with each other. Matter was strictly treated as particulate with definite masses, volumes, and a defined location in space. While energy was described as a wave, which has no mass and undefined position in space.
In 1900, Max Planck proposed the quantum theory, which postulates that radiation energy is emitted in “packets” called quanta, such that the energy of each quantum is proportional to the frequency (n) of the radiation.
DEn = nhn = nhc/l;
Where, n is an integer: 1, 2, 3,…, and h = 6.626 x 10-34 J.s. is called the Planck’s constant. Radiation energy is emitted in an integer multiple of hn. For example, if an object emits an orange light with a wavelength of 590 nm, a quantum of its radiation energy would have the value,
En = hn = hc/l) = (6.626 x 10-34 J.s)(2.9979 x 108 m.s-1)/(5.90 x 10-7 m)
= 3.34 x 10-19 J
The energy of a mole of quanta = (3.34 x 10-19 J) x (6.02 x 1023 /mol) = 2.01 x 105 J/mol
1. What is the frequency and radiation energy per quantum of a green light with a wavelength of 486 nm? What is the energy in kilojoules per mole of quanta?
(Answer: 4.09 x 10-19 J/quantum; 246 kJ/mol)
2. Copper(I) chloride, CuCl, when burned emits blue light with a wavelength of 4.50 x 102 nm. What is its energy per quantum for this light? (1 nm = 10-9 m)
(Answer: 4.42 x 10-19 J/quantum)
Einstein’s Explanations of The Photoelectric Effect.
In 1887, Heinrich Hertz discovered that an electric current could be produced by shining light of appropriate wavelength onto the surface of a metal connected to an electrical circuit. This phenomenon is called photoelectric effect. The light beam may be used like a switch to turn the electricity on and off. Experiments on photoelectric effect showed that for a given metal, there is a “threshold” energy value, referred to as the work function, that must be overcome in order to produce photoelectric current. No photoelectric current is produced if light with energy less than this “threshold” value is used. Also different metals were found to exhibit different work function. This minimum energy value was found to be associated with the frequency of light only.
To explain the phenomenon of photoelectric effects, Einstein (in 1905) proposed that a beam of light is composed of a stream of energy quanta called photons. The energy of each photon, Ep, depends only on the frequency of light: Ep = hn = hc/l
According to Einstein, the intensity of light is proportional to the photon density of the light beam. When light strikes a metal surface, a photon carrying a quantum of energy is absorbed by an electron on the metal surface. He suggested that, in order to produce photoelectric effect on a certain metal, each photon must have sufficient energy to overcome the binding energy of the electron. If the photon energy absorbed by the electron is greater than the work function (Eo), electron will be ejected from the metal surface and the excess energy is converted into the kinetic energy (ek) of the ejected electrons. That is,
ek = En - Eo (Eo = threshold energy)
ek = hn - hno (no = threshold frequency)
½meve2 = h(n - no) = hc(1/l - 1/lo);
For light with energy greater than the work function, the higher the intensity, the more electrons will be ejected and more photoelectric current will be produced. However, the kinetic energy of ejected electrons does not change, unless the light frequency is increased.
1. The threshold frequency for platinum is 1.3 x 1015 s-1. What is the minimum light energy per photon needed to produce photoelectric effect on platinum? Can uv light with a wavelength of 210 nm cause photoelectric effect on platinum? If the answer is yes, Calculate the kinetic energy of an electron ejected by light of wavelength 210 nm.
(Answer: 8.6 x 10-19 J/quantum; Yes, 8.5 x 10-20 J)
2. A typical microwave oven uses radiation with a wavelength of 12.2 cm. Calculate the energy, in joules, of (a) a photon; (b) a mole of photons, from a microwave oven.
(Answer: (a) 1.63 x 10-24 J/photon; (b) 0.981 J)
The work of Max Planck and Einstein lead to the following conclusions:
· The energy of matter is quantized – it occurs in discrete units called quanta.
· Light exhibits dual characteristics – it may be explained as a wave character as well as particle character. Certain properties of light, such as light diffraction and interference are best explained using the wave property. Whereas phenomenon like photoelectric effect and radiation energy are best explained using the quantum mechanic concept.
From Einstein’s equation of relativity, E = mc2, and the equation for photon energy, E = hc/l, we obtain the following relationship between mass and wavelength:
E = hc/l = mc2; è l = h/mc
This expression associates light both as wave with wavelength l and as particle with mass m. (Does photon has mass in the real sense? Can we collect photons and weigh them? The answer is NO. Photon has no rest mass like a golf ball. It only has mass in a relativistic sense.)
In 1924, a French physicist named Louis de Broglie (1892-1987) suggested that if light has particulate characteristics, then it is possible that matter may also have a wave-like characteristics. He proposed that a particle of mass m traveling at speed v would exhibit a wave property, such that,
l = h/mv (which is similar to l = h/mc)
The de Broglie equation suggests that matter and energy are not separate entities. The wave characteristics of massive particles like protons and neutrons are insignificant compared to its particulate character, because the value of the Planck’s constant h is negligible compared to their masses. While matter with negligible mass (like photons) show mainly the wave characteristics. On the other hand, matter with an intermediate mass, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons, would be expected to show both the particle and wave properties. In fact, the wave property of electrons was demonstrated by the diffraction of electron beams and this property is employed in electron microscopy. In 1927, C. J. Davisson and L. H. Germer, working at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in N.J., observed that a beam of electrons was diffracted upon passing through a thin metal foil. Thus, it demonstrated the wave-like nature of electrons. This discovery led to the development of the electron diffraction microscopy.
1. Calculate the wavelength (l) associated with (a) an electron, and (b) a neutron, each traveling at 40.0% the speed of light.
(h = 6.63 x 10-34 J.s; c = 3.00 x 108 m/s; me = 9.11 x 10-31 kg; mn = 1.73 x 10-27 kg)
(Answer: (a) 6.06 pm; (b) 3.19 x 10-3 pm)
2. How fast should an electron travel in order to exhibit a wavelength of 0.100 nm?
(Answer: 7.28 x 106 m/s)
Interactions of Matter with Light
Light consists of a wide spectrum of frequencies and wavelengths. Only a small portion of the light spectrum is visible to our naked eyes and this is called the visible region, which spans from the edge of red color (l = 780 nm) to the violet color (l = 400 nm). The interactions of matter with specific regions of the light spectrum cause certain changes, such as the electron configuration, vibrational and rotational energy, as well as the nuclear system of the substance. The following table lists some of these interactions and what changes might result from them.
Changes in matter associated with various types of Electromagnetic Radiations
Radiation Approx. l Frequency (n) Associated change in matter
g-rays 0.01 pm ~ 1022 Hz changes in nuclear structure
X-rays 0.1 nm ~ 1018 Hz Inner-shell electronic transition
uv-radiation 200 nm ~ 1015 Hz (Outer-shell electron transitions in
visible region 500 nm ~ 1014 Hz (atoms and molecules.
IR radiation 15 m ~ 1013 Hz vibrations of atoms in molecules
Microwave 1 cm ~ 1010 Hz Rotation of molecules
Radio (NMR) 10 m ~ 107 Hz modification of nuclear spins
Television 1 km ~ 105 Hz translational motion of molecules
7.3 The Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen
When an ordinary light passes through a prism or a diffraction grating, it produces a continuous spectrum, which contains light of all wavelength. However, light emitted from a discharged gas, when passed through a prism, produces a spectrum that contains several (discrete) lines with specific wavelengths and frequencies characteristics of the element. For example, the emission spectrum from a hydrogen gas discharge shows four (4) discrete lines in the visible region, at wavelengths 656.3, 486.1, 434.0 and 410.1 nm. This line spectrum is characteristics for hydrogen gas; other gases exhibit different sets of line spectra. In fact, elements produce flame with distinctive colors that can be used for their identification. The following table lists some elements and their distinctive flame colors.
Elements Flame Color Element Flame Color_____
Lithium carmine Calcium orange-red
Sodium orange-yellow Strontium brick-red
Potassium violet Barium yellowish green
Rubidium red Copper azure blue
Hydrogen discharge lamp appears red because of the prominently intense red line at 656.3 nm; while sodium vapor produces an orange flame due to two intense lines at about 588 nm. In 1885, Johann Balmer introduced the following mathematical expression to correlate visible lines in the hydrogen spectrum:
1/l = RH(1/22 - 1/n2); (where n = 3, 4, 5,...., and RH = 1.097 x 107 m-1)
Spectral lines that conform to the Balmer’s formula are called the Balmer series. For hydrogen spectrum, the Balmer’s series occurs in the visible region of light. Other series of lines are also observed in different regions of the light spectrum. For example, the set of spectral lines that appear in the uv region is called the Lyman series, which are defined by the expression:
1/l = RH(1 - 1/n2); (where n = 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., and RH = 1.097 x 107 m-1)
The following mathematical expressions describe various spectral series of the hydrogen spectrum:
1. 1/l = RH(1/n12 - 1/n22); (where, n1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...; n2 > n1)