North Canton Little League

Local Rules – 50/70

Rev 1/17

Team Play:

·  A team must field 9 players. A team may play a game with 8 players, but it will be a FORFEIT.

·  If a team cannot come up with 9 players, they may borrow a player(s) from the minor leagues, based on the minor league player rep’s process. These substitutes may not pitch for the major league team. They must play the league minimum number of innings (2), but not exceed that limit if major league players are sitting on the bench. They must bat at the end of the batting order.

·  No new inning may begin after 8PM on school nights.

·  Saturday games will start at 10:00 (and 1:00), and no new inning will start after 12:15 (or 3:15).

·  All games will be scheduled for 6 innings.

·  A continuous batting order will be in effect.

·  Every player must be in the field by the 3rd inning.

·  Every member of the team must play at least 2 innings of defense.

·  A player that is being held out of a game for disciplinary reasons must first be cleared with the major league rep.


·  Starting June 1st, at least 35 pitches or 2 innings each game must be pitched by 11-year old pitcher(s). One inning must be complete by the 4th inning. The innings do not need to be consecutive if pitched by different players.

·  There will be no intentional walks in regular season games.

·  A pitcher that hits 3 batters in a game must be replaced.

·  No Pitcher re-entry will be allowed.


·  Players throwing equipment are subject to a warning and then dismissal from the game.

·  Regular season play will use LL majors approved bats

·  Little League’s ‘One foot in the batter’s box’ rule will be used for regular season play.

·  Once there are 2 outs, a courtesy runner will be inserted for a baserunner who will be catching the next inning.


·  Before the game begins, each team should present the official scorer with a team batting order including each player’s age and uniform number.

·  Equipment is to be returned immediately upon completion of the city tournament.

·  Any ejection calls for an automatic review before the league grievance committee.


·  The home team shall occupy the 3rd base dugout.

·  When lightning is sighted, all games will be stopped for 20 minutes. Please direct players to their cars to wait out the suspension.

·  For purposes of wins and losses, LL majors rule book wording will determine complete game situations.

·  No metal spikes may be worn.

·  The home team will provide the official scorekeeper and the visiting team will provide the official pitch counter for each game. They will sit together in proximity of the home plate umpire.